Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The 1996 Testimony That Should Have Stopped DOMA Before It Started
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
CA Chick-fil-A Gives Away Free Food At Marriage-Equality Rally

Chick-Fil-A owner Dan Cathy has repeatedly voiced his opposition to gay marriage, and the chain has continued its donations to anti-gay organizations, but Corey Braun, the owner-operator of a Rancho Cucamonga Chick-fil-A, said that despite Cathy's record with the LGBT community, the franchise “has never been about hate.”
“There were a lot of things said over the past year,” Braun told the Daily Bulletin. “I wanted to show that Chick-fil-A doesn’t discriminate against anybody. We serve everyone. We’re happy to serve the community and this was an opportunity to have this group come in and show them our hospitality regardless of their beliefs, sexual orientation, or whatever. ”
“Gay Marriage Already Won”
As the Supreme Court considers its verdicts on the two marriage-equality cases, Time magazine devoted its cover to the issue with two covers depicting an intimate moment between same-sex couples. And yes, the couples are real: Sarah Kate Ellis-Henderson and Kristen Ellis-Henderson tied the knot in New York and are raising two children. California natives Russell Hart and Eric LaBonte (right) are waiting for same-sex marriage to be legal to get hitched.
“Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it seems clear that the majority of Americans feel marriage is a civil right and that denying that right to people because of their sexual orientation is a violation of equal protection under the law,” writes managing editor Rick Stengel. “We had a long debate in our offices about this week’s cover images of two same-sex couples. Some thought they were sensationalist and too in-your-face. Others felt the images were beautiful and symbolized the love that is at the heart of the idea of marriage. I agree with the latter, and I hope you do too.”
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Justice Roberts Has a Gay Cousin and She's Coming to Prop. 8 Trial
The lesbian cousin of Chief Justice John Roberts has the hottest ticket in D.C.: a seat at this week's Supreme Court hearing on California's marriage equality ban.
Jean Podrasky, the first cousin of Roberts, lives in San Francisco and tells the Los Angeles Times she hopes to marry her partner of four years. Podrasky is an avid gay rights supporter and campaigned against Prop. 8 before voters narrowly passed the constitutional amendment in November 2008.
Podrasky, along with her partner, sister, and niece will attend Tuesday's hearing on Prop. 8., sitting in seats reserved for Roberts's family (Podrasky and family members will also attend Wednesday's hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act). Podrasky obtained the tickets through Roberts's sister; Podrasky appears to be on very good terms with her cousins, who she is related to through Roberts's mother.
"[Justice Roberts] is a smart man," she told the Times. "He is a good man. I believe he sees where the tide is going. I do trust him. I absolutely trust that he will go in a good direction."
Monday, March 25, 2013
Constitutional Ban On Same-Sex Marriage
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization For Marriage, on Friday spoke with conservative talk radio host Steve Deace and announced that if gays win at the Supreme Court, NOM will demand a federal ban on same-sex marriage written into the constitution.
Brown also invoked President Abraham Lincoln, coming closely to suggesting same-sex marriage is slavery — at least for one side:
“We need a solution in this country, we cannot be, as Lincoln said, half slave, half free. We can’t have a country on key moral questions where we’re just, where we don’t have a solution.”
The Supreme Court, as all of America knows, will hear two landmark same-sex marriage cases this week: DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 that bans the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages, and Prop 8.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Youthful Perspective on Same Sex marriage
Testifying in Rhode Island: “My parents and all the other gay and lesbian people here just want to be happy, just like you,” Matthew added:
“All they want is to be treated fairly. But unlike most of you, they have to come again here year after year and explain over and over why their love is equal to yours. This year, you have the opportunity to change that. I say, choose love.”
“All they want is to be treated fairly. But unlike most of you, they have to come again here year after year and explain over and over why their love is equal to yours. This year, you have the opportunity to change that. I say, choose love.”
Saturday, March 23, 2013
ENDA under review prior to April reintroduction
In an interview with the Washington Blade on Wednesday, Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), the senior openly gay member of the U.S. House, announced that he plans to introduce in April the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a measure that would bar workplace discrimination against LGBT people.
“I’ll be the lead author of ENDA, which we are at least planning to reintroduce in April,” Polis said.
Multiple sources familiar with ENDA say the legislation is being reconsidered before its reintroduction in the 113th Congress, and maintain no final decisions on the bill have been made.
