Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gay Republicans Support John Boehner On DOMA

"Gay GOP group Log Cabin Republicans support House Speaker John Boehner's decision to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court.

Boehner on Friday announced the creation of a five-member panel to consider whether to instruct he House's nonpartisan Office of the General Counsel to defend the law after President Barack Obama announced the Department of Justice would no longer defend the law because he believed parts of it are unconstitutional. DOMA bans federal agencies from recognizing the legal marriages of gay and lesbian couples and allows states to ignore such marriages from out of state."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very simple, really:

We can tell a woman from a man via DNA. We can differentiate a black person from a white via DNA. Show us how to tell a person of homosexual behavior from the person of heterosexual behavior, aside from a show of hands. Tell us how people of homosexual behavior are going to adopt all the orphans, so they can show they can contribute to society. Well, anyone can contribute to society in that way. But you miss the point. By your reasoning, Republicans should get more rights than others, because they've suffered so much discrimination.