Friday, August 5, 2011

New York Times Publishes Glowing Tribute To Anti-Gay Hate Group

The New York Times, and writer Erik Eckholm, today published a 1232 word glowing tribute to the anti-​gay, anti-​Islam SPLC-​certified hate group, American Family Association, without any mention of the official hate group designation.

In, “With Rally, Christian Group Asserts Its Presence in ’12 Race,” Eckholm gives voice to the highly-​publicized hate group’s attacks, writing, “the association has sharpened its edge over the years, moving from its well-​known crusades for public ‘decency’ to harshly opposing what it calls an anti-​Christian ‘homosexual agenda’ — not only same-​sex marriage and the acceptance of gay troops in the military, but any suggestion that homosexual ‘behavior is normal.’ The association also campaigns against antibullying programs that teach tolerance and corporations (likeHome Depot, a current target) that support gay pride parades.”

“Mr. Wildmon warns that if current social trends go unchecked, ‘homosexuals will become part of an elite class’ and “‘Christians will be second-​class citizens at best’.”

“I don’t think we are exaggerating the dangers to the country, the culture, the American family,” Mr. Fischer said in an interview. “The stakes are as high as they could be.”

“Though liberal critics call it a hate group, the association and Mr. Wildmon are widely revered in conservative circles. Working in the relative isolation of Tupelo and lacking a magnetic television personality, Mr. Wildmon is not as widely known as other titans of the religious right, like Pat Robertson or James C. Dobson. But last fall Mr. Wildmon was described as “one of the most effective Christian leaders of our time” as he received a lifetime achievement award at the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of top religious conservatives.”

“Will a day of concentrated prayer, by tens of thousands of believers in Houston and untold numbers more who may participate from afar, turn the tide? ‘That remains to be seen,’ Mr. Wildmon said. ‘Anyone who wants to pray to Jesus to save our county is welcome.’

“‘God didn’t call me to be successful,’ he added, sounding more resigned than strident. ‘He called me to be faithful’.”

Feel free to write the Times, or leave a comment on their piece. Let them know that the American Family Association has been found to be a certified hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the same folks that successfully prosecuted the KKK.

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