Sunday, September 23, 2007

Alan Keyes: The Lord's Messenger

A perennial political candidate and former State Department employee, Keyes announced his candidacy in mid-September. It has all the markings of a moral crusade, with gays and lesbians in the crosshairs. "Abandon God with respect to the family, and we have no claims to rights," he announced at the Values Voter Debate, during a discussion of same-sex marriage. He has called homosexuality the practice of "hedonistic self-gratification," and described Vice President Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter Mary as a "selfish hedonist." After his own daughter, Maya Marcel-Keyes, announced she was a lesbian, she said he stopped funding her college education.

Keyes' last turn in the spotlight came with his 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate against Barack Obama. After losing in a landslide, Keyes refused to congratulate Obama, saying the Democrat stood for "a culture evil enough to destroy the very soul and heart of my country."

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