Monday, August 30, 2010

Nearly 6 of 10 in Rhode Island Support Marriage Equality

A new poll out of Rhode Island shows that 59% of voters support marriage equality:

"The poll, with a sample size of 500 registered voters and a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points, found overall support for same-sex marriage in Rhode Island had grown 10 points since 2008 while opposition dropped 6 points. The increase among those who identified themselves as Roman Catholic was higher, at 12 points. When asked, “Do you favor or oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally?” 59 percent of respondents were in favor and 31 percent were opposed. In 2008, 49 percent were in favor and 37 percent opposed. Answer choices were: Strongly favor, somewhat favor, strongly oppose, somewhat oppose, don’t know or no answer. When pollsters clarified the question pertained to civil marriages and that church and state would remain separate, 66 percent said they would favor legalizing same-sex marriage, with 28 percent saying they opposed it. Among those who identified themselves as Catholics, 63 percent said they would favor it, 32 percent said they oppose it."

Marriage equality bills have stalled in the legislature every year since 1997, the Providence Journal reports. Additionally, the measure is vehemently opposed by outgoing Governor Donald Carcieri, a NOM supporter who has even crossed state lines to speak out against same-sex marriage.

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