Group Hopes For Large Numbers Outside Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS.
March 30th is the date one small group is hoping one large group will take a stand against Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. Beginning at 11:00AM on that Sunday, a planned protest will take place outside of the church in Topeka, KS.
“A million people may be aiming a little high, but we’re hoping for a large turnout,” said Chris Love, one of the March’s organizers. “This isn’t a ‘gay-only’ event. Anyone who would like to express their displeasure with the Phelps family and their continuing message of intolerance and hate is welcome.”
The virulently homophobic Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), based in Topeka, Kansas, has gained notoriety by picketing the funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to protest what the group sees as America’s acceptance of homosexuality.
March 30th is the date one small group is hoping one large group will take a stand against Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. Beginning at 11:00AM on that Sunday, a planned protest will take place outside of the church in Topeka, KS.
“A million people may be aiming a little high, but we’re hoping for a large turnout,” said Chris Love, one of the March’s organizers. “This isn’t a ‘gay-only’ event. Anyone who would like to express their displeasure with the Phelps family and their continuing message of intolerance and hate is welcome.”
The virulently homophobic Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), based in Topeka, Kansas, has gained notoriety by picketing the funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to protest what the group sees as America’s acceptance of homosexuality.
The group has used this and similar tactics at a variety of events nationwide.
Some wonder if the march will only draw more attention to the Phelps' message. Love noted, “Up until now, the only media-mentioned protests against the WBC were footnotes to stories about the Phelps’ publicity stunts. We don’t think we’re going to change the Phelps’ minds, but we hope they realize that there is an opposing voice that is equally as powerful as their own. Or at least, as powerful as they perceive it to be.”
And if that doesn’t work? “Well, for one day we’ll bring homosexual and heterosexual people together for a united cause. In Kansas, no less.”
To find out more about the MFM, visit http://www.millionfagmarch.com.
1 comment:
The Christians need Fred Phelps Instead of Mat Staver's Promotion of Separation of Church and State
By Glynis Bethel
Thank GOD for Fred Phelps and Sally Kern of Oklahoma City and the reports that she had the courage to speak the truth of GOD'S word about the sodomites or "HOMOSEXUAL'S" wicked lifestyle.
On the contrary, I watched the California Supreme Court arguments featuring Mat Staver and I was appalled. I could not believe that someone, who has Mat Staver's background, would go out of his way to LEAVE GOD OUT of his arguments which made his foundation obsolete.
Mat Staver looked and sounded like a FOOL! In the Bible, GOD told Jeremiah to speak ALL that He told him to speak or GOD would confound him. Thank GOD Jeremiah obeyed GOD. Unfortunately Mat Staver DID NOT.
Speaking of lukewarm, Mat Staver stayed in his comfort zone and refused to be hot like Judge Roy Moore..."MOORE OF GOD."
I have emailed Mat Staver about his double-mindedness in refusing to do his legal arguments using the Holy Bible as his foundation.
The Apostle Paul stated that his words were NOT of man's wisdom, but based on the power of GOD to paraphrase.
The HOLY BIBLE states that marriage is honorable in all, but wh0remongers and adulterers, GOD will judge. Also, GOD ordained that a man would leave his father and mother in order to be joined with his wife and the male and the female were naked and not ashamed. For starters, Mat Staver could have argued I Corinthians Chapter 7 which states that to avoid fornication that every man should have his own WIFE and that every woman should have her own HUSBAND.
Most importantly, the summation is gay marriages are wrong because GOD states that it is wrong in the HOLY BIBLE. If those sodomites could quote Shakespeare within their arguments, why didn't Mat Staver quote GOD?
This is what the Bible is speaking of when it warns us that if we deny CHRIST before man that CHRIST would deny us before his FATHER. What are you afraid of Mat...being debarred?
It is ironic that Mat Staver promotes that there is no separation of church and state, but by his own actions, he promotes constant separation of church and state.
Mat Staver, in closing, please make up your mind and choose this day WHO you will serve and if you will one day decide to answer the great commission to go into all of the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE which does not exempt plaintiffs, judges, magistrates, bailiffs, media, sodomites, etc.
Prophetess Glynis Bethel
REPENT or BURN in HELL Ministries
12724-D Highway 90
Loxley, Alabama 36551
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