It’s unclear what the nature of the changes might be, but one source familiar with ENDA told the Washington Blade the bill is being reconsidered with respect to religious exemption and disparate impact to make the legislation’s protections stronger for LGBT workers than previously written. The changes are being considered under the assumption the legislation won’t pass anyway with Republicans in control of the U.S. House.
ENDA has previously included a strong religious exemption. In the most recent version of the bill, Section 6 provided an exemption for religious organizations and businesses that were also exempt under Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964.
Friday, March 22, 2013
We support marriage equality, and if you don’t like it, sell your stock
Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz on Wednesday defended the company’s decision to support marriage equality, and told investors that if they weren't on board, they could sell their stock and go elsewhere.
Last year, the Seattle-based company announced its support for legalizing same-sex marriage in Washington state, prompting opponents of the measure — notably the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage — to launch a boycott of Starbucks.
At the company’s annual meeting Wednesday, shareholder Tom Strobhar described Starbucks’ first-quarter performance as disappointing, and suggested that was due in part to the boycott.
“In the first fill quarter after this boycott was announced, our sales and our earrings — shall we say politely — were a bit disappointing,” Strobhar said.
Unfazed, Schultz replied that the company’s decision to support marriage equality was not the bottom line, but about respecting diversity, reported KPLU.
“If you feel, respectfully, that you can get a higher return than the 38 percent you got last year, it’s a free country. You can sell your shares of Starbucks and buy shares in another company. Thank you very much,” he said, to loud applause from the audience.
He said the company had delivered a healthy return last year, regardless of the boycott.
Colorado governor signs same-sex civil unions bill into law
'Once and for all, LGBT Coloradans are not strangers to the law'
A new era of rights and responsibilities for the state’s gay and lesbian community began March 21 after Colorado Gov. John W. Hickenlooper signed into law the Colorado Civil Union Act.
A new era of rights and responsibilities for the state’s gay and lesbian community began March 21 after Colorado Gov. John W. Hickenlooper signed into law the Colorado Civil Union Act.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
United For Marriage
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
It is a mixed bag depending on the state
Tennessee state House OK’s bill allowing discrimination by college clubs
The Tennessee House of Representatives on Monday passed a bill that would prohibit public universities and colleges from implementing non-discrimination policies for student groups.
The bill, sponsored by Republican Rep. Mark Pody of Lebanon, passed by a vote of 75-21. The measure would allow student groups to discriminate in their policies and membership, and exclude anyone not committed to the organization’s mission.
Resolution seeks to repeal Nevada’s ban on same-sex marriage
A resolution to repeal a section of the Nevada Constitution defining marriage as between and man and a woman, paving the way to legalize same-sex marriage, has been introduced in the Nevada Senate.
Vermont House passes bill requiring equal heath coverage for married and gay couples
The Vermont House of Representatives has voted to require out-of-state companies that offer health coverage to the spouses of opposite-sex married couples to provide the same benefits to same-sex couples.
Advocates say the measure would go a long way toward extending the rights of gay and lesbian couples in Vermont.
Progressive Party Rep. Chris Pearson of Burlington, who co-sponsored the legislation, said it’s an important step in an “ongoing process” of “peeling back the layers of discrimination.”
Chipotle Cancels Sponsorship of Utah Boy Scout Event Over Antigay Policy

Chipotle Mexican Grill announced today that has cancelled its sponsorship of the Utah Scout-A-Rama, just one day after the company confirmed that the Boy Scouts' ban on gay members violates the company's antidiscrimination policy.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
‘Self-Appointed Judges’ Should Not Decide Gay Marriage
Carly Fiorina believes that “self-appointed judges” should not be allowed to decide important issues like same-sex marriage.
Specifically, Carly Fiorina, while on ABC News’ “This Week,” told journalist Martha Radditz that “a bunch of self-important, self-appointed judges” should not be allowed to decide on “very personal issues” like same-sex marriage.
Fiorina, you’ll remember, was the Republican challenger to U.S. Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer of California. Fiorina, you’ll remember, lost, 52.2 percent to 42.2 percent. Which of course makes her opinion totally valid.
Carly Fiorina believes that “self-appointed judges” should not be allowed to decide important issues like same-sex marriage.
