Thursday, February 18, 2010

NH Lawmaker Apologizes for False Gay Sex in Classroom Claims

A New Hampshire lawmaker admitted yesterday that she had no proof to back up claims that gay sex was being taught in schools as a result of the state's marriage equality law, a claim she delivered to the Judiciary Committee earlier this week along with a graphic description of anal sex.

Said Rep. Nancy Elliott:
"During the executive session on House Bill 1590, I made a statement concerning the curriculum in the Nashua school system which I believed to be true. Upon inquires from the speaker, I repeated the statement. This statement made in the Judiciary Committee had caused some controversy so I went back to my source for the statement to verify the information that I had received. I found that I could not confirm the accuracy of the information. I am compelled by the fact that the statement cannot be verified that I withdraw the statement I made in committee last Tuesday regarding the Nashua schools. I was told shortly before the hearing on HB 1590 that what I later said had happened and I firmly believed it to be so. It is for that reason and because of its relevance that I brought it up to the committee. I would have never said anything in the performance of my duties as a state representative that I did not believe was true or relevant. I am presenting this letter at the first committee meeting of Judiciary since last Tuesday. I do so at the earliest opportunity in order to make clear I am withdrawing what I said regarding the Nashua schools. I would like to apologize to Judiciary Committee, the Nashua public schools and its employees and the speaker as well as anyone else affected by what I said. I will try much harder in the future to verify fully my statement. Mr. Chairman I would appreciate your putting this statement into the file on HB 1590 so that someone looking at the file would understand my statement was inaccurate.’’

The admission came after calls for Elliott to either recant the statement or prove it true.

New Hampshire's House voted yesterday on a measure to repeal the state's marriage equality law, and a measure to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage. A House panel has recommended both measures be rejected.

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