As the Ex-Gay Watch blog is reporting, Exodus International President Alan Chambers organized a Nov. 16 meeting in an effort to keep the struggling Florida-based organization afloat. Among those who attended were Exodus officials, other prominent religious leaders (including Gabe Lyons) and many lay people, including those who once counted themselves in the so-called "ex-gay" camp but may now be fully "gay affirming," according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity to the blog's staff.
The blog had previously speculated about problems at Exodus International, noting that staff cuts, the loss of key alliances and shifting views on homosexuality among the American public had been contributing to its demise. In recent years, the organization -- whose goal is "Mobilizing the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality," according to its mission statement -- has increased its international efforts, allegedly finding less opposition to their message abroad.
The movement as a whole suffered another blow last month, when John Smid, former director of the ex-gay Christian ministry Love in Action (a Exodus affiliate), came forward saying that not only that he is gay, but that it is impossible to change one's sexual orientation. "For me, I am married, I've been married for 22 years, I love my wife dearly, we have an amazing relationship," said Smid, who resigned as Love In Action's executive director in 2008. "But at the same time, I do experience's a part of my history, it's a part of the life that I live."
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Barney Frank Caused Millions To Become Gay and Contract HIV/AIDS
Congressman Barney Frank, 71, who announced Monday after 30 years in office he will not seek another term, is the subject of a rant by Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, who suggested on his radio program yesterday that Barney Frank is responsible for millions of people contracting HIV/AIDS.
“Who knows how many people were drawn or encouraged in some way by Barney Frank’s example to dabble in a lifestyle that eventually cost them their health and maybe even cost them their lives,” