Buff Orpingtons, which have rich golden buff plumage are a popular brown egg dual-purpose variety and are sometimes called "Big Buffs". Because they are loosely feathered, they appear to be much heavier than their true weights. The feathers are broad and smooth fitting on the deep body of this breed. They have a quiet disposition, make excellent mothers and are one of the most broody of all standard breeds. They have white skin, which is an appearance disadvantage when fowl meat is produced.

Rhode Island Reds are an old time, well-known American breed, which was developed in the state of Rhode Island. A distinct characteristic of this breed is their horizontal, oblong body, which is deep, broad and long, sometimes described as "brick shaped". They are an excellent dual-purpose bird that efficiently produces large brown eggs. From the time they are chicks until maturity they may have white on the wing tips, but when they are fully matured they should not have any white feathers.

Golden Lakenvelders are a little-known variety of Lakenvelders. The recessive gold (s) gene to produce Golden Lakenvelders has replaced the dominant silver (S) gene of Silver Lakenvelders. The American Standard of Perfection does not recognize them, although, they reproduce as a pure breed. They are active, good hustlers, relatively small and efficient white egg producers.

Barred Plymouth Rocks are one of America's oldest and most popular breeds. All of their plumage is black and white barred which is the result of the barred (B) gene. They are an excellent dual purpose breed, known for their efficient production of large brown eggs.

Ameraucanas, known as the "Easter Egg Breed", are a multicolored breed. They have beards, muffs and a normal tail with a tail head. They are often incorrectly called Araucanas, which have ear tuffs, are rumpless, and do not have a tail head which gives them a bunny tail appearance. Most of the chicks sold as Araucanas are really Ameraucanas, which are excellent, efficient producers of large eggs of many colors and shades including blue and green.

Buff Catalanas, which originated in Spain, have become popular in Latin American Countries but are extremely rare in the U.S. They are a dual-purpose breed, with pinkish white skin, that produces both meat and large white-shelled eggs. They are one of the largest white egg breeds. Their shanks and toes are bluish slate. They have black tails, while the remainder of the plumage is buff to reddish buff.