Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Absolutely No Reason Why Homosexuality Cannot Be Criminalized
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified hate group American Family Association, on his radio program yesterday called for the re-criminalization of homosexuality in every state, saying that every state in the union had sodomy laws on the books decades ago.
“Both of the cases that went to the United States Supreme Court that dealt with the issue of whether states should criminalize sodomy, and of course they still ought to be able to do it, every state in the union criminalized sodomy until 1962 and then forty nine states until 1972, then they began to fall like dominoes. But by the time of the founding until the late 20th Century, homosexual activity was a felony offense in the United States of America, there is no reason why it cannot be a criminal offense once again, absolutely none.”
Bryan Tashman at Right Wing Watch, who provided the transcript and video, writes,
“In 2003, the Supreme Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas overturned anti-sodomy laws in the fourteen states that had them on the books and reversed the Supreme Court’s prior decision Bowers v. Hardwick. Fischer’s opinion should come as no surprise as the AFA filed an amicus brief in support of Texas’s anti-sodomy law and condemned the court’s decision, calling the decision tantamount to ‘tyranny’.”
Last week, Fischer wrote,
“I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, until everyone in the United States agrees with me. America must choose between homosexuality and religious liberty, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom of speech, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom, because we cannot have both.”
“Both of the cases that went to the United States Supreme Court that dealt with the issue of whether states should criminalize sodomy, and of course they still ought to be able to do it, every state in the union criminalized sodomy until 1962 and then forty nine states until 1972, then they began to fall like dominoes. But by the time of the founding until the late 20th Century, homosexual activity was a felony offense in the United States of America, there is no reason why it cannot be a criminal offense once again, absolutely none.”
Bryan Tashman at Right Wing Watch, who provided the transcript and video, writes,
“In 2003, the Supreme Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas overturned anti-sodomy laws in the fourteen states that had them on the books and reversed the Supreme Court’s prior decision Bowers v. Hardwick. Fischer’s opinion should come as no surprise as the AFA filed an amicus brief in support of Texas’s anti-sodomy law and condemned the court’s decision, calling the decision tantamount to ‘tyranny’.”
Last week, Fischer wrote,
“I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, until everyone in the United States agrees with me. America must choose between homosexuality and religious liberty, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom of speech, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom, because we cannot have both.”
Puerto Rican Republican and Grindr Aficionado Resigns

Roberto Arango, who seems to have posted photos of his chest and posterior to Grindr, just resigned from the Puerto Rican senate. You'll recall that he vice-chaired Bush's 2004 campaign in Puerto Rico. Along with the pictures, details have surfaced about his alleged anti-gay past. A tipster at Joe.My.God wrote:
In 2009 he voted in favor of Resolution 99 which would have amended Puerto Rico’s constitution to ban the recognition of same-sex marriages (it didn’t pass). He has been opposed to civil union bills and in 2004 he used a rubber duck and made it quack to make fun of an opponent (in Puerto Rico, the word for duck, “pato”, means faggot.)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Presbyterian Church Faces Split Over Anti-Gay Conservative Movement
Theologically, the Mexican Presbyterian Churches are considered more conservative than those within the U.S. When a vote came on whether the NPCM would remain with the U.S. and allow the ordination of gay clergy in same-sex relationships, they overwhelmingly voted to leave. While spokespeople for the U.S. Church have expressed sadness, they are also holding the right of their Christian brethren to follow their hearts and faith as to belief of customs.
Gays Waging "Jihad" On My Anti-Gay, Anti-Constitutional Ideas
Rick Santorum is so wrong it’s embarrassing. In this video of a recent campaign stop, in which he appears to be talking to a fews dozen folks, Santorum says marriage was given to us since the beginning of time, and has been remarkably consistent since the beginning of time.
Marriage used to be one man and as many wives as he could afford. Even according to Rick’s Bible. Marriage used to be about property, or the uniting of kingdoms to prevent war.
Santorum now admits he’s “taken on the gay community.”
Perry signs anti-gay pledge, vows to support federal marriage amendment
Texas Governor and Republican presidential contender Rick Perry on Friday signed an anti-gay marriage pledge, vowing to support a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex unions nationwide.
The “Marriage Pledge,” prepared by the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (NOM) commits Republican presidential candidates to supporting a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.
The pledge asked candidates to support five of the group’s goals:
Send a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman to the states for ratification;
Defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which includes the traditional definition of marriage and ban states from recognizing gay marriage, in court;
Appoint judges and an Attorney General who oppose a constitutional right to same-sex marriage;
Appoint a commission to investigate claims of harassment against those who support marriage as being only between a man and a woman;
Support legislation that would give people living in the District of Columbia the right to vote on marriage;
Candidates Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum were the first to sign NOM’s pledge. Tim Pawlenty, who initially declined, succumbed to NOM’s pressure and signed the pledge also, but has since abandoned his presidential campaign.
“Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion!,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM, in a statement. “The purpose of NOM’s Marriage Pledge is to move from vague values statements to concrete actions to protect marriage.”
The “Marriage Pledge,” prepared by the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (NOM) commits Republican presidential candidates to supporting a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.
The pledge asked candidates to support five of the group’s goals:
Send a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman to the states for ratification;
Defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which includes the traditional definition of marriage and ban states from recognizing gay marriage, in court;
Appoint judges and an Attorney General who oppose a constitutional right to same-sex marriage;
Appoint a commission to investigate claims of harassment against those who support marriage as being only between a man and a woman;
Support legislation that would give people living in the District of Columbia the right to vote on marriage;
Candidates Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum were the first to sign NOM’s pledge. Tim Pawlenty, who initially declined, succumbed to NOM’s pressure and signed the pledge also, but has since abandoned his presidential campaign.
“Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion!,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM, in a statement. “The purpose of NOM’s Marriage Pledge is to move from vague values statements to concrete actions to protect marriage.”
‘There’s No Proof’ that LGBT people exist
Mission America’s Linda Harvey dedicated her weekend broadcast to criticizing the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), one of her favorite targets.
Harvey was particularly perturbed by the GLSEN Sports Project, which works towards “creating and maintaining an athletic and physical education climate that is based on the core principles of respect, safety and equal access for all students, teachers and coaches regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.”
According to Harvey, there is no need for such an effort because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people simply do not exist.
Harvey: “There’s one big fact that’s not backed up. There is no proof that there’s ever anything like a gay, lesbian or bisexual or transgendered child, or teen or human. One of the other things you’re gonna see as I mentioned is a big campaign GLSEN’s gonna roll out this year calling for ‘respect,’ respect! Not just for people, but for homosexual lifestyle. The PR campaign to hold up gay as a good thing: the lifestyle, not the person, because there are no such humans.”
Harvey was particularly perturbed by the GLSEN Sports Project, which works towards “creating and maintaining an athletic and physical education climate that is based on the core principles of respect, safety and equal access for all students, teachers and coaches regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.”
According to Harvey, there is no need for such an effort because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people simply do not exist.
Harvey: “There’s one big fact that’s not backed up. There is no proof that there’s ever anything like a gay, lesbian or bisexual or transgendered child, or teen or human. One of the other things you’re gonna see as I mentioned is a big campaign GLSEN’s gonna roll out this year calling for ‘respect,’ respect! Not just for people, but for homosexual lifestyle. The PR campaign to hold up gay as a good thing: the lifestyle, not the person, because there are no such humans.”
Michele Bachmann Says Hurricane Irene And Earthquake Are Divine Warnings To Washington
Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann told Floridians Sunday that Hurricane Irene and the earthquake felt along much of the East Coast last week were messages from God to warn "politicians" to start heeding divine guidance, which she suggested is being channeled through small government conservatives.
"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'" Bachmann, a third-term Minnesota congresswoman, told a crowd in Sarasota that the St. Petersburg Times estimated contained around 1,000 people.
"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'" Bachmann, a third-term Minnesota congresswoman, told a crowd in Sarasota that the St. Petersburg Times estimated contained around 1,000 people.
Gay 'Barbarians' Perform 'Born This Way' Glitter Baptism at Marcus Bachmann's 'Ex-Gay' Clinic
A group of gay glitter "barbarian" activists returned to Marcus Bachmann's "ex-gay" clinic today where they performed Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" and performed a glitter "baptism" on an activist dressed as Bachmann.
Southern Fights SB48 with City-wide Prayer Meeting
Spiritual warriors from throughout the Southland are invited to join Pastor Xavier L. Thompson and local clergy at a city-wide prayer meeting on Wednesday, August 31, to protest the FAIR Education Act signed into law last month by Gov. Jerry Brown.
The legislation, also known as Senate Bill 48, requires that the contributions of lesbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgender individuals be included in the social science curriculum at California public schools.
The meeting starts at 7 p.m., at Southern Missionary Baptist Church, 4678 West Adams Boulevard in Los Angeles. The ecumenical, multi-cultural event will feature a broad spectrum of the faith community voicing support for the StopSB48 Coalition in Sacramento, CA. Also, community leaders, school board members, educators, government officials will be in attendance
"Let me be very clear, this is not an attack on the LGBT people or any particular group. I believe I am taking a stand for Biblical principles and righteous standards as outlined in the word of God. This is a big issue because you cannot sexualize history. The underlying impact of SB 48, I believe, is the advancement of a pro-homosexual, world-view in the public classroom," said Rev. Thompson.
"I believe if anyone has made a noteworthy contribution to society, they ought to be acknowledged, regardless of their sexual orientation. The writer, Langston Hughes, was a gay man but we don't know him as that. We celebrate his poetry. J. Edgar Hoover was a gay man, but we know him as the F.B.I. director. I believe this law promotes one's sexual identity beyond their societal contributions, so it's not ‘let's celebrate their contributions' as much as ‘let's celebrate their sexuality,'" he said.
Further explaining his viewpoint, Pastor Thompson insisted that he is not homophobic or a bigot nor does he condone speech or actions reflecting those beliefs. "I have out-of-the closet, in the closet, down-low members that are in my congregation. They feel comfortable talking with their pastor about their struggles because they know I am not going to judge them, isolate them or alienate them. They know my Biblical convictions are balanced by personal compassion.
