Tuesday, September 11, 2007

California senate passes same-sex marriage bill

The California state senate approved a bill today that will allow same-sex couples to legally marry, making this the second year in a row that both houses of the California state legislature have passed a marriage equality bill.

The 22-15 vote added three new senators to the pro-marriage column: Ducheny, Padilla, and Scott. The state assembly passed the bill earlier this year and it will now head to the governor's desk for consideration. California remains the only state in the nation where both of chambers have passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

“Two consecutive legislatures have now boldly and proudly affirmed the full, first class, and equal citizenship of all of Californians in loving and committed relationship who want their bond recognized and honored by the state in which they live and to which they contribute,” said Leno (D-San Francisco).

“My Senate colleagues recognized what an ever increasing number of fair-minded Californians also see - that marriage strengthens our society and singling same sex couples out of this important institution hurts us all,” he said.

A September 2006 poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found 47% of likely voters in California support marriage equality, while 46% oppose it.

The legislation is nearly identical to the bill passed in 2005.

It would amend the Family Code to define marriage as a civil contract between two persons instead of a civil contract between a man and a woman. The measure also reaffirms that no religious institution would ever be required to solemnize marriages contrary to its fundamental beliefs.

Gov. Schwarzenegger has until October 14th to sign or veto the bill.

Meanwhile, the California Supreme court is expected to hear oral arguments late this year or early in 2008 challenging the state's refusal to recognize same-sex marriage.

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