Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Danish scientists are expecting results that will show that “finding a mass-distributable and affordable cure to HIV is possible.” They are conducting clinical trials to test a “novel strategy” in which the HIV virus is stripped from human DNA and destroyed permanently by the immune system.
ESPN Sportscaster Chris Broussard Says Jason Collins is 'Living in Unrepentant Sin'
ESPN sportscaster Chris Broussard had a few things to say about NBA player Jason Collins, who became the first out gay male player in pro sports today, Think Progress reports.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
At Wedding, Bride Hands Bouquet to Lesbian Sister in Hopes She Can Marry
Natasha Frost and Tony Friesen were married this week in Minnesota. They decided to make a statement with the flower toss. Natasha Frost, the bride, handed the bouquet to her sister Nitara Frost and Tabatha Trahan ( Nitara's partner of over 7 years) and their five children. They urged all attendees to contact their Minnesota state legislators to let them know they want all MN couples to have the freedom to marry. Nitara and Tabatha exchanged rings over 7 years ago and then started their family which includes 5 beautiful children. The couple is committed to each other in the families eyes and is waiting for the time they can be legally married.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Latest HIV vaccine doesn’t work
The latest bad news in the hunt for an AIDS vaccine: The government halted a large U.S. study on Thursday, saying the experimental shots aren’t preventing HIV infection.
Nor did the shots reduce the amount of the AIDS virus in the blood when people who’d been vaccinated later became infected, according to the National Institutes of Health, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
“It’s disappointing,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. But, “there was important information gained from this” study that will help determine what to try next.
The study had enrolled 2,504 volunteers, mostly gay men, in 19 cities since 2009. Half received dummy shots, and half received a two-part experimental vaccine developed by the NIH. All were provided free condoms and given extensive counseling about the risks for HIV.
It’s a strategy known as “prime-boost.” A DNA-based vaccine made with genetically engineered HIV material is given to prime the immune system to attack the AIDS virus. Then a different vaccine, encasing the same material inside a shell made of a disabled cold virus, acts as a booster shot to strengthen that response. Neither vaccine could cause HIV.
The idea: Train immune cells known as T cells to spot and attack the very earliest HIV-infected cells in someone’s body. The hope was that the vaccine could either prevent HIV infection, or help those infected anyway to fight it.
A safety review this week found that slightly more study participants who had received the vaccine later became infected with HIV. It’s not clear why. But the difference wasn’t statistically significant, meaning it may be due to chance.
'I Have a Daughter. I'm Black. I'm Gay'
Nevada state senator Kelvin Atkinson came out of the closet during debate before the body voted to repeal the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Said Atkinson: "If [marriage equality] somehow interrupts your marriage, then your marriage was in trouble in the first place."
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Rhode Island ‘Will Have The Welcome Mat Out’

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Boy Scouts Say Under 18 And Gay now OK
The new Boy Scouts Of America proposed policy would allow gay or bisexual youth and teens to participate in Scouting, but once they become legal adults, they would be forced out of the Boy Scouts — specifically because they are gay. The Scouts’ National Council will vote on them measure in May.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Boy Scouts to Recommend Admitting Gay Youth But Still Bar Gay Adults
Boy Scouts of America officials are going to call for an end to the organization’s ban on gay scouts but recommend continuing to prohibit gay adults from serving as troop leaders.
The resolution still must be voted on by the organization’s national council in May, but if it is approved, “no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone,” BSA spokesman Deron Smith told the Reuters news service. But it would leave in place the ban on openly gay adult leaders, the Associated Press notes. The proposed policy was published on the BSA leadership blog today, and an accompanying statement confirms that it “would maintain the current membership policy for all adult leaders.”
The group had earlier indicated it might adopt a policy of allowing each individual troop to set its own policy on admitting LGBT scouts and leaders. The proposal unveiled today came after several months of research and surveys, BSA officials said.
Friday, April 19, 2013
"Define Me"
Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Ryan Amador is out with a beautiful new video for his song "Define Me" featuring Jo Lampert of the band Avan Lava, which deals with the unwanted labels put on people because of their sexuality.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
New Zealand MP Delivers Hilarious and Uplifting Speech to Parliament About Gay Marriage
New Zealand MP Maurice Williamson gave one of the greatest speeches ever delivered at a marriage equality debate last night in the NZ parliament.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The New Zealand Parliament Break Into Song as Gay Marriage is Legalized
Hundreds of spectators in the gallery of New Zealand's parliament broke into a rendition of the love song “Pokarekare Ana” in the indigenous Maori language after the marriage equality bill was passed.
New Zealand Becomes 13th Nation to Approve Marriage Equality
New Zealand has legalized same-sex marriage in a 77-44 vote on a third and final reading of the bill, the New Zealand Herald reports:
The bill will take effect in mid August and comes 27 years after New Zealand decriminalised homosexuality.
Same-sex marriage supporters at the Campaign for Marriage Equality party in Wellington cheered loudly and applauded as the bill was passed into law.
More than a hundred supporters gathered at the San Francisco Bath House bar on Wellington's Cuba St to watch the vote. They will be joined later tonight by the bill's sponsor, Labour MP Louisa Wall, who is expected to be welcomed with a haka before addressing supporters.
There was a din of anticipation in the moments before the vote was announced, followed by a hush as the vote was read.
Same-sex marriage supporters at the Campaign for Marriage Equality party in Wellington cheered loudly and applauded as the bill was passed into law.
More than a hundred supporters gathered at the San Francisco Bath House bar on Wellington's Cuba St to watch the vote. They will be joined later tonight by the bill's sponsor, Labour MP Louisa Wall, who is expected to be welcomed with a haka before addressing supporters.
There was a din of anticipation in the moments before the vote was announced, followed by a hush as the vote was read.
The bar then erupted into cheers and applause. Supporters embraced and joined in a waiata following the vote.
Brazil, Mexico, and of course, the U.S. offer it in parts of the country
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
New Zealand Poised to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage on Wednesday
New Zealand is set to passed marriage equality this week, TVNZ reports:
Labour MP Louisa Wall's marriage equality member's bill is due to have its third reading in Parliament on Wednesday night. The bill passed its committee stages with 77 votes to 43 last month and little change was anticipated for the final vote. Big crowds, including a few celebrities, were expected to be in Parliament's public gallery to witness the vote.
Once the bill is passed it will be four months before the first same-sex couples can be married.
Once the bill is passed it will be four months before the first same-sex couples can be married.
Chelsea Lately Is Very Excited About African Gay Wedding
The Chelsea Lately panel was elated by the news that two men in South Africa — Tshepo Cameron Modisane and Thoba Calvin Sithol — recently had the country's first marriage in a traditional ceremony.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Ireland will hold referendum aimed at legalizing same-sex marriage

The convention voted 79 percent in favor of amending the constitution to allow for same-sex marriage, 19 percent voted against, and the remainder had no opinion, reported the Irish Times.
Jonathan Knight Opens Up About Being Outed

The New Kids On The Block singer recently opened up to Gay Times, in which he talks about being outed by popstar and former beard, Tiffany. ”I felt stupid having to make a public statement,” he says in the new issue. “Even when the band got back together in 2008, New Kids fans knew I was gay. Everyone did.”
While he may have lived an open life, it wasn’t quite public knowledge. And former outing king, Perez Hilton, was one of the ones that was determined to break the news.
“Perez tried to out me many times and I hate that guy for doing that. I was already gay and living a gay lifestyle but he wanted me to talk about it. Why? My brother and the rest of the guys don’t go on interviews saying ‘I’m straight” etc. so why do I need to just because I’m gay? People like him want me to talk about it to make themselves feel better. They think ‘I’m gay so I want to make sure everybody knows I’m not the only one out there.’ I hate that.”
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Potential Supreme Court Rulings on Prop. 8 and Marriage Equality
The Supreme Court is expected to rule by the end of its term in June on whether Proposition 8, California’s ban on marriage for gay and lesbian couples, violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Delaware Unveils Marriage Equality Bill
Just days after Delaware Gov. Jack Markell said that marriage equality can happen in the state, "and it can happen this year," state legislators filed a marriage equality bill.
Most of the state's political leadership, including the governor, lieutenant governor Matt Denn, Speaker of the House Beau Biden, and Senate President Pro Tempore Patricia Blevins, announced the introduction of marriage equality legislation outside the City and County building in Wilmington, Del. on Thursday afternoon.
The legislative procedure for changing Delaware's laws to encompass marriage equality is relatively simple, reports Slate. Delaware has a state-level marriage statute that prohibits marriage between "people of the same gender," but voters there never amended the state constitution to ban the practice, according to Slate. As such, the legislation aims to revise the statute language and establish marriage equality in the securely democratic state that's home to Vice President Joe Biden.
Given the state's strong Democratic base — democrats control the Governor's office and both houses of the legislature — equality supporters don't anticipate a drawn-out fight toward equality.
