I was suppose to get the chicks on Friday morning. But American Airlines screwed up the delivery by canceling over 1,000 flights that day. So, I was suppose to get the chicks on Saturday morning.
I called the post office first thing on Saturday morning. The chicks were not there. The thought of the chicks somewhere in the mail - and sure to die if they weren't delivered on Saturday just made me sick to my stomach. I asked the guy at the post office if there would be other mail coming into the office later on in the day. He said no.
I happened to be in the front yard then the postal carrier came and I asked him about the chicks. He didn't see them, but said there was another mail truck coming in at 10:30am. I immediately called the post office again. He truck had just arrived.
The chicks were there. Sean and I were off to pick them up.
Everyone looks good. We got them in the brooder and they haven't stopped eating and drinking.
Adele had been very attentive! She licks her lips every once and a while.
Below is the Buff Orpington.
Here is a Buff Catalana.
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