Tuesday, August 5, 2008

AFA is Getting Desperate!

August 5, 2008
Teachers union gives big bucks to defeat Prop 8

The California Teachers Association has joined with others to raise over $3 million to destroy traditional marriage by defeating Prop 8.

At a recent dinner celebrating the Los Angeles Equality Awards, several companies were recognized for their financial contributions to help defeat Prop 8.

[I volunteered at the Equality Awards where over $1,000,000 was raised that night.]

Homosexual activists and their friends are expected to spend over $20,000,000 in an attempt to defeat Prop 8 and destroy traditional marriage. In order to combat all the advertising by supporters of homosexual marriage, individuals must begin educating their family and friends.

We must remember that homosexuals cannot reproduce, they can only recruit. Where will the recruiting be done if Prop 8 is defeated? In the public schools, beginning at the kindergarten level.

[Ouch, isn’t that even LOW for them!]

Please forward this to your friends and family in California.

Donald E. Wildmon

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