Thursday, February 25, 2010

Group claims DADT would mar religious freedom

A right-wing Christian values coalition is worried a repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell would marginalize the effectiveness of military chaplains, the Catholic News Agency reported.

“The military would effectively establish preferred religions or religious beliefs,” the letter said. “That is a constitutional offense that carries a very pragmatic consequence: just what will happen to recruiting efforts if Christians become second-class soldiers, sailors, airmen, or Marines.”

The main concern of the Alliance Defense Fund is the protection of religious freedom. The group was founded by James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, and several other anti-gay leaders.

“Military chaplains who have volunteered to defend the liberties protected in our Constitution shouldn’t be denied those very same liberties,” said Alliance Defense Fund spokesman Kevin Theriot. “Forcing chaplains to deny the teachings of their faith in order to serve in the armed forces is a grave threat to the First Amendment and to the spiritual health of Marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen who depend on them.”

“We urge you to reconsider your decision and avoid this collision with America’s most cherished and fundamental freedom of religious liberty,” the ADF letter concluded.

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