Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tom Tancredo: The One-Issue Candidate

The campaign of Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo is so devoted to a single issue -- ending illegal immigration -- that he hardly speaks about anything else. That said, he takes a hard-line view of most policy matters concerning homosexuality. "We have to remember that we are always just one kooky judge away from actually having homosexual marriage forced on all the rest of us," he warned at the Values Voter Debate on Sept. 17.

He supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, opposes ENDA and hate-crimes laws for sexual orientation, and once voted to prevent the District of Columbia from offering domestic partnership benefits to homosexual employees. But he rarely brings up the issue while campaigning. When asked recently how he would deal with the "homosexual agenda," he responded with a quasi-libertarian argument. "The president of the United States simply can't make a rule, sign an executive order, changing the morality of the country," he said at the debate. "It can't happen that way. You do so by leadership."

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