Monday, July 27, 2009

Dallas Episcopal Bishop: No Gay Unions

The leader of the Episcopal diocese in Dallas refuses to acknowledge recent church moves that he calls a "green light" to the blessing of same-sex marriage, reports the Dallas Morning News.

Bishop James Stanton responded to votes earlier this month at the general convention, where the Episcopal Church officially approved bishops living openly with same-sex partners, and agreed to develop a "generous pastoral response" for same-sex marriages in states where it is legal. The church stopped short of authorizing rights for same-sex marriages.

Stanton, a theological conservative, sent a letter to clergy in which he affirmed the "primacy of scripture, the sanctity of marriage and the call to holiness of life," according to the Dallas Morning News.

In 2008, the nearby Fort Wort diocese voted to leave the Episcopal Church in part because of its stance on gay clergy. The debate was sparked by the 2003 consecration of the openly gay Bishop Gene Robinson in New Hampshire.

Pat Robertson on the Episcopal Church:
"They have lost their way. They were taken over by this controversy having to do with same-sex marriage and the ordination of homosexual bishops. Once they got into that morass and lost their way from scriptural teaching, they didn't have much denomination left... And there will be no tears in my life if the Episcopal Church of America just quietly goes out of business."

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