Specifically, Carly Fiorina, while on ABC News’ “This Week,” told journalist Martha Radditz that “a bunch of self-important, self-appointed judges” should not be allowed to decide on “very personal issues” like same-sex marriage.
Fiorina, you’ll remember, was the Republican challenger to U.S. Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer of California. Fiorina, you’ll remember, lost, 52.2 percent to 42.2 percent. Which of course makes her opinion totally valid.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll reveals that support for marriage equality is at a new high:
The poll shows that 58 percent of Americans now believe it should be legal for gay and lesbian couples to get married; 36 percent say it should be illegal. Public attitudes toward gay marriage are a mirror image of what they were a decade ago: in 2003, 37 percent favored gay nuptials, and 55 percent opposed them...
...Among young adults age 18 to 29, support for gay marriage is overwhelming, hitting a record high of 81 percent in the new poll. Support has also been increasing among older adults, but those aged 65 years old and up remain opposed, on balance: 44 percent say same-sex marriage should be legal; 50 percent say illegal...
..A slim majority of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents under 50 years old now support gay marriage. Nearly seven in 10 of those aged 65 and up oppose it, although that is down from more than eight in 10 just four years ago.
Monday, March 18, 2013
John Boehner ‘can’t imagine’ ever supporting marriage equality
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U.S. House Speaker John Boehner says he cannot imagine a situation where his opposition to same-sex marriage would change, not even if a child of his or another loved one came out as gay.
Boehner’s remarks come in response to Republican U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, also of Ohio, who reversed his longtime opposition to marriage equality this week, after announcing that his son Will is gay.
DOMA Is Costing Us $18 Billion And Counting
Ned Flaherty of Marriage Equality USA does the math for us in a piece in PolicyMic:
In 2004, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that if state and federal governments honored same-gender marriage nationwide from 2005 through 2015, the net effect would benefit the federal budget’s bottom line — by nearly $10 billion.
Even though expenses would increase for federal programs such as veterans, pensions, and Social Security, those costs would be more than offset by: (1) decreased costs for programs such as elderly/disabled benefits, Medicaid, and Medicare, and (2) increased tax revenue because people pay more taxes when they’re married than when they’re single. Furthermore, the U.S. Census Bureau confirmed that over the last decade, the number of same-gender couples grew in every single state, and grew nationally from 358,390 to 646,464 couples.
Had the Budget Office known nine years ago about that 80% increase, and also known that actual couples are 15% more than Census figures indicate, then the net $10 billion calculated in 2004 would have been estimated as far larger.
No More Straight Weddings Until...
A Methodist church in Winston-Salem, N.C., said it will no longer perform marriages for heterosexual couples until United Methodist pastors are allowed to officiate at marriages for same-sex couples.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Supreme Court Grants Obama Administration Speaking Time in Prop 8 Oral Arguments
The Supreme Court has granted the Department of Justice speaking time in the Prop 8 case, the Washington Blade reports:
In court orders on Friday, justices announced the U.S. Solicitor General will be allowed speaking time for oral arguments in the case, which are scheduled for March 26.
“The motion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument is granted,” the orders states.
The Justice Department had filed a request for speaking time in the oral arguments shortly after it filed a legal brief against Prop 8.
“The motion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus curiae and for divided argument is granted,” the orders states.
The Justice Department had filed a request for speaking time in the oral arguments shortly after it filed a legal brief against Prop 8.
Chick-Fil-A: Almost Twice As Anti-Gay In 2011
And then there is him...
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) on how he felt about Senator Rob Portman's reversal on marriage equality.
When pressed on whether he'd make the same switch for his own child if he or she came out of the closet, Chaffetz indicated that he would not:
"I would love them with all of my heart, all my heart, absolutely...I just believe in traditional marriage, that's what i believe in. And I believe somebody who is gay can still be very happy and thrive and we want nothing with but the best for them. I don't want to discriminate against them, but I just happen to believe in traditional marriage."
Friday, March 15, 2013
Safe Schools Act re-introduced in U.S. House

The Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) would require schools and school districts across the country that receive federal funds to adopt codes of conduct specifically prohibiting bullying and harassment, including on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.
Microsoft Commercial Features Lesbian Wedding
The latest ad from Microsoft is a reflection of the shifting attitude toward marriage equality in the mainstream.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Supreme Court and Prop 8
Boies, 72, said his biggest fear is that most of the nine sitting justices "are my age or older" and have grown up in an environment of "extreme hostility to homosexuals." He added, "Judges are supposed to put that aside and our very best judges do, but it's not an easy task."
