Monday, March 10, 2008


Over the weekend, the LA Times continued its coverage of the King murder, revealing the broken home behind King's 14-year-old killer Brandon McInerney as well as the troubled school atmosphere that led up to the unthinkable violence:

"Earlier this year, some of Brandon's classmates say, Larry began 'hitting' on him and remarking for all to hear that he thought Brandon was 'cute.' Other boys then ribbed Brandon by saying he must be gay himself. Brandon dismissed Larry with an obscenity, the students say, but it didn't stop there. They say the kid wearing eye shadow had gotten under the skin of the Young Marine. Michael Sweeney, an eighth-grader at E.O. Green, picked up on the whispering that followed -- the rumors that were so extreme, so out there, that they had to be bogus. 'Brandon told this one girl that he was going to kill Larry,' Michael said. 'She didn't tell the principal. I didn't, either, after I heard about it. I thought it was a joke.' Larry was shot the next day."

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