Tuesday, June 22, 2010

GLAD to honor bishop with Spirit of Justice Award

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) announced Monday, June 14, that Bishop Gene Robinson will be the recipient of the 2010 Spirit of Justice Award.

"Bishop Robinson’s fearless advocacy for LGBT civil rights is an inspiration to all of us working toward the day when each and every member of our community is recognized as a full and equal member of society," said Lee Swislow, GLAD’s Executive Director. "We are so pleased to honor him this year."

The Spirit of Justice Award is given annually to recognize an individual for work and achievements that reflect a profound dedication to GLAD’s ideal of a just society. The first openly gay person to be elected bishop in the Episcopal Church, Robinson is the leader of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire. In the years since his 2003 consecration, Robinson has become a loyal and eloquent advocate for LGBT rights both nationally and around the world, despite the continued right wing Episcopal opposition to his ordination on the basis that he is an openly gay man.

"Though I once resisted being known as ’the gay bishop,’ I realize that it’s given me an opportunity to speak out for LGBT people around the world, and I embrace that opportunity," Robinson said. "I’m proud that GLAD, an organization that has successfully taken on some of the toughest battles in the LGBT movement, will recognize my work."

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