I cannot imagine a constitutional justification for gay marriage bans

Signaling further evolution on the issue of marriage equality for gays and lesbians, President Barack Obama said he could not imagine a circumstance in which a state could legally justify banning same-sex marriage.
In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, scheduled to air Wednesday evening on “Nightline,” Obama waded into an issue he initially said should be left to the states.
“What I believe is that if the states don’t have a good justification for [banning same-sex marriage], then it probably doesn't stand up to constitutional muster,” he said.
Lawmakers supported the bill 77 to 44 in the second of three votes needed for a bill to be approved. The second vote is typically the most crucial one. The third and final vote is likely to be little more than a formality and could be taken as early as next month.
Wednesday’s vote came after a committee of lawmakers considered emails and letters from thousands of New Zealanders.
More than 200 people crammed into the Parliament’s public gallery to watch lawmakers debate the bill before they voted at about 10:15 p.m. The mostly young crowd clapped and cheered for lawmakers who spoke in support of the bill, and sat in silence for those who spoke in opposition.
More than 200 people crammed into the Parliament’s public gallery to watch lawmakers debate the bill before they voted at about 10:15 p.m. The mostly young crowd clapped and cheered for lawmakers who spoke in support of the bill, and sat in silence for those who spoke in opposition.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
4th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down Va. sodomy laws
A long-standing “Crimes against Nature” law, which criminalized anal and oral sex in Virginia has been found unconstitutional by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
In a 2-1 ruling, a panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the Virginia law violates the U.S. Constitution’s due process clause.
‘Concerned father and husband’ testifies same-sex marriage will spread AIDS
Mike Frey, a self-described “concerned Minnesotan father and husband,” on Tuesday testified before a Minnesota state House committee hearing on a proposed same-sex marriage bill, and offered a jaw-dropping, graphic lesson in anal sex, concluding that same-sex marriage would lead to the spread of AIDS, resulting in a “health risk to the society at large.”
Minnesota committees approve same-sex marriage bill
A Minnesota House committee voted to advance a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage.
The House Civil Law Committee approved the measure on a 10-7 party-line vote, with all Democrats in favor and all Republicans opposed.
The vote comes just hours after the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Senate version of the bill, advancing it to the full Senate.
A Minnesota Senate committee has voted to advance a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage.
The Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed the bill on a five-to-three vote, with all Democrats in favor and all Republicans opposed. It now heads to the Senate floor, where a final vote is not expected until much later in the session.
New Pope ‘Francis’ From Argentina Has Called Gay Marriage Of The Devil
The Vatican conclave has chosen a new pope, to be named “Francis” or “Francisco.” Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is 76, was the runner-up to Pope Benedict XVI eight years ago during the last papal vote. He will be the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church, and the first from Argentina.
Bergoglio, a Jesuit, has been the Archbishop of Buenos Aires since 1998, and was elevated to Cardinal in 2001.
Bergoglio of course is especially anti-gay, and in 2010 wrote of Argentina’s efforts to legalize same-sex marriage:
“Let’s not be naive, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”
He reportedly also calls adoption of children by same-sex couples a form of discrimination against children.
12 States That Will Probably Legalize Gay Marriage in 2013-2014

Twelve more states are adopting same-gender civil marriage in 2013-2014. Moreover, they're doing it 13 times faster than in 1990, when three same-gender couples first sought civil marriage licenses in Hawaii. The first wave of 10 states took 22 years (1990-2012). But the second wave — 12 more states — is finishing in just two years (2013-2014). What used to average over 26 months per state is now averaging just eight weeks each.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Colorado House Passes Civil Unions
he Colorado house approved a bill to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples on Tuesday, and Gov. John Hickenlooper is expected to sign the bill into law.
Passing the legislation was a key move for Democrats, who took control of the House in the 2012 election. The house chamber erupted in applause when House Democrats and two Republicans voted in favor of the bill, with the final count at 39-26.
"We really do stand on the edge of history," Rep. Pete Lee said, according to the Associated Press. "For some in this chamber, this is the reason why we are here."
The Colorado Civil Union Act is a particular landmark, as the state voted to constitutionally ban same-sex marriages seven years ago.
