Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Prop. 8 Supporter Targeted

Advocacy group Californians Against Hate, formed to fight back against those who are donating money to the passage of Proposition 8, a November ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage, is now taking aim at San Diego entrepreneur Terry Caster. Caster, owner of A-1 Self Storage Company, and his family have contributed nearly $300,000 to the Protect Marriage campaign, which is working to ensure passage of Prop. 8.

The Caster family contribution is the largest from San Diego County, which supplied 35% of the funds to qualify the proposition for the ballot.

“This guy must really not like same-sex marriage,” said Fred Karger, campaign manager for Californians Against Hate. “Mr. Caster and many of his eight sons and daughters and their spouses have given a combined total of $293,000.00 to the Protect Marriage campaign between January and July of 2008.”

Californians Against Hate also orchestrated the protest against San Diego's Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel because its owner, Doug Manchester, donated $125,000 to the passage of Prop. 8.

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