Tuesday, September 8, 2009

D.C. Archbishop Donald Wuerl Is Mobilizing God's Anti-Gay Crusade

Like New York's new Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Washington D.C.'s Roman Catholic leader Donald Wuerl is jumping into the gay marriage powwow. And just like Dolan, Archbishop Wuerl is doing it just as the the debate is brewing inside legislative halls.

Dolan entered the fray just moments after taking over the top post in April. While he had his picture taken with Gov. David Paterson, he was quick to denounce New York's chief executive's support for same-sex marriage. Wuerl is putting himself in the same scenario: A renewed effort, led by fellow religious bigot Rev. Harry Jackson, to let voters up or down your marriage rights in the nation's capital is underway, and Wuerl just RSVPd to the party.

Yesterday, Wuerl sent letters — reading, in part, that "marriage is a path toward holiness . . . so as members of the church we are obliged to be all the more attentive to the challenges that weaken marriage" — to 300 local Catholic priests "reminding" them of the church's official position on gay marriage. Namely, that it endorses discrimination. Wuerl, who the Washington Post says normally evades such controversy and media attention, is aligning himself with other hateful faith leaders, including Jackson and other Baptists, in what could end up being a national anti-gay push.

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