Friday, February 9, 2007

Pope Attacks Proposed Italian Gay Unions Law

(Vatican City) Pope Benedict XVI delivered a blistering attack Friday on the government of Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi over legislation that would create civil unions for gay and lesbian couples.

"The Catholic Church will continue to proclaim ceaselessly the inalienable greatness of human dignity," Benedict said, calling on Catholics in legislatures and the judiciary to ensure that "laws always are the expression of principles which promote the authentic common good."

Popes seldom directly involve themselves in Italian politics under an accord reached after the unification of Italy when the Vatican was accorded statehood within Italy. Instead they make general and diplomatic remarks that leave little doubt about their intent.

The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano is more direct usually serving at the "unofficial" voice of the Pope. Friday it said that the proposed law "wounded" the family as an institution.

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