"But there is a standard set by God. I can't lower it or raise it to fit those that I love or dislike. God has set the standard in His word and it's my job to uphold it. I believe I can come out against this SB 48 bill, yet love my members and non-members who live this lifestyle,' said the pastor.
Utilizing the power of prayer will make a big difference, he said, because "God honors prayer. It starts with prayer. We're petitioning God for His mercy, for His will to be done, that He will favor us to get this bill repealed, and let people have a chance to vote it up or down."
An important element of the meeting is petition-signing to obtain the 550,000 signatures of registered voters needed to place the repeal referendum on the November ballot. Only 60 days remain to gather the signatures.
"But if you're not an eligible voter, don't let that discourage you from attending. We need the community to be here. We will have voter registration forms available. You can register to vote, sign the petition and pray with us," said Pastor Thompson.
"We have to let the powers that be know that that Zion, the Church, is an institution to be reckoned with and we have the power to vote you in or out and you must honor us."
For more information, call Southern MBC at (323) 731-2303.
The legislation, also known as Senate Bill 48, requires that the contributions of lesbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgender individuals be included in the social science curriculum at California public schools.
The meeting starts at 7 p.m., at Southern Missionary Baptist Church, 4678 West Adams Boulevard in Los Angeles. The ecumenical, multi-cultural event will feature a broad spectrum of the faith community voicing support for the StopSB48 Coalition in Sacramento, CA. Also, community leaders, school board members, educators, government officials will be in attendance
"Let me be very clear, this is not an attack on the LGBT people or any particular group. I believe I am taking a stand for Biblical principles and righteous standards as outlined in the word of God. This is a big issue because you cannot sexualize history. The underlying impact of SB 48, I believe, is the advancement of a pro-homosexual, world-view in the public classroom," said Rev. Thompson.
"I believe if anyone has made a noteworthy contribution to society, they ought to be acknowledged, regardless of their sexual orientation. The writer, Langston Hughes, was a gay man but we don't know him as that. We celebrate his poetry. J. Edgar Hoover was a gay man, but we know him as the F.B.I. director. I believe this law promotes one's sexual identity beyond their societal contributions, so it's not ‘let's celebrate their contributions' as much as ‘let's celebrate their sexuality,'" he said.
Further explaining his viewpoint, Pastor Thompson insisted that he is not homophobic or a bigot nor does he condone speech or actions reflecting those beliefs. "I have out-of-the closet, in the closet, down-low members that are in my congregation. They feel comfortable talking with their pastor about their struggles because they know I am not going to judge them, isolate them or alienate them. They know my Biblical convictions are balanced by personal compassion.
"But there is a standard set by God. I can't lower it or raise it to fit those that I love or dislike. God has set the standard in His word and it's my job to uphold it. I believe I can come out against this SB 48 bill, yet love my members and non-members who live this lifestyle,' said the pastor.
Utilizing the power of prayer will make a big difference, he said, because "God honors prayer. It starts with prayer. We're petitioning God for His mercy, for His will to be done, that He will favor us to get this bill repealed, and let people have a chance to vote it up or down."
An important element of the meeting is petition-signing to obtain the 550,000 signatures of registered voters needed to place the repeal referendum on the November ballot. Only 60 days remain to gather the signatures.
"But if you're not an eligible voter, don't let that discourage you from attending. We need the community to be here. We will have voter registration forms available. You can register to vote, sign the petition and pray with us," said Pastor Thompson.
"We have to let the powers that be know that that Zion, the Church, is an institution to be reckoned with and we have the power to vote you in or out and you must honor us."
For more information, call Southern MBC at (323) 731-2303.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Not Against Gays, Just Against Gay Sex
The pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, where Starbucks’ CEO recently canceled an appearance after the church was accused of homophobia, says Willow Creek is not antigay — it just expects gay members to be celibate.
Starbucks founder and CEO Howard Schultz had been invited to speak at Willow Creek’s annual Global Leadership Summit earlier this month but canceled after a petition noted that the suburban Chicago megachurch had a long association with Exodus International, which believes that gay people can — and should — be converted to straight. Willow Creek ended its association with Exodus two years ago, but the petition sponsors said the church has its own outreach program that sends an anti-LGBT message.
In a video posted on YouTube, Willow Creek pastor Bill Hybels addresses his congregation about the matter. He says the church is not antigay or anti-anyone, but he makes it clear there are different standards of behavior for gay and straight people. “We challenge homosexuals and heterosexuals to live out the sexual ethics taught in the scriptures, which encourages full sexual expression between a man and a woman in the context of marriage and prescribes sexual abstinence and purity for everybody else.”
Starbucks founder and CEO Howard Schultz had been invited to speak at Willow Creek’s annual Global Leadership Summit earlier this month but canceled after a petition noted that the suburban Chicago megachurch had a long association with Exodus International, which believes that gay people can — and should — be converted to straight. Willow Creek ended its association with Exodus two years ago, but the petition sponsors said the church has its own outreach program that sends an anti-LGBT message.
In a video posted on YouTube, Willow Creek pastor Bill Hybels addresses his congregation about the matter. He says the church is not antigay or anti-anyone, but he makes it clear there are different standards of behavior for gay and straight people. “We challenge homosexuals and heterosexuals to live out the sexual ethics taught in the scriptures, which encourages full sexual expression between a man and a woman in the context of marriage and prescribes sexual abstinence and purity for everybody else.”
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Apple’s new CEO, Tim Cook, could be the world’s most powerful gay executive

The sudden resignation on Wednesday of Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs paves the way for the ascension of Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook, who, upon being named Apple’s new CEO, was hailed by many in the LGBT community as possibly the world’s most powerful gay executive.
Cook, 50, who has remained private about his sexual orientation, was outed earlier this year by Gawker when it named him “the most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley.”
After Cook was profiled as a “lifelong bachelor” and “intensely private” elsewhere, we wondered if he might be gay. We’ve since heard from two well-placed sources that this is indeed the case, and it sounds like Cook’s sexual orientation has been the topic of at least some discussion within the company.
Cook would be, by far, the most powerful openly gay executive in tech, trailed by Microsoft’s openly lesbian HR chief Lisa Brummel and by Megan Smith, the former PlanetOut CEO now working as Google’s vice president of new business development.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sunset Junction Festival Canceled
The 31st annual Sunset Junction music festival in Silver Lake was denied a permit today by members of the Board of Public Works, who expressed frustration and anger at the organization’s inability to pay for more than $250,000 in services rendered by the city.
At issue was an outstanding tab from last year’s event, plus another $141,000 that would need to be paid to the city for this year’s event.
Two days ago, an attorney for the Sunset Junction festival told the board the organization could only offer $50,000 toward this year’s event. Following that meeting, Live Nation made a $100,000 donation to the group however, a review of the group’s available checking balances showed the funds had yet to clear.
The annual festival was slated for this Saturday and Sunday.
“This is not an indication to me of any sort that any funds are secured, that any funds will be available for issuance of a check to support this special events permit,” board President Andrea Alarcon told the festival’s attorney, Phillip Tate.
“This is a remarkable disappointment.”
At issue was an outstanding tab from last year’s event, plus another $141,000 that would need to be paid to the city for this year’s event.
Two days ago, an attorney for the Sunset Junction festival told the board the organization could only offer $50,000 toward this year’s event. Following that meeting, Live Nation made a $100,000 donation to the group however, a review of the group’s available checking balances showed the funds had yet to clear.
The annual festival was slated for this Saturday and Sunday.
“This is not an indication to me of any sort that any funds are secured, that any funds will be available for issuance of a check to support this special events permit,” board President Andrea Alarcon told the festival’s attorney, Phillip Tate.
“This is a remarkable disappointment.”
USC Scientist Develops Virus That Targets HIV

In what represents an important step toward curing HIV, a USC scientist has created a virus that hunts down HIV-infected cells.
Pin Wang’s lentiviral vector latches onto HIV-infected cells, flagging them with what is called “suicide gene therapy” - allowing drugs to later target and destroy them.
“If you deplete all of the HIV-infected cells, you can at least partially solve the problem,” said Wang, chemical engineering professor at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
The process is analogous to the military practice of “buddy lasing” - that is, having a soldier on the ground illuminate a target with a laser to guide a precision bombing strike from an aircraft.
Like a precision bombing raid, the lentiviral vector approach to targeting HIV has the advantage of avoiding collateral damage, keeping cells that are not infected by HIV out of harm’s way. Such accuracy has not been achieved by using drugs alone, Wang said.
So far, the lentiviral vector has only been tested in culture dishes and has resulted in the destruction of about 35 percent of existing HIV cells. While that may not sound like a large percentage, if this treatment were to be used in humans, it likely would be repeated several times to maximize effectiveness.
Among the next steps will be to test the procedure in mice. While this is an important breakthrough, it is not yet a cure, Wang said.
“This is an early stage of research, but certainly it is one of the options in that direction,” he said.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
"Homosexual Marriage" Caused The Earthquake
Come on, you knew it was only a matter of time.... Rabbi Yehuda Levin, a New York City-based rabbi, has blamed “homosexual marriage” as the cause of yesterday’s east coast earthquake.
Rick Perry Struggles to answer Question on Abstinence
Rick Perry’s views on sex, sex education, and abstinence-only education.
Rick Perry appeared before the Texas Tribune and was asked why Perry holds on to abstinence-only education when it has been proven Texas has the third-highest rate of teen pregnancy. “It works,” Perry responded, to laughter from the audience. Watch carefully this entire video, and see the wheels spinning in Perry’s head as he struggles to come up with a reasonable answer that fits his worldview.
Rick Perry appeared before the Texas Tribune and was asked why Perry holds on to abstinence-only education when it has been proven Texas has the third-highest rate of teen pregnancy. “It works,” Perry responded, to laughter from the audience. Watch carefully this entire video, and see the wheels spinning in Perry’s head as he struggles to come up with a reasonable answer that fits his worldview.