Mall Apologizes for Kicking Out Kissing Gay Couple

Representatives for the Westfield Galleria Mall in Roseville, Calif. formally apologized for a security guard who allegedly ejected a gay couple from the mall after they shared a kiss in public, according to Towleroad. Daniel Chesmore and boyfriend Jose Guzman say that, at most, they shared a kiss on the cheek, a hug, and held hands while at the Westfield Galleria last week. That's when a security guard told them they were violating mall rules regarding public displays of affection.
At a kiss-in protest held outside the mall on Saturday, a gay employee delivered the company's formal apology. Approximately 250 LGBT couples attended the demonstration, reports the Roseville Patch.
"I'm here today to unequivocally state that everyone is welcome here at Westfield," said Keith Kaplan, Westfield's vice president of development. "And we sincerely apologize for any actions taken by any of us that made anyone feel otherwise. I am particularly proud to represent our company at this event. I live in Hollywood with my partner, Mike, of over 20 years."
Four More Years — Of Ellen!
The Emmy-award winning daytime talk show hosted by America's favorite out funny lady just secured a spot on NBC through 2014.
Monday, March 11, 2013
‘I Don’t Think That’s A Sex Scandal In 2013′

The website Fits News, on which the story ran, features a mix of political news, insider political gossip and photographs of scantily clad women.
Condon said the story suggested she was engaged in an adulterous relationship that could bring discredit on the county or Charleston County Council. But that isn’t true, she said.
She was married for 15 years, she said. She and her ex-husband separated amicably in 2011. They have since divorced and share custody of their son. The relationship in which she currently is involved did not begin until she and her ex-husband were legally separated, she said.
County Council chairman Teddie Pryor dismissed as unimportant Condon’s comments, which she made at the end of a Finance Committee meeting during time set aside for individual council members’ comments.
“That’s your business,” Pryor told Condon.
Chick-fil-A is gone for good from Emory University
"Perhaps the franchise’s sales plummeted, or perhaps it simply it no longer fit in the campus’s 'master planning."
New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage
Goal of conservative-backed parenting study was to influence SCOTUS decisions on gay marriage, docs show
The conservative funders who bankrolled a flawed and widely cited academic study that's critical of gay marriage choreographed its release in time to influence “major decisions of the Supreme Court,” documents show.
The documents, recently obtained through public-records requests by The American Independent and published in collaboration with The Huffington Post, show that the Witherspoon Institute recruited a professor from a major university to carry out a study that was designed to manipulate public policy. In communicating with donors about the research project, Witherspoon’s president clearly expected results unfavorable to the gay-marriage movement.
The think tank’s efforts paid off. The New Family Structures Study came out just in time for opponents of gay marriage to cite it in multiple federal cases involving marriage equality – including two cases soon to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
James Wright, editor of Social Science Research, which published the study’s findings last summer, said he was not aware of the funders’ intentions to use his academic journal to sway the Supreme Court.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Native American Tribe In Michigan Enacts Marriage Equality
The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians has become the third tribal nation in the United State to pass a marriage–equality statute. The Michigan-based tribe will now perform same-sex weddings and recognize those performed elsewhere.
A similar measure failed last July by a single vote. The tribe now joins the Coquille of Southern Oregon and the Suquamish of Washington State.
“We have our own constitution, our own court system, and our own government, police force [and], Department of Natural Resources, so it’s our right to express equality,” said former Odawa Council Chairman Ken Harrington. “In my mind, we’re all equal in our creator’s eye.”
A tribal LGBT equality toolkit released by Indigenous Ways of Knowing in 2012 is geared toward helping Native communities enact inclusive laws and practices.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Cardinal O’Brien Admits To Sexual Misconduct

Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who was the senior most Roman Catholic official in the U.K., resigned last week under pressure from three priests and an ex-priest who alleged he had behaved inappropriately towards them in the 1980s. O’Brien had previously denied the allegations and was seeking legal advice.
In a statement released to the BBC, O’Brien apologized and asked for forgiveness to those he had “offended”:
“In recent days, certain allegations which have been made against me have become public. Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them. However, I wish to take this opportunity to admit that there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal.To those I have offended, I apologise and ask forgiveness. To the Catholic Church and people of Scotland, I also apologize. I will now spend the rest of my life in retirement. I will play no further part in the public life of the Catholic Church in Scotland.”
Sunday, March 3, 2013
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