Thursday, December 31, 2009

Karl Rove Disrespects Sanctity of Marriage, Gets Divorce

Marriage warrior Karl Rove has been granted a divorce in Texas, and the family wants its privacy respected:

"A family friend told POLITICO: 'After 24 years of marriage, many of which were spent under incredible stress and strain during the White House years, the Roves came to a mutual decision that they would end the marriage. They did spend Christmas together with their son, and they plan to spend time together in the future. They maintain a strong friendship, and they both feel that that friendship is a source of comfort and inspiration for their friends and family.'

So it's Bush's fault?

Said spokeswoman Dana Perino: “Karl Rove and his wife, Darby, were granted a divorce last week. The couple came to the decision mutually and amicably, and they maintain a close relationship and a strong friendship. There will be no further comment, and the family requests that its privacy be respected.”

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