Former SNL castmember Victoria Jackson, known for her anti-homosexuality rants and distinct voice, invited an "ex-gay" married couple onto her new radio show to ask all about "praying the gay away."
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Iowa student dies after brutal beating in which attackers shouted gay slurs
Police have confirmed the death of a 19-year-old college student who was brutally beaten in the early morning hours on Friday, and whose attackers shouted anti-gay slurs and kicked him in the face.
Marcellus Richard Andrews died on Sunday in the company of relatives and acquaintances after being removed from life support.
Marcellus Richard Andrews died on Sunday in the company of relatives and acquaintances after being removed from life support.
"You May Think You Were Born Gay But You Cannot Be Born Again Gay"
Damon Thompson “preaching” at an Alabama youth conference. How many young kids will end up dead because of him?
The Anti-Christ Is Islam
The 700 Club’s Pat Robertson said on his widely-distributed TV show that “Islam is the anti-Christ.”
Country Singer Chely Wright Weds Girlfriend
Country singer Chely Wright, who came out as lesbian last year, married Lauren Blitzer in an interfaith ceremony Saturday at Blitzer’s aunt’s home in Connecticut.
Wright met Blitzer, an LGBT rights activist, just two weeks after she came out. Saturday’s ceremony was officiated by both a minister and a rabbi because Wright is Christian and Blitzer is Jewish, People reports.
Wright met Blitzer, an LGBT rights activist, just two weeks after she came out. Saturday’s ceremony was officiated by both a minister and a rabbi because Wright is Christian and Blitzer is Jewish, People reports.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Colorado Senator Mark Udall Shifts from Civil Union to Full Marriage Equality Support
Said the Colorado Senator:
"I support marriage equality. We have work to do. Let's go do it...I think the way in which it is unfolding has lessons for all of us. Let's work in our states, let's work with our neighbors, let's work with our communities, let's work with our elected officials...I have no doubt that soon we'll reach marriage equality in states, and then across our nation."
Pope Attacks Same-Sex Marriage While Speaking To One Million In Spain
Pope Benedict XVI attacked same-sex marriage as he spoke to a reported one to 1.5 million people at this weekend’s World Youth Day events in Spain. The speech was cut short by a dramatic thunderstorm.
“The Lord calls many people to marriage, in which a man and a woman, in becoming one flesh (cf. Gen 2:24), find fulfilment in a profound life of communion. It is a prospect that is both bright and demanding. It is a project for true love which is daily renewed and deepened by sharing joys and sorrows, one marked by complete self-giving. For this reason, to acknowledge the beauty and goodness of marriage is to realize that only a setting of fidelity and indissolubility, along with openness to God’s gift of life, is adequate to the grandeur and dignity of marital love,” said the Pope.
The Catholic News Agency reports:
“In some of the most extraordinary scenes witnessed at any recent Papal event, Pope Benedict XVI braved thunder, lighting and driving rain to tell young people to stay close to Christ as they make their way in life.”
“The storm? Wow. It was a blast,” said a very wet 17-year-old Matt Horn, originally from Florida, to CNA. He added: “I guess it’s a sign from God to wash away our sins and now that it’s cleared we’re clear of our sins for now — and hopefully that means that we’ll now listen to the Pope and be his children as the chant says.”
“The Lord calls many people to marriage, in which a man and a woman, in becoming one flesh (cf. Gen 2:24), find fulfilment in a profound life of communion. It is a prospect that is both bright and demanding. It is a project for true love which is daily renewed and deepened by sharing joys and sorrows, one marked by complete self-giving. For this reason, to acknowledge the beauty and goodness of marriage is to realize that only a setting of fidelity and indissolubility, along with openness to God’s gift of life, is adequate to the grandeur and dignity of marital love,” said the Pope.
The Catholic News Agency reports:
“In some of the most extraordinary scenes witnessed at any recent Papal event, Pope Benedict XVI braved thunder, lighting and driving rain to tell young people to stay close to Christ as they make their way in life.”
“The storm? Wow. It was a blast,” said a very wet 17-year-old Matt Horn, originally from Florida, to CNA. He added: “I guess it’s a sign from God to wash away our sins and now that it’s cleared we’re clear of our sins for now — and hopefully that means that we’ll now listen to the Pope and be his children as the chant says.”
Divorce, Not Gay Marriage, Real Threat To Family
A top conservative pundit has come out in support of same-sex marriage, stating that divorce, not same-sex couples marrying, is the real threat to the American family. Michael Barone, 67, a long-time conservative columnist, political analyst, pundit, Fox News commentator, and author, in an extremely-widely syndicated column, “Our Gay-Marriage Experiment,” today says, “the institution of the family is less threatened by a few people who want to get married than by the very many more people who get divorced or who have children without getting married at all.”
Sarah Palin Drops Campaign-esque Iowa Video
Karl Rove popped up on FOX News on Saturday morning after seeing Sarah Palin's new video in which she gets excited about America and fried butter at the Iowa State Fair, predicting that Palin would get in the 2012 race.
Read more:
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
GLSEN issues cease-and-desist letter to anti-gay Family Research Council
The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) on Monday issued a cease-and-desist letter via its attorneys to the Family Research Council “demanding that FRC cease distribution and publication of a video clip containing false and defamatory statements about GLSEN, as well as any other similar false and defamatory statements that may be contained in a longer video associated with that video clip.”
The cease-and-desist letter has to do with the video below in which Tony Perkins, head of FRC, and Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts anti-gay group Mass Resistance claimed that GLSEN and the Massachusetts Public Schools distributed an explicit safe-sex guide called “The Little Black Book” to fifth to ninth graders at a conference in 2005:
But this claim has been debunked several times. Most specifically, the group Media Matters conducted a detailed debunking of this claim in December 2009.
In a May 19, 2005, article, The Boston Globe reported:
Fenway Community Health officials yesterday said they left about 10 copies of the ”Little Black Book” on an informational table they rented at a conference sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network of Boston. The annual event, held on April 30 at Brookline High School, was aimed at high school students, educators, counselors, administrators, and parents. The “Little Black Book,” produced by the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, is targeted at 18-and-older gay men, according to the committee. The book uses vivid descriptions and colloquial terms to describe the ways HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented and spread.
A Fenway Community Health employee brought the pamphlets along with other materials and put them on the table by mistake, said Chris Viveiros, a spokesman for Fenway Community Health.
“Fenway Community Health regrets accidentally making available a small number of copies of the Little Black Book, an HIV-prevention publication for gay and bisexual men over the age of 18, at an event where young people were present,” said Dr. Stephen Boswell, Fenway Community Health’s president and CEO.
Furthermore, also from the Globe article:
Sean Haley, executive director of the education network (GLSEN), which sponsored the conference, added: ”We have very clear policies that sexually explicit material of any kind will not be made available at the conference. Had I seen the book, I would have asked them to put it away.”
At the start of the event, Haley said, network officials scanned each of the 10 tables it had rented, for $35 apiece, to outside groups. He said nobody saw the pamphlet at the time. ”We’re just going to have to be more rigorous in our review of materials,” he said.
Haley said that about 500 people attended the conference, roughly half of them students. He said only ”a handful” were younger than high-school aged.
On May 18, 2005, WHDH 7News Boston’s Sean Hennessey reported that Brookline Superintendent of Schools William H. Lupini says that “none of his students, he believes, took the [Fenway] book home.”
In its cease-and-desist letter, GLSEN said that “the false statements in the FRC video can do real and lasting harm to our work.”
FRC has made those false and defamatory statements in an obvious effort to raise money, undermine GLSEN’s work and maintain the status quo: school systems where LGBT students face unacceptable levels of harassment and violence and where anti-LGBT bias is a weapon of choice for bullies.
We must respond forcefully and aggressively to defend our ability to fulfill our mission, and to protect ourselves and our partners in this critical work – the countless people in school communities across the country who work with GLSEN and our chapters to ensure safe and affirming schools for all students, utilizing our resources, attending our trainings, advocating with us for urgently needed change to make a positive difference in schools.
Both the FRC and Mass Resistance have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as anti-gay hate groups due to what SPLC calls an intentional spreading of demonizing propaganda against the gay community and pro-gay organizations.
The cease-and-desist letter has to do with the video below in which Tony Perkins, head of FRC, and Brian Camenker, head of the Massachusetts anti-gay group Mass Resistance claimed that GLSEN and the Massachusetts Public Schools distributed an explicit safe-sex guide called “The Little Black Book” to fifth to ninth graders at a conference in 2005:
But this claim has been debunked several times. Most specifically, the group Media Matters conducted a detailed debunking of this claim in December 2009.
In a May 19, 2005, article, The Boston Globe reported:
Fenway Community Health officials yesterday said they left about 10 copies of the ”Little Black Book” on an informational table they rented at a conference sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network of Boston. The annual event, held on April 30 at Brookline High School, was aimed at high school students, educators, counselors, administrators, and parents. The “Little Black Book,” produced by the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, is targeted at 18-and-older gay men, according to the committee. The book uses vivid descriptions and colloquial terms to describe the ways HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented and spread.
A Fenway Community Health employee brought the pamphlets along with other materials and put them on the table by mistake, said Chris Viveiros, a spokesman for Fenway Community Health.
“Fenway Community Health regrets accidentally making available a small number of copies of the Little Black Book, an HIV-prevention publication for gay and bisexual men over the age of 18, at an event where young people were present,” said Dr. Stephen Boswell, Fenway Community Health’s president and CEO.
Furthermore, also from the Globe article:
Sean Haley, executive director of the education network (GLSEN), which sponsored the conference, added: ”We have very clear policies that sexually explicit material of any kind will not be made available at the conference. Had I seen the book, I would have asked them to put it away.”
At the start of the event, Haley said, network officials scanned each of the 10 tables it had rented, for $35 apiece, to outside groups. He said nobody saw the pamphlet at the time. ”We’re just going to have to be more rigorous in our review of materials,” he said.
Haley said that about 500 people attended the conference, roughly half of them students. He said only ”a handful” were younger than high-school aged.
