Thursday, July 29, 2010

Target CEO Defends Campaign Donation

Target Corp. chief executive Gregg Steinhafel said Tuesday that the company's support of the gay community is "unwavering," despite a $150,000 donation to a group supporting the gubernatorial candidacy of an antigay Minnesota politician.

According to the Associated Press, Target gave the campaign funds to MN Forward, which is affiliated with the state's outgoing Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty. The political group has supported television ads for state Rep. Tom Emmer, who opposes marriage equality.

"We rarely endorse all advocated positions of the organizations or candidates we support, and we do not have a political or social agenda," Steinhafel wrote in an e-mail. "Let me be very clear, Target's support of the GLBT community is unwavering, and inclusiveness remains a core value of our company."

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