Thursday, September 1, 2011

Evangelical Millennials look more favorably on gay marriage

This year marks a sea change in public opion about gays and lesbians according to Robert P. Jones, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute, which Monday released a report called “Generations at Odds: The Millennial Generation and the Future of Gay and Lesbian Rights.”

In the new PRRI poll, majority support for marriage ranges across religious groups from Catholics to Protestants – the main exception being white evangelicals, plus, to a lesser extent, black Protestants.

Religion Dispatches points out that religious Millennials (currently 18-29 year olds) favor marriage equality – even among young evangelicals, there is 44 percent support for marriage equality, compared to 12 percent of eveangelical seniors.

Says RD:

Laura Olson, a Clemson University political science professor who also commented on the poll, agreed, speculating that if anything the trend will continue to intensify as people come out younger and are more free to be out at work and to participate in social and athletic activities and religious congregations.

The best predictors that someone opposes gay marriage?
1. Having a literal view of the Bible
2. Attending religious services at least once a week
3. Being conservative
4. Being an evangelical Christian
5. Having a close friend/family member who is gay or lesbian

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