Oklahoma House Democrats Walk Out on Vote Affirming 'One Man One Woman' Marriage
The Oklahoma House yesterday voted 84-0 in favor of a resolution backing one man-one woman marriage but not before half of the chamber's 29 Democrats walked out instead of voting.
The resolution's sponsor State Rep. Bob Cleveland told KOCO: "There's been a few emails saying that I'm spewing hate. I didn't say anything about hate. There's no hate in there at all."
He can't understand why anybody might have walked out.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
California tax bill seeks to punish Boy Scouts for anti-gay ban

Some cities have withdrawn free rent and other subsidies from the Boy Scouts over the years, but legislation introduced by Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara would make California the first U.S. state to target the Scouts for its anti-gay policy.
The bill is scheduled for its first committee hearing Wednesday
Gay Marriage Law Passes Crucial Vote In France
Gays and lesbians in France may soon be able to marry and become parents.
The marriage equality bill currently before lawmakers would grant French same-sex couples the right to wed and jointly adopt children.
Although the first article of the bill, which removes all gender references from marriage applications, was approved in the National Assembly on Feb. 2, opponents added more than 5,000 amendments in order to slow down the legislation's passage. Final approval of the whole bill occurred on Feb. 12 with a vote of 329 to 229, the CBC reported.
'Sodomy! Zygotes! Welfare!'
"Sodomy! Zygotes! Welfare!", Jon Stewart took a look at several ridiculous red state moves of late, culminating in a bizarre education initiative by a Tennessee senator who thinks AIDS started because of a love affair between a man and a monkey.
Gay Marriage Is About Freedom And "The Principle Of It Is Right"
Glenn Beck told listeners he understands why the marriage battle has been lost by conservatives, Right Wing Watch reports:
"It's not about gays, it's not about homosexuals. It's about freedom. The reason why they have won is because they've made it about freedom....That's why they won. Because the principle of it is right. The principle is easy to understand: "Who are you to say?..."
The Montana House voted to move a bill that would remove the state statutes criminalizing gay sex out of the House Judiciary Committee to the agenda for a full House vote following a passionate motion from 28-year-old Rep. Bryce Bennett (D-Missoula), the state's first openly gay male lawmaker.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Gay marriage supporters should resist Communion
The Catholic Archbishop of Detroit says that that Catholics who receive Communion while advocating in favor of same-sex marriage is an act of “perjury,” while a local theology professor advised that those who “promote” gay marriage should not try to receive holy Communion.
Matt Salmon's Gay Son Talks Congressman Father's Same-Sex Marriage Opposition
The openly gay son of Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) spoke at length about his father's controversial opposition of same-sex marriage as well as his personal experiences with reparative, or "ex-gay," therapy in a new interview.
Matt R. Salmon, 24, tells AZ Central that his father "doesn't support gay marriage, but that doesn't make him anti-gay at all...my father and I have a great relationship, he's one of my close friends."
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Landrieu told CNN National Political Correspondent Jim Acosta in an interview Friday that she personally believes "people should love who they love and marry who they want to marry," but that her obligation rests with the people of Louisiana who elected her.
"My state has a very strong constitutional amendment not only against gay marriage but against gay partnerships. So I'm looking at the people of Louisiana trying to represent their interests," she said.
"My state has a very strong constitutional amendment not only against gay marriage but against gay partnerships. So I'm looking at the people of Louisiana trying to represent their interests," she said.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Ayanbadejo, who was given recognition along with Kluwe from former NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue at the event Thursday night, predicted that more than one player may come out as gay during their playing career. Ayanbadejo said the groundwork is being laid to reduce the pressure on such a player, and said as many as four players could conceivably come out simultaneously.
"I think it will happen sooner than you think," Ayanbadejo said. "We're in talks with a handful of players who are considering it. There are up to four players being talked to right now and they're trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.
"I think it will happen sooner than you think," Ayanbadejo said. "We're in talks with a handful of players who are considering it. There are up to four players being talked to right now and they're trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Magic Johnson On Helping His Gay Son Come Out
Ever since Earvin Johnson III shanté’d down the Sunset
Strip, the world has never been the same. TMZ sat down with Magic Johnson, who
discussed helping his son come out and what that shanté specifically meant for
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Republican Senator Mark Kirk Comes Out For Marriage Equality
Senator Mark Kirk has come out for marriage equality.
When I climbed the Capitol steps in January, I promised myself that I would return to the Senate with an open mind and greater respect for others.
Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this Earth is limited, I know that better than most. Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back-- government has no place in the middle.
Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this Earth is limited, I know that better than most. Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back-- government has no place in the middle.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
‘Homosexuals Are Worthy Of Death!’ Little Boy Preaches To Churchgoers
Winston-Salem, North Carolina’s Green Street United Methodist is an LGBT-supporting house of worship, which yesterday was visited by a young boy screaming, gays are “worthy of death,” and gay people and their supporters are “going to hell.”
The child in apparently what was not an April Fool’s joke, screamed outside the church for at least the eight minutes this video shows, heinous attacks, like, “the Bible talks about the homosexuals, they’re worthy of death — but not only them that do it, but them that approve of it. They’re worthy of death, and you people approve of that. That’s why you”re going to hell without jesus Christ.”
The child adds, “it’s time to stop sinning and get right with God,” and tells church-goers exiting they must “quit approving the gay people.” He also accuses them, yelling, “you love your sin and you hate God.”
Gay Couple Gets Engaged Onstage At Garbage Concert In Detroit
It was a rock and roll fairytale come true for one Detroit gay man when Garbage's Shirley Manson halted her band's March 30 performance at the Majestic Theater so that his boyfriend could pop the question.
Amateur video footage shows Manson bringing the two men, identified on YouTube as Domenick Viviano and Scott Sauter, onstage.
Magic Johnson's Son on the town with his Boyfriend
TMZ caught up with Magic Johnson’s 20-year-old son, Ervin Johnson III (aka EJ3) while he was taking in and serving the Sunset Strip hand-in-hand with his boyfriend.
Magic told TMZ, “Cookie and I love EJ and support him in every way. We’re very proud of him.”
'Meet the Press' Covers the Supreme Court and Marriage
Pete Williams, Al Sharpton, AFER board member Rob Reiner, Peggy Noonan, and NOM bigot Brian Brownjoined Chuck Todd for a roundtable on SCOTUS and marriage equality.
Monday, April 1, 2013
McQuaid Jesuit High School Welcomes Gay Couple To Junior Prom
Two gay students at an all-boys Catholic school in Brighton, NY, will be attending their junior high prom as a couple, according to WHAM.
Father Edward Salmon, president of McQuaid Jesuit High School, sent a letter to parents on Wednesday in response to rising concerns that the school's two openly gay juniors would be denied the right to attend.
The school president also used the letter to address parents' possible worries about his actions going against the church. He assured them that he did not wish to contradict the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church but quoted the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who said:
"We understand that having a homosexual orientation brings with it enough anxiety, pain and issues related to self-acceptance without society bringing additional prejudicial treatment ... It is not sufficient only to avoid unjust discrimination. Homosexual persons 'must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity'."
Ariz. congressman’s gay son does not change his opposition to gay marriage
U.S. Congressman Matt Salmon says he isn’t ready to change his opinion on same-sex marriage, despite the fact that he has an openly gay son.
The Arizona Republican, who has maintained a reputation as a staunch social conservative throughout his political career, tells KTVK-TV in Phoenix that he loves his gay son “more than I can say,” he doesn’t believe his son Matt Jr., deserves the freedom to marry.
“I’m just not there in believing in my heart,” said Salmon.
Gays are ‘entitled to friendship,’ but not ‘sexual love’

America’s most high-profile Catholic official, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, says that gays and lesbians are “entitled to friendship” with each other, but that “sexual love” is intended only between a man and a woman.
Cardinal Timothy DolanABC News
Appearing Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Dolan said that the Catholic Church needs to “do better” to ensure its “defense of marriage is not reduced to an attack on gay people,” but also said that the very nature of the Church means it will be — from time to time – out of touch with the concerns of its followers.
Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show today that conservatives have lost on the issue of marriage, Mediaite reports.
“This issue is lost,” he said. “It is now inevitable” that gay marriage will come to pass, regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on two separate cases related to the issue.
“We lost the issue when we started allowing the word ‘marriage’ to be bastardized and redefined,” Limbaugh explained, pointing the finger at “the left,” whom he believes has attempted to co-opt the word “marriage” to go beyond its definition.
“Once you decide to modify the word marriage then the other side has won,” he lamented. “The best thing that marriage had going for it was basically what they teach you the first day in law school: If you hang on a horse the sign that says ‘Cow,’ it does not make it a cow.”
“We lost the issue when we started allowing the word ‘marriage’ to be bastardized and redefined,” Limbaugh explained, pointing the finger at “the left,” whom he believes has attempted to co-opt the word “marriage” to go beyond its definition.
“Once you decide to modify the word marriage then the other side has won,” he lamented. “The best thing that marriage had going for it was basically what they teach you the first day in law school: If you hang on a horse the sign that says ‘Cow,’ it does not make it a cow.”
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