On May 18, 2005, WHDH 7News Boston’s Sean Hennessey reported that Brookline Superintendent of Schools William H. Lupini says that “none of his students, he believes, took the [Fenway] book home.”
In its cease-and-desist letter, GLSEN said that “the false statements in the FRC video can do real and lasting harm to our work.”
FRC has made those false and defamatory statements in an obvious effort to raise money, undermine GLSEN’s work and maintain the status quo: school systems where LGBT students face unacceptable levels of harassment and violence and where anti-LGBT bias is a weapon of choice for bullies.
We must respond forcefully and aggressively to defend our ability to fulfill our mission, and to protect ourselves and our partners in this critical work – the countless people in school communities across the country who work with GLSEN and our chapters to ensure safe and affirming schools for all students, utilizing our resources, attending our trainings, advocating with us for urgently needed change to make a positive difference in schools.
Both the FRC and Mass Resistance have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as anti-gay hate groups due to what SPLC calls an intentional spreading of demonizing propaganda against the gay community and pro-gay organizations.
Tea Party Denounces Christine O'Donnell After She Walks Off Piers Morgan
Christine O’Donnell walked off the set of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” tonight, rather than discuss same-sex marriage equality.
The Tea Party Republican failed senatorial candidate appeared on the CNN primetime show to discuss her book, “Troublemaker: Let’s Do What It Takes to Make America Great Again,” but spent over two minutes discussing why she would not discuss same-sex marriage, or, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, even though it is covered in her book, according to Morgan. O’Donnell, whose handler apparently ended the interview, told Morgan that apparently she should be the one to decide what questions and topics were to be discussed, in dramatic contrast to normal interview practices.
The Tea Party Republican failed senatorial candidate appeared on the CNN primetime show to discuss her book, “Troublemaker: Let’s Do What It Takes to Make America Great Again,” but spent over two minutes discussing why she would not discuss same-sex marriage, or, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, even though it is covered in her book, according to Morgan. O’Donnell, whose handler apparently ended the interview, told Morgan that apparently she should be the one to decide what questions and topics were to be discussed, in dramatic contrast to normal interview practices.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Will Oregon Voters Enact Marriage Equality?
Basic Rights Oregon, the state's largest LGBT rights group, has plans to overturn Oregon's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage — and wants it done at the polls.
The group is planning an education campaign so Oregon's electorate sees the light on marriage equality. A formal signature-gathering campaign will begin in October so that the issue makes it to the November 2012 ballot, the Statesman Journal reports.
The group is planning an education campaign so Oregon's electorate sees the light on marriage equality. A formal signature-gathering campaign will begin in October so that the issue makes it to the November 2012 ballot, the Statesman Journal reports.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
North Carolina Church Sign Tells 'Perverted' Gays to 'Turn or Burn'
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Gay couple sues California’s Great America theme park over humiliating photo
A gay couple is suing California’s Great America amusement park, claiming that park employees doctored a photograph of them, then displayed it publicly — captioned with a gay slur.
The lawsuit against the Santa Clara amusement park was filed Monday in Santa Clara County Superior Court by Craig Person and Edmund Yang, both of San Jose.
It is the delayed reaction to an incident on August 17, 2008, that began with a ride on the Psycho Mouse roller coaster.
The two men exited past a counter where park employees were selling photographs taken of patrons during the ride. Person and Yang declined to purchase a shot showing them from overhead, holding hands.
Later in the day, friends discovered the same photograph on display at a different ride’s counter — but with a thought bubble added that contained the phase “Were (sic) Fags!”
The lawsuit against the Santa Clara amusement park was filed Monday in Santa Clara County Superior Court by Craig Person and Edmund Yang, both of San Jose.
It is the delayed reaction to an incident on August 17, 2008, that began with a ride on the Psycho Mouse roller coaster.
The two men exited past a counter where park employees were selling photographs taken of patrons during the ride. Person and Yang declined to purchase a shot showing them from overhead, holding hands.
Later in the day, friends discovered the same photograph on display at a different ride’s counter — but with a thought bubble added that contained the phase “Were (sic) Fags!”
Friday, August 12, 2011
State GOP Rep Busted In Craigslist Gay Hooker Scandal
Indiana state Rep. Phillip Hinkle, a noted anti-gay Christian activist who forced the state to offer an "In God We Trust" license plate, has been accused of hiring a male prostitute from Craigslist's M4M section. Local newspapers have been provided with emails between Hinkle and the alleged hooker
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ricky Martin Talks About First Secret Lover and Current Boyfriend
In a new Behind The Music profile, Ricky Martin reveals his first secret relationship with a man left him heartbroken and that his current partner Carlos is sexy, smart, and loves his children.
The Puerto Rican hearththrob, who came out in 2010, also tells of growing up Catholic in a Latin American country. “You go to school and [the] first thing they ask you when you come back home is, ‘Do you already have a girlfriend?’" Martin says. "Automatically, society tells you that’s what you are supposed to feel. You’re not supposed to feel this and if you feel this, there’s something really bad going on.”
Martin also opens up about his first significant relationship with a man, which he kept secret. “It didn't work out as I hoped that it would work out," Martin says. "And then what happened with me was that when it was over I was heartbroken. And then it was time to go back to the beginning, it is time to go back to what kind of feels right. Let’s sing, let’s work. Let’s move.”
The Puerto Rican hearththrob, who came out in 2010, also tells of growing up Catholic in a Latin American country. “You go to school and [the] first thing they ask you when you come back home is, ‘Do you already have a girlfriend?’" Martin says. "Automatically, society tells you that’s what you are supposed to feel. You’re not supposed to feel this and if you feel this, there’s something really bad going on.”
Martin also opens up about his first significant relationship with a man, which he kept secret. “It didn't work out as I hoped that it would work out," Martin says. "And then what happened with me was that when it was over I was heartbroken. And then it was time to go back to the beginning, it is time to go back to what kind of feels right. Let’s sing, let’s work. Let’s move.”
In Chile, Proposal for Civil Unions

Chile’s conservative president proposed civil unions legislation Tuesday that would give unmarried partners many of the rights now enjoyed only by married couples in the South American nation.
Gays and lesbians lauded Sebastian Pinera’s signature on the proposal that he is sending to Congress as a big step toward equality
Starbucks CEO Cancels on Church Linked to Conversion Therapy
Starbucks CEO and founder Howard Schultz has cancelled an appearance at Willow Creek Community Church following an online petition that asked him to denounce the church associated with conversion therapy.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Schultz was scheduled to deliver a talk Friday about “How Starbucks Fought for its Life Without Losing Its Soul” during an annual leadership summit sponsored by the Willow Creek Association in South Barrington, Illinois.
“Though Starbucks confirmed Schultz no longer planned to be there, the company would not attribute it to a campaign launched last week calling on Schultz to denounce the church’s stance before the event,” reports the Tribune.
The petition posted to drew more than 700 signatures and noted that Willow Creek maintained a long relationship with Exodus International, which teaches that gay people can be “cured” of their sexual orientation. The church ended its association with Exodus in 2009.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Schultz was scheduled to deliver a talk Friday about “How Starbucks Fought for its Life Without Losing Its Soul” during an annual leadership summit sponsored by the Willow Creek Association in South Barrington, Illinois.
“Though Starbucks confirmed Schultz no longer planned to be there, the company would not attribute it to a campaign launched last week calling on Schultz to denounce the church’s stance before the event,” reports the Tribune.
The petition posted to drew more than 700 signatures and noted that Willow Creek maintained a long relationship with Exodus International, which teaches that gay people can be “cured” of their sexual orientation. The church ended its association with Exodus in 2009.
Ann Coulter Joins Gay Republican Group GOProud
Coulter opposes same-sex marriage, ENDA, hate crimes laws, the repeal of DADT, and pretty much any LGBT rights legislation. Therefore, she's a perfect fit for the fucktards at GOProud.
Seventh Circuit Court strikes down transphobic Wisconsin law
A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has struck down Wisconsin’s ban on hormone treatments for transgender prisoners.
The Wisconsin law, named the Inmate Sex Change Prevention Act, was passed in 2005, and was challenged in 2006 by three transgender inmates, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal.
The court’s decision was based upon the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and its guarantee of freedom from cruel and unusual punishment.
The Wisconsin law, named the Inmate Sex Change Prevention Act, was passed in 2005, and was challenged in 2006 by three transgender inmates, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal.
The court’s decision was based upon the 8th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and its guarantee of freedom from cruel and unusual punishment.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Petition Urges Marriage for Sesame Street's Ernie and Bert

A petition urging the creators of Sesame Street to marry Ernie and Bert is receiving quite a bit of attention.
The Washington Post reports:
For years, viewers have speculated that Bert and Ernie, the lovable Sesame Street pair who share a bedroom, are gay. The show’s creators have failed to indulge those speculations, even after some said Bert came out on the show’s Twitter page, a video circulated that was said to prove their homosexuality, and parody articles were written about the duo quietly coming out in favor of same-sex marriage.
Jonathan Capehart adds: "Children look for reflections of themselves in the world around them. If a gay kid takes a gander at Bert and Ernie and feels a pang of familiarity, that’s great. Whether the fuzzy fellas get married or not, at least that gay kid will be seeing a positive image that will bolster his budding self-image. And there’s no harm in that."
Ghana Church to Establish “Rehabilitation” Centers for Gays
The Presbyterian Church of Ghana, concerned about “the spread” of homosexuality in the nation, is stepping up its promotion of the widely discredited practice of so-called reparative therapy, aimed at converting gay people to straight.
Vatican Investigates Mexican Bishop’s Work With Gay Group
Raúl Vera López, the Roman Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Mexico, is under investigation by the Vatican for his work with gay organizations as well as groups that support the decriminalization of abortion.
