Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What People Are Saying About HRC’s Incoming President, Chad Griffin

HRC has chosen Chad Griffin as its new president, the talking heads have been weighing in with their opinions. And they’re almost universally positive, with Griffin being praised as a fresh face and a strong choice for the job.

HuffPo Gay Voices editor Michelangelo Signorile is a strong contender for the “Most Glowing Praise” prize:
The choice of Griffin was an inspired, bold, and ultimately necessary move for a group that was becoming increasingly irrelevant and even counterproductive in the eyes of many in the broader LGBT activist community. It’s not inaccurate to say that while HRC certainly has its many supporters and has done critical work, many have viewed the group for years, rightly or wrong, as a lackey to the Democratic establishment and the Obama administration.
GLAAD’s acting president, Mike Thompson, took a break from blasting Kirk Cameron to chime in:
Chad has led LGBT families to new levels of visibility through his work at the American Foundation for Equal Rights. His commitment to all members of our community and proven track record of advancing LGBT issues are instrumental assets to our movement. We look forward to continue working with HRC and with Chad as partners in the march to equality.
David Boies, who helped defeat Prop 8 in Perry vs. Schwarzenegger:
Time after time over the past several years, Chad has proven that he is easily one of the most skilled strategists and tacticians in American politics today. That is a rare combination of skill sets for one person to have. His diplomacy, his intellect and his passion for issues of equality are second to none. I cannot think of a better person to lead HRC into the future.
Meanwhile activist Michael Petrelis gave Griffin something of a backhanded compliment:
Chad is cool and a damn fine strategist; however, the Human Rights Campaign still sucks. It will take more than a new executive director with great qualifications to undo the decades of waste, political laziness and hardcore elitism.”

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