Thursday, January 15, 2009

Obama Once Supported Same-Sex Marriage

Through Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, the now-president-elect has been vocal about his support for civil unions instead of same-sex marriage.

However, Obama went on the record during his 1996 run for the Illinois senate as being in support of such unions. On a candidate questionnaire for the Chicago gay newspaper Outlines, he said, "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages."
According to the Windy City Times (which Outlines bought and merged with in 2000, taking over the name), Obama did not use of the phrase "civil unions" in the questionnaire. Obama also said he would favor a civil rights bill for gays and lesbians, a hike in funding for AIDS services, and adoption by gay and lesbian parents.

Though Obama did not campaign in California to defeat Proposition 8, which banned marriage equality in the state, he did come out against the referendum before the election in November.
Obama is currently meeting resistance from some over his choice in allowing evangelical pastor Rick Warren to perform his inauguration’s invocation. Warren, whose Saddleback Church is based in Lake Forest, Calif., was a staunch supporter of Proposition 8.

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