New MTV VMA Category Puts Spotlight on LGBT Discrimination, Bullying, Self-Empowerment
The MTV Video Music Awards will include a new social activism category this year:
This special category celebrates the powerful intersection of music and social activism, and highlights artists who created music videos with positive messages of self-empowerment or raised awareness of key social issues facing today’s youth. With an outpouring of support from across the pop culture spectrum the last year, artists mobilized to support bullied youth, reject LGBT discrimination and emphasize self worth — issues MTV has been addressing through A Thin Line, its anti-cyberbullying and digital abuse campaign, launched in December of 2009 – and now via this special 2011 MTV Video Music Award Category.
Said MTV President Stephen Friedman of the new category: "During the past year, we've seen a remarkable number of artists use their music to explore deeply personal experiences and issues they were passionate about to create powerful videos that resonated with and inspired millions of their fans."
The VMA nominees for "Best Video With a Message" are Pink for "F***** Perfect," Lady Gaga for "Born This Way," Katy Perry with "Firework," Eminem featuring Rihanna for "Love The Way You Lie," Rise Against for "Make It Stop (September's Children)" and Taylor Swift for "Mean."
This special category celebrates the powerful intersection of music and social activism, and highlights artists who created music videos with positive messages of self-empowerment or raised awareness of key social issues facing today’s youth. With an outpouring of support from across the pop culture spectrum the last year, artists mobilized to support bullied youth, reject LGBT discrimination and emphasize self worth — issues MTV has been addressing through A Thin Line, its anti-cyberbullying and digital abuse campaign, launched in December of 2009 – and now via this special 2011 MTV Video Music Award Category.
Said MTV President Stephen Friedman of the new category: "During the past year, we've seen a remarkable number of artists use their music to explore deeply personal experiences and issues they were passionate about to create powerful videos that resonated with and inspired millions of their fans."
The VMA nominees for "Best Video With a Message" are Pink for "F***** Perfect," Lady Gaga for "Born This Way," Katy Perry with "Firework," Eminem featuring Rihanna for "Love The Way You Lie," Rise Against for "Make It Stop (September's Children)" and Taylor Swift for "Mean."
David Boies and Ted Olson, Lead Attorneys in Prop 8 Challenge, Accept American Bar Association's Highest Honor
David Boies and Ted Olson, lead attorneys in the American Foundation for Equal Rights' federal challenge to Proposition 8, accepted the American Bar Association Medal today. It is the organization's highest honor.
AFER writes:
In accepting the honor, David Boies reflected on his role in Perry v Schwarzenegger and noted, “What we’ve been able to accomplish is based on the contributions of so many other people who made those contributions under much more difficult circumstances” and accepted the award on behalf of them.
AFER, Boies and Olson will be back in court on September 6 for oral arguments in front of the California Supreme Court on the question of whether under California law official proponents of a ballot initiative have an interest in defending the initiative when it is challenged in court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit deemed the question essential to its determination as to whether the official proponents of Proposition 8 have standing to appeal Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s ruling from last summer.
AFER writes:
In accepting the honor, David Boies reflected on his role in Perry v Schwarzenegger and noted, “What we’ve been able to accomplish is based on the contributions of so many other people who made those contributions under much more difficult circumstances” and accepted the award on behalf of them.
AFER, Boies and Olson will be back in court on September 6 for oral arguments in front of the California Supreme Court on the question of whether under California law official proponents of a ballot initiative have an interest in defending the initiative when it is challenged in court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit deemed the question essential to its determination as to whether the official proponents of Proposition 8 have standing to appeal Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s ruling from last summer.
Survived Maria?
Arnold Schwarzenegger went biking in California on Sunday and threw a little Austrian shade at Maria Shriver by wearing an "I Survived Maria" t-shirt.
Moderates try to push GOP toward center in California
Conservative Republicans flexed their newfound muscle in Capitol Hill’s chaotic debt showdown, but in left-leaning California, moderates are trying to push the party toward the center on immigration, guns and gay rights as the 2012 elections come into view.
The latest friction in a long tussle between conservatives and centrists in California comes as leaders search for ways to make their candidates more competitive in a state where Democrats control the Legislature, hold every statewide office and enjoy a growing registration advantage. It also mirrors tensions playing out nationally as presidential contenders maneuver in advance of next year’s primary season.
A proposed rewrite of the California Republican Party platform retreats from opposition to same-sex adoption, domestic partner benefits and child custody, avoids any mention of overturning Roe v. Wade and drops a demand to end virtually all federal and state benefits for illegal immigrants.
Alarmed conservatives say the party’s core principles are under assault.
“It’s castrating conservative ideas,” said longtime party activist Mike Spence. The proposed changes suggest “the Republican Party doesn’t believe in anything.”
The proposed changes come as Washington conservatives have displayed new clout in the budget and debt debate and appear out of step with some ascendant leaders in the GOP who have been pulling the party to the right on fiscal and social issues.
Yet advocates for the changes say the California party needs a makeover – it’s outnumbered in registration and appears poised to lose control of more legislative and congressional seats after a once-a-decade recasting of district boundaries.
To them, the platform should be primarily focused on the economy and jobs – the top concern for voters.
The draft does not erase opposition to abortion rights or support for traditional marriage and gun rights, but it gives them less visibility.
The current platform, adopted in 2008, says state guns laws “disarm law-abiding citizens” and calls for the end to waiting periods to purchase firearms and inclusion of a right to carry concealed weapons in the state constitution. In the proposed version, a single sentence is included on gun ownership, saying the party supports Second Amendment rights.
A detailed section titled “The Right to Life” vanishes, including a call to reverse the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. It would be replaced with a single sentence on the protection of innocent human life, and the word “abortion” never appears.
The proposed platform states the party “supports traditional marriage,” a significant rewrite from 2008, when the platform said marriage should be defined as between a man and woman, and schools should not teach homosexuality as an “acceptable … lifestyle.” Californians have twice voted to outlaw same-sex marriage, but a federal judge last year declared the latest ban, known as Proposition 8, unconstitutional. The ruling is being contested in court.
It also drops a sentence opposing assisted suicide, as well as a line saying the party supports stem-cell research “that focuses on cures, not destroying innocent human life.”
The draft platform “is pro-life, anti-tax, pro-family,” said Leonard Lanzi, a member of a party advisory committee that endorsed the proposal, which is expected to be reviewed at a state Republican convention in September.
“It’s brief, yes, but it’s not complicated,” Lanzi added. “I think this is a platform that will appeal to a broader group of folks.”
In a state as large as California, it’s never been easy to define a typical Republican. Is it former conservative Rep. Bob Dornan, known as “B-1 Bob” for his support of military programs, or Meg Whitman, the politically moderate billionaire who ran the most costly campaign for governor in U.S. history in 2010 and lost? Is it a conservative icon like President Ronald Reagan, or former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a political chameleon who called himself an “Arnold Republican” and talked about transcending party labels?
State GOP Chairman Tom Del Beccaro said he considered the platform dispute routine but declined to discuss specifics of the proposed changes.
“It’s been approved by the drafting committee. It’s got to make its way up the ladder,” Del Beccaro said. “I don’t think the ultimate result, when we adopt our platform, will be much different than it was four years ago.”
On immigration, the tentative changes represent an acknowledgment of the state’s changing face. Hispanics accounted for about 80 percent of the increase in registered voters in the state over the last decade, according to pollster Mark DiCamillo of the independent Field Poll. Broadening Hispanic support “is the single most important matter that faces the California Republican Party,” DiCamillo said.
The current platform calls for the denial of most benefits to illegal immigrants, would require immigrants to learn English and makes English the official language of the government. In the retooled version, it says the federal government should secure the border and reach an agreement on immigration reform.
The latest numbers for the California GOP are not encouraging.
In 2010, when Republicans scored big victories in Congress and statehouses around the nation, California Democrats made a clean sweep of eight statewide contests.
Despite a booming population, California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today. The party is in danger of slipping under 30 percent of registered voters statewide – Democrats hold 44 percent, or an edge of 2.3 million voters. Independents outnumber Republicans in 14 of the state’s 53 congressional districts.
Hispanics could eclipse non-Hispanics and comprise the largest racial or ethnic group in the state by 2020, and they tend to vote Democratic. Independents – about 2 of 10 voters – generally tilt left in California, too.
The last Republican to carry the state in a presidential election was George H.W. Bush, in 1988.
Ultimately, it’s not clear how much good a remade platform will do at the ballot box. It’s candidates who win or lose elections.
To political scientist Jack Pitney, the party has been divided by bickering factions since 1854, its founding date.
“It’s possible to have a broadly conservative party that doesn’t agree on every specific,” said Pitney, who teaches at Claremont McKenna College. “The guy who was able to thread the needle on this was Reagan – he was able to include the moderates.”
The latest friction in a long tussle between conservatives and centrists in California comes as leaders search for ways to make their candidates more competitive in a state where Democrats control the Legislature, hold every statewide office and enjoy a growing registration advantage. It also mirrors tensions playing out nationally as presidential contenders maneuver in advance of next year’s primary season.
A proposed rewrite of the California Republican Party platform retreats from opposition to same-sex adoption, domestic partner benefits and child custody, avoids any mention of overturning Roe v. Wade and drops a demand to end virtually all federal and state benefits for illegal immigrants.
Alarmed conservatives say the party’s core principles are under assault.
“It’s castrating conservative ideas,” said longtime party activist Mike Spence. The proposed changes suggest “the Republican Party doesn’t believe in anything.”
The proposed changes come as Washington conservatives have displayed new clout in the budget and debt debate and appear out of step with some ascendant leaders in the GOP who have been pulling the party to the right on fiscal and social issues.
Yet advocates for the changes say the California party needs a makeover – it’s outnumbered in registration and appears poised to lose control of more legislative and congressional seats after a once-a-decade recasting of district boundaries.
To them, the platform should be primarily focused on the economy and jobs – the top concern for voters.
The draft does not erase opposition to abortion rights or support for traditional marriage and gun rights, but it gives them less visibility.
The current platform, adopted in 2008, says state guns laws “disarm law-abiding citizens” and calls for the end to waiting periods to purchase firearms and inclusion of a right to carry concealed weapons in the state constitution. In the proposed version, a single sentence is included on gun ownership, saying the party supports Second Amendment rights.
A detailed section titled “The Right to Life” vanishes, including a call to reverse the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. It would be replaced with a single sentence on the protection of innocent human life, and the word “abortion” never appears.
The proposed platform states the party “supports traditional marriage,” a significant rewrite from 2008, when the platform said marriage should be defined as between a man and woman, and schools should not teach homosexuality as an “acceptable … lifestyle.” Californians have twice voted to outlaw same-sex marriage, but a federal judge last year declared the latest ban, known as Proposition 8, unconstitutional. The ruling is being contested in court.
It also drops a sentence opposing assisted suicide, as well as a line saying the party supports stem-cell research “that focuses on cures, not destroying innocent human life.”
The draft platform “is pro-life, anti-tax, pro-family,” said Leonard Lanzi, a member of a party advisory committee that endorsed the proposal, which is expected to be reviewed at a state Republican convention in September.
“It’s brief, yes, but it’s not complicated,” Lanzi added. “I think this is a platform that will appeal to a broader group of folks.”
In a state as large as California, it’s never been easy to define a typical Republican. Is it former conservative Rep. Bob Dornan, known as “B-1 Bob” for his support of military programs, or Meg Whitman, the politically moderate billionaire who ran the most costly campaign for governor in U.S. history in 2010 and lost? Is it a conservative icon like President Ronald Reagan, or former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a political chameleon who called himself an “Arnold Republican” and talked about transcending party labels?
State GOP Chairman Tom Del Beccaro said he considered the platform dispute routine but declined to discuss specifics of the proposed changes.
“It’s been approved by the drafting committee. It’s got to make its way up the ladder,” Del Beccaro said. “I don’t think the ultimate result, when we adopt our platform, will be much different than it was four years ago.”
On immigration, the tentative changes represent an acknowledgment of the state’s changing face. Hispanics accounted for about 80 percent of the increase in registered voters in the state over the last decade, according to pollster Mark DiCamillo of the independent Field Poll. Broadening Hispanic support “is the single most important matter that faces the California Republican Party,” DiCamillo said.
The current platform calls for the denial of most benefits to illegal immigrants, would require immigrants to learn English and makes English the official language of the government. In the retooled version, it says the federal government should secure the border and reach an agreement on immigration reform.
The latest numbers for the California GOP are not encouraging.
In 2010, when Republicans scored big victories in Congress and statehouses around the nation, California Democrats made a clean sweep of eight statewide contests.
Despite a booming population, California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today. The party is in danger of slipping under 30 percent of registered voters statewide – Democrats hold 44 percent, or an edge of 2.3 million voters. Independents outnumber Republicans in 14 of the state’s 53 congressional districts.
Hispanics could eclipse non-Hispanics and comprise the largest racial or ethnic group in the state by 2020, and they tend to vote Democratic. Independents – about 2 of 10 voters – generally tilt left in California, too.
The last Republican to carry the state in a presidential election was George H.W. Bush, in 1988.
Ultimately, it’s not clear how much good a remade platform will do at the ballot box. It’s candidates who win or lose elections.
To political scientist Jack Pitney, the party has been divided by bickering factions since 1854, its founding date.
“It’s possible to have a broadly conservative party that doesn’t agree on every specific,” said Pitney, who teaches at Claremont McKenna College. “The guy who was able to thread the needle on this was Reagan – he was able to include the moderates.”
Rick Santorum: Marriage Is Like a Napkin, Not a Paper Towel
Rick Santorum tried again to explain why gays shouldn't be allowed to get married, and this time he went all "metaphysical."
The San Francisco Chronicle caught the moment on tape as Santorum stood before a small gathering of Iowans at a Hy-Vee grocery store, where customers filled drink cups and went on about their business while he spoke. The former Pennsylvania senator needed to get the voters' attention.
The San Francisco Chronicle caught the moment on tape as Santorum stood before a small gathering of Iowans at a Hy-Vee grocery store, where customers filled drink cups and went on about their business while he spoke. The former Pennsylvania senator needed to get the voters' attention.
Archbishop Urged Maryland Governor Against Supporting Marriage Equality
When Maryland governor Martin O’Malley (pictured, left) announced he would sponsor a marriage equality bill, he was bucking pressure from Baltimore Catholic archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien (right), correspondence released Monday reveals.
Rick Perry’s prayer rally a failed hot mess of hypocrisy
Houston’s Reliant Stadium hold 71,000 people, but according to officials with Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “The Response” prayer rally, about 30,000 people showed up. That should mean that the stadium would be half full. Doesn’t look like it to me. Failure #1.
Perry also sent invitations to every governor in the nation to attend his rally. The only one to show up was Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. Gov. Rick Scott of Florida made a video that was played in the stadium. Only two others out of at least forty-nine — that’s failure #2.
The American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon addressed criticisms of the wholesale obliteration of the lines between church and state as represented by a religious revival organized by a political executive by saying “no political candidates will be speaking.” Candidate, perhaps not — although please, does anyone not believe Perry is running for president — but the criticism stems from two current, elected governors speaking from the stage with another one phoning it in. These aren’t just candidates. They are current office-holders sworn to uphold the Constitution. Failure #3.
Bachmanns attend church service denouncing gays as ‘immoral and unnatural’

Bachmann on Sunday attended a church service where Pastor Jeff Mullen called homosexuality “immoral” and “unnatural,” and later showed a testimonial video from a man who claimed to have been gay before having a conversation with God.
Before the sermon at Point of Grace Church — a non-denominational congregation near Des Moines — Bachmann stood with her husband, Marcus Bachmann, before a crowd of about 100 people, clutching her personal copy of the Bible.
When Bachmann and her husband returned to their seats, Mullen began a half-hour presentation on his church’s beliefs. Reading verses from the Bible to support his case, Mullen said, “We inherently know that homosexual behavior is immoral and unnatural.”
“God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,” Mullen said, reading from the book of Romans.
Mullen’s sermon concluded with video testimonial from a man named Adam Hood, who claims to have been gay before experiencing a conversation with God. “I am so happy God has given me natural affection for a woman,” Hood said in the video, adding that his wife is nine months pregnant.”
via: MSNBC
The video shown included excerpts from these two videos featuring Hood:
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Gayest Pictures Of Marcus Bachmann
Whether Marcus Bachmann is actually straight or not, there's a whole lotta gay going on here— has the fabulous faces of Bachmann.
Just sayin....
Monday, August 8, 2011
NOM releases anti-gay pledge
Political pledges are popular this election season with Republicans, with presidential hopefuls Michelle Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum signing the National Organization for Marriage’s “marriage pledge.”
Bachmann previously got press for clamoring to sign another conservative, anti-gay pledge, “The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family.”
The pledge includes the following stipulations:
Support and send to the states a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman,
Defend DOMA in court,
Appoint judges and an attorney general who will respect the original meaning of the Constitution,
Appoint a presidential commission to investigate harassment of traditional marriage supporters,
Support legislation that would return to the people of D.C. their right to vote for marriage.
“Marriage is an issue with an unbroken string of victories that unites Republicans, and we’re pleased and honored the leading candidates in the race for the GOP nomination have spoken up for marriage. We expect the voters of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina will continue to reward candidates who champion marriage,” said Brian Brown, president of the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage.
Former Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a conservative Republican against gay marriage, refused to sign.
“Pawlenty’s communications director Ann Marie Hauser, personally informed me on Tuesday that Tim Pawlenty would not sign NOM’s marriage pledge,” Maggie Gallagher, chairman of the board of NOM, told the Wall Street Journal “Like many people, we are scratching our heads wondering why Gov. Pawlenty, who has been a champion for marriage in Minnesota, would not commit to doing so for America.”
Thomas Roberts Hammers Brian Brown Over NOM's Marriage Pledge, Which Pawlenty is Now Signing
Romney, Bachmann and Santorum sign new marriage pledge
Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., have signed a new pledge to oppose marriage equality, support a federal marriage amendment and restrict their judicial nominations to judges who disagree that gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry. The pledge, put forward by the National Organization for Marriage, also says signers promise to establish a presidential commission to investigate claims that marriage-equality opponents are being harassed or threatened
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Ben Cohen's StandUp Foundation Launches Official Website
The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation has now launched its official website.
The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Inc. is the world's first foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying, and funding those doing real-world work to stop it. We stand up against bullying regardless of to whom it happens. Because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people are often targeted by bullies, we give particular attention to this community. We include removing homophobia from sports as central to our mission.
The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Inc. is the world's first foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying, and funding those doing real-world work to stop it. We stand up against bullying regardless of to whom it happens. Because gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people are often targeted by bullies, we give particular attention to this community. We include removing homophobia from sports as central to our mission.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
American Psychological Association Policymaking Body Votes 157-0 to Support Marriage Equality
In a move that a leading sociologist on the subject says "is significant for the ongoing public policy and legal battles in Washington and around the states," the policymaking body of the American Psychological Association has unanimously (157-0) approved a resolution supporting same-sex marriage, USA Today reports:
The group, with more than 154,000 members, has long supported full equal rights for gays, based on social science research on sexual orientation. Now the nation's psychologists — citing an increasing body of research about same-sex marriage, as well as increased discussion at the state and federal levels — took the support to a new level...
...The resolution points to numerous recent studies, including findings that "many gay men and lesbians, like their heterosexual counterparts, desire to form stable, long-lasting and committed intimate relationships and are successful in doing so."
It adds that "emerging evidence suggests that statewide campaigns to deny same-sex couples legal access to civil marriage are a significant source of stress to the lesbian, gay and bisexual residents of those states and may have negative effects on their psychological well-being."
Read more:
The group, with more than 154,000 members, has long supported full equal rights for gays, based on social science research on sexual orientation. Now the nation's psychologists — citing an increasing body of research about same-sex marriage, as well as increased discussion at the state and federal levels — took the support to a new level...
...The resolution points to numerous recent studies, including findings that "many gay men and lesbians, like their heterosexual counterparts, desire to form stable, long-lasting and committed intimate relationships and are successful in doing so."
It adds that "emerging evidence suggests that statewide campaigns to deny same-sex couples legal access to civil marriage are a significant source of stress to the lesbian, gay and bisexual residents of those states and may have negative effects on their psychological well-being."
Read more:
Gay Concentration Camp Survivor Dies at 98
The last known gay concentration camp survivor imprisoned because of his sexual orientation has died, according to Germany’s Lesbian and Gay Association.
Rudolf Brazda, who was held at the Buchenwald concentration camp for three years until U.S. forces liberated the camp in 1945, died Wednesday at the age of 98, the Associated Press reports.
In a 2008 interview with the French gay magazine Têtu, Brazda spoke for the first time of his imprisonment since he made remarks at the dedication ceremony of a Berlin memorial to gay victims of the Third Reich. “The way Nazis treated the ‘pink triangles’ is unspeakable,” Brazda said, referring to the emblem gays were forced to wear. “They had absolutely no mercy.”
After he was freed from Buchenwald, Brazda moved to France, where he lived for 35 years with his partner, who died in 2002.
Rudolf Brazda, who was held at the Buchenwald concentration camp for three years until U.S. forces liberated the camp in 1945, died Wednesday at the age of 98, the Associated Press reports.
In a 2008 interview with the French gay magazine Têtu, Brazda spoke for the first time of his imprisonment since he made remarks at the dedication ceremony of a Berlin memorial to gay victims of the Third Reich. “The way Nazis treated the ‘pink triangles’ is unspeakable,” Brazda said, referring to the emblem gays were forced to wear. “They had absolutely no mercy.”
After he was freed from Buchenwald, Brazda moved to France, where he lived for 35 years with his partner, who died in 2002.
New York Times Publishes Glowing Tribute To Anti-Gay Hate Group
The New York Times, and writer Erik Eckholm, today published a 1232 word glowing tribute to the anti-gay, anti-Islam SPLC-certified hate group, American Family Association, without any mention of the official hate group designation.
In, “With Rally, Christian Group Asserts Its Presence in ’12 Race,” Eckholm gives voice to the highly-publicized hate group’s attacks, writing, “the association has sharpened its edge over the years, moving from its well-known crusades for public ‘decency’ to harshly opposing what it calls an anti-Christian ‘homosexual agenda’ — not only same-sex marriage and the acceptance of gay troops in the military, but any suggestion that homosexual ‘behavior is normal.’ The association also campaigns against antibullying programs that teach tolerance and corporations (likeHome Depot, a current target) that support gay pride parades.”
“Mr. Wildmon warns that if current social trends go unchecked, ‘homosexuals will become part of an elite class’ and “‘Christians will be second-class citizens at best’.”
“I don’t think we are exaggerating the dangers to the country, the culture, the American family,” Mr. Fischer said in an interview. “The stakes are as high as they could be.”
“Though liberal critics call it a hate group, the association and Mr. Wildmon are widely revered in conservative circles. Working in the relative isolation of Tupelo and lacking a magnetic television personality, Mr. Wildmon is not as widely known as other titans of the religious right, like Pat Robertson or James C. Dobson. But last fall Mr. Wildmon was described as “one of the most effective Christian leaders of our time” as he received a lifetime achievement award at the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of top religious conservatives.”
“Will a day of concentrated prayer, by tens of thousands of believers in Houston and untold numbers more who may participate from afar, turn the tide? ‘That remains to be seen,’ Mr. Wildmon said. ‘Anyone who wants to pray to Jesus to save our county is welcome.’
“‘God didn’t call me to be successful,’ he added, sounding more resigned than strident. ‘He called me to be faithful’.”
Feel free to write the Times, or leave a comment on their piece. Let them know that the American Family Association has been found to be a certified hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the same folks that successfully prosecuted the KKK.
In, “With Rally, Christian Group Asserts Its Presence in ’12 Race,” Eckholm gives voice to the highly-publicized hate group’s attacks, writing, “the association has sharpened its edge over the years, moving from its well-known crusades for public ‘decency’ to harshly opposing what it calls an anti-Christian ‘homosexual agenda’ — not only same-sex marriage and the acceptance of gay troops in the military, but any suggestion that homosexual ‘behavior is normal.’ The association also campaigns against antibullying programs that teach tolerance and corporations (likeHome Depot, a current target) that support gay pride parades.”
“Mr. Wildmon warns that if current social trends go unchecked, ‘homosexuals will become part of an elite class’ and “‘Christians will be second-class citizens at best’.”
“I don’t think we are exaggerating the dangers to the country, the culture, the American family,” Mr. Fischer said in an interview. “The stakes are as high as they could be.”
“Though liberal critics call it a hate group, the association and Mr. Wildmon are widely revered in conservative circles. Working in the relative isolation of Tupelo and lacking a magnetic television personality, Mr. Wildmon is not as widely known as other titans of the religious right, like Pat Robertson or James C. Dobson. But last fall Mr. Wildmon was described as “one of the most effective Christian leaders of our time” as he received a lifetime achievement award at the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of top religious conservatives.”
“Will a day of concentrated prayer, by tens of thousands of believers in Houston and untold numbers more who may participate from afar, turn the tide? ‘That remains to be seen,’ Mr. Wildmon said. ‘Anyone who wants to pray to Jesus to save our county is welcome.’
“‘God didn’t call me to be successful,’ he added, sounding more resigned than strident. ‘He called me to be faithful’.”
Feel free to write the Times, or leave a comment on their piece. Let them know that the American Family Association has been found to be a certified hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the same folks that successfully prosecuted the KKK.
New HIV infections up 50 percent in gay black men
The number of Americans newly infected with HIV remained stable between 2006 and 2009, but infections rose nearly 50 percent among young black gay and bisexual men, U.S. experts said on Wednesday.
New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal progress since the peak of the HIV epidemic in the 1980s. But the sharp increases in infection rates among young black men who have sex with men show there is much more work to do, they said.
"We're very concerned about these increases among young gay men," Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, said in a telephone interview.
"We can't allow the health to a new generation to be lost to what is essentially a completely preventable disease."
According to the estimates, published in the journal PLoS ONE, there were 48,600 new HIV infections in the United States in 2006, 56,000 in 2007, 47,800 in 2008 and 48,100 in 2009. Over the four-year period, that amounts to an average of 50,000 cases per year.
But communities of color, and especially blacks, were disproportionately affected.
New data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal progress since the peak of the HIV epidemic in the 1980s. But the sharp increases in infection rates among young black men who have sex with men show there is much more work to do, they said.
"We're very concerned about these increases among young gay men," Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, said in a telephone interview.
"We can't allow the health to a new generation to be lost to what is essentially a completely preventable disease."
According to the estimates, published in the journal PLoS ONE, there were 48,600 new HIV infections in the United States in 2006, 56,000 in 2007, 47,800 in 2008 and 48,100 in 2009. Over the four-year period, that amounts to an average of 50,000 cases per year.
But communities of color, and especially blacks, were disproportionately affected.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Prop 8 Declared Unconstitutional One Year Ago Today By A Federal Judge

Prop 8 was declared unconstitutional one year ago today, by federal court judge Vaughn Walker. Here’s a little trip down memory lane.
“Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license,” Walker wrote in his August 4, 2010 decision. “Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite– sex couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis, the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.”
Because Proposition 8 is unconstitutional under both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, the court orders entry of judgment permanently enjoining its enforcement; prohibiting the official defendants from applying or enforcing Proposition 8 and directing the official defendants that all persons under their control or supervision shall not apply or enforce Proposition 8.
Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples. FF 76, 79 – 80; Romer, 517 US at 634 (“[L]aws of the kind now before us raise the inevitable inference that the disadvantage imposed is born of animosity toward the class of persons affected.”). Because Proposition 8 disadvantages gays and lesbians without any rational justification, Proposition 8 violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
S.C. Newspaper's Gay Interracial Wedding Announcement
In what may be a sign of a national sea change, the South Carolina newspaper The State has published the wedding announcement of a gay interracial couple who married in New York State.
William Leonard Hasty III (left) and Gregory Maurice Smith were married July 26 at Town Hall in Mamaroneck, N.Y. While they live in New York, the couple met in Columbia, S.C., in 1984 when they both were commissioned officers in the U.S. Army. They have two sons.
Native American tribe votes to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples
The Suquamish Native American Tribe in Washington state’s Kitsap County on Monday voted to extend marriage rights to same-sex couples.
The change in tribal law came after a four-year campaign by a lesbian tribal member, 28-year-old Heather Purser.
The Tribal Council held a public hearing on the ordinance change in June and formally adopted it in a unanimous vote Monday.
The new law allows the tribal court to issue a marriage license to two unmarried people, “regardless of their sex,” if they at least 18 years old and at least one of them is an enrolled member of the Suquamish Tribe. [...]
Michelle Hansen, Suquamish Tribal attorney, said the Suquamish ordinance does not have effect anywhere else unless that jurisdiction decides to recognize same-sex marriages conducted elsewhere.
The change in tribal law came after a four-year campaign by a lesbian tribal member, 28-year-old Heather Purser.
The Tribal Council held a public hearing on the ordinance change in June and formally adopted it in a unanimous vote Monday.
The new law allows the tribal court to issue a marriage license to two unmarried people, “regardless of their sex,” if they at least 18 years old and at least one of them is an enrolled member of the Suquamish Tribe. [...]
Michelle Hansen, Suquamish Tribal attorney, said the Suquamish ordinance does not have effect anywhere else unless that jurisdiction decides to recognize same-sex marriages conducted elsewhere.
New Adam Lambert Song Takes on Acceptance
Adam Lambert premiered a new song that sounds like it has a not-so-subtle message about acceptance of gay people during a recent concert in Canada.
"All of the things I've been talking about over the past year, a lot of them boil down to acceptance," the gay singer told his screaming audience while introducing the ballad. "This is a song that I wrote about how it feels that no matter where you go or where you turn sometimes it feels like you are just running from the law."
"Outlaws of Love" tells the story of a couple who are "always on the run." Lambert sings, "They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will."
"All of the things I've been talking about over the past year, a lot of them boil down to acceptance," the gay singer told his screaming audience while introducing the ballad. "This is a song that I wrote about how it feels that no matter where you go or where you turn sometimes it feels like you are just running from the law."
"Outlaws of Love" tells the story of a couple who are "always on the run." Lambert sings, "They say we'll rot in hell, well I don't think we will."
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dolly Parton Apologizes to Lesbian Couple
Dolly Parton has issued an apology to the lesbian couple who felt discriminated against at Dollywood last month, saying she's sorry for "the hurt or embarrassment," reports ABC News.
Parton's statement reads: "I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood's Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome." Parton adds that the policies on clothing or signs with profanity or controversial messages are in place to protect the person wearing the shirt and keep disturbances at the park to a minimum. Parton adds, "I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all."
Parton's statement reads: "I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood's Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome." Parton adds that the policies on clothing or signs with profanity or controversial messages are in place to protect the person wearing the shirt and keep disturbances at the park to a minimum. Parton adds, "I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all."
Hate group ‘Americans for Truth About Homosexuality’ loses tax-exempt status
The blog Ex-Gay Watch reported today that the anti-gay, hate group “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)” has lost its a 501(c)3 tax-exempt status for failing to submit IRS-required filings.
Although Ex-Gay Watch broke the news Monday, AFTAH’s tax-exempt status appears to have been revoked back in May 2010:
According to the IRS, the tax-exempt status of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was revoked on 5/10/2010 (PDF). The reason for this action is listed by the reporting organization Guidestar as a “failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years.” These forms are required of legitimate non-profit organizations for review by the IRS and the public.
While the current incarnation of AFTAH appears to have been active since 2006, we found only one form 990-EZ on file — for the year 2009 (PDF). In this, total receipts are listed as $110.000, out of which Peter LaBarbera received a salary of $75,000. For perspective, this is approximately the same salary plus benefits claimed by Exodus president Alan Chambers. Exodus lists eleven employees and a million dollar budget.
According to the IRS documentation on revocations (PDF), AFTAH can no longer be considered a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and there is no process for appeal.
Although Ex-Gay Watch broke the news Monday, AFTAH’s tax-exempt status appears to have been revoked back in May 2010:
According to the IRS, the tax-exempt status of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was revoked on 5/10/2010 (PDF). The reason for this action is listed by the reporting organization Guidestar as a “failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years.” These forms are required of legitimate non-profit organizations for review by the IRS and the public.
While the current incarnation of AFTAH appears to have been active since 2006, we found only one form 990-EZ on file — for the year 2009 (PDF). In this, total receipts are listed as $110.000, out of which Peter LaBarbera received a salary of $75,000. For perspective, this is approximately the same salary plus benefits claimed by Exodus president Alan Chambers. Exodus lists eleven employees and a million dollar budget.
According to the IRS documentation on revocations (PDF), AFTAH can no longer be considered a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and there is no process for appeal.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
NAACP Holds First-Ever LGBT Town Hall
At the same national convention where church leaders restated their opposition to same-sex marriage, 50 people gathered for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s first-ever forum on LGBT issues.
Recently-out CNN anchor Don Lemon questioned civil rights icon Julian Bond, comedian Wanda Sykes and other panelists at the NAACP’s 102nd national convention in Los Angeles on Monday, July 25.
"I feel like we as a community are far behind the curb on this issue," said panelist and film director Patrik-Ian Polk to the sparsely filled audience, which slowly filled throughout the afternoon. "It’s so deep and the church is so deeply rooted in this problem, that we have been living under this sort of ’don’t, ask, don’t tell’ for as long as I can remember."
Recently-out CNN anchor Don Lemon questioned civil rights icon Julian Bond, comedian Wanda Sykes and other panelists at the NAACP’s 102nd national convention in Los Angeles on Monday, July 25.
"I feel like we as a community are far behind the curb on this issue," said panelist and film director Patrik-Ian Polk to the sparsely filled audience, which slowly filled throughout the afternoon. "It’s so deep and the church is so deeply rooted in this problem, that we have been living under this sort of ’don’t, ask, don’t tell’ for as long as I can remember."
Monday, August 1, 2011
California Supreme Court Schedules September Arguments in Prop. 8 Case

The California Supreme Court will hear arguments on September 6 as to whether proponents of Proposition 8 have the legal standing to appeal Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision striking down the ballot measure — one he issued nearly a year ago.
In February, the state’s highest court certified a question from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, where the case is currently on appeal, on whether under state law the backers of an initiative have “the authority to assert the State's interest” when public officials refuse to do so.
“I am confident that the California Supreme Court will swiftly reach a decision on this question, and that this nation is now one step closer to seeing the dark walls of discrimination finally crumble," said Chad Griffin, board president of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, the group that has organized and funded the legal challenge to Prop. 8.
Sen. Scott Brown at center of controversy over absence from anti-bullying video
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has come under fire over his refusal to participate in a video for the “It Gets Better Project” that featured all other members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation.
Brown’s critics have accused him of taking part in a concerted pattern of failure to support LGBT rights, while “It Gets Better” founder Dan Savage noted that “not a single GOP elected official can bring himself or herself to make a video, or participate in the creation of one.”
All 10 U.S.House representatives from Massachusetts participated in the video released Wednesday, as did U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.). Brown’s office said he declined an invitation to take part.
“Sen. Brown’s absence in our congressional delegation’s video sends a message that he supports kids being bullied or harassed,” said state Rep. Carl Sciortino (D-Medford), in a press call on Thursday.
“Now, I don’t think that’s the message that Sen. Brown wants to send. I’m asking him, as a Senator for the Commonwealth, to stand up and show some leadership on behalf of his LGBT constituents, our young people that are facing violence in our schools, our young people that are being bullied in our schools.”
Sciortino noted that in 2006, when Brown was still a Massachusetts state senator, he was the only member of that body voting to uphold then-Governor Mitt Romney’s veto of a Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.
Brown’s office on Wednesday argued that the Senator has a “strong record” on bullying and said his “main focus right now is on creating jobs and getting our economy back on track.”
Brown’s critics have accused him of taking part in a concerted pattern of failure to support LGBT rights, while “It Gets Better” founder Dan Savage noted that “not a single GOP elected official can bring himself or herself to make a video, or participate in the creation of one.”
All 10 U.S.House representatives from Massachusetts participated in the video released Wednesday, as did U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.). Brown’s office said he declined an invitation to take part.
“Sen. Brown’s absence in our congressional delegation’s video sends a message that he supports kids being bullied or harassed,” said state Rep. Carl Sciortino (D-Medford), in a press call on Thursday.
“Now, I don’t think that’s the message that Sen. Brown wants to send. I’m asking him, as a Senator for the Commonwealth, to stand up and show some leadership on behalf of his LGBT constituents, our young people that are facing violence in our schools, our young people that are being bullied in our schools.”
Sciortino noted that in 2006, when Brown was still a Massachusetts state senator, he was the only member of that body voting to uphold then-Governor Mitt Romney’s veto of a Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth.
Brown’s office on Wednesday argued that the Senator has a “strong record” on bullying and said his “main focus right now is on creating jobs and getting our economy back on track.”
Not a single GOP elected official’ has participated in ‘It Gets Better’
Dan Savage, co-founder of the “It Gets Better Project” — a campaign to inspire LGBT youth facing adversity and depression — called out Republicans politicians on Thursday over their refusal to participate in the campaign aimed at preventing teen suicide.
Savage was responding to criticism by the the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), who on Thursday said in a statement to Politico, that Savage had a “long history of lewd, violent and anti-Christian rhetoric.”
The project has had the reach and impact that it’s had thanks to tens of thousands of people from all over the world who’ve participated. [A]nd no one who participates is required to crawl into bed with me. ..:
It is interesting, though, that not a single GOP elected official can bring himself or herself to make a video, or participate in the creation of one.
No GOP elected official can risk being seen letting bullied LGBT kids know that life isn’t high school and that it will get better for them. It doesn’t require signing off on the entire gay agenda (the president made a video, and he doesn’t support gay marriage).
No GOP elected can back the seemingly radical notion that LGBT kids shouldn’t kill themselves, that they should have hope for their futures.
No GOP elected official can do even that — David Cameron, meanwhile, made a video months ago. Which tells us a lot about the noisiest part of the GOP’s base — lewd (have you seen their websites?) hate groups like Focus on the Family and Americans for Truth About Homosexuality — and how feared they are by even “moderate” senators like Scott Brown.
The NRSC’s attack on Savage came in response to growing criticism of U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who refused to participate in an “It Gets Better” video released Wednesday that featured all other 11 members of the Massachusetts’ congressional delegation.
Savage was responding to criticism by the the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), who on Thursday said in a statement to Politico, that Savage had a “long history of lewd, violent and anti-Christian rhetoric.”
The project has had the reach and impact that it’s had thanks to tens of thousands of people from all over the world who’ve participated. [A]nd no one who participates is required to crawl into bed with me. ..:
It is interesting, though, that not a single GOP elected official can bring himself or herself to make a video, or participate in the creation of one.
No GOP elected official can risk being seen letting bullied LGBT kids know that life isn’t high school and that it will get better for them. It doesn’t require signing off on the entire gay agenda (the president made a video, and he doesn’t support gay marriage).
No GOP elected can back the seemingly radical notion that LGBT kids shouldn’t kill themselves, that they should have hope for their futures.
No GOP elected official can do even that — David Cameron, meanwhile, made a video months ago. Which tells us a lot about the noisiest part of the GOP’s base — lewd (have you seen their websites?) hate groups like Focus on the Family and Americans for Truth About Homosexuality — and how feared they are by even “moderate” senators like Scott Brown.
The NRSC’s attack on Savage came in response to growing criticism of U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who refused to participate in an “It Gets Better” video released Wednesday that featured all other 11 members of the Massachusetts’ congressional delegation.
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