Friday, June 29, 2007

Ugandan minister upset by emails from gay people

A homophobic politician in Uganda has branded LGBT people who have sent him hate emails 'sick' and accused them of using 'foul language.' James Nsaba Buturo, the minister of Ethics and Integrity, said he gets at least twenty threatening emails a day, mostly from people in the US and UK.

The Ugandan Ethics and Integrity minister made it his mission to root homosexuality out of his nation. He’s proposed aversion therapy, threatened arrests and accused the media of promoting homosexuality. Not only can gays get help through reparative therapy, but a good life prison sentence will also set them straight - homosexuality’s illegal in Uganda. Buturo insists, of course, the government isn’t attacking gays, just homosexuality.

Mr Butoro has been a leading opponent of gay rights and last year promised to round up and imprison rights activists.

If you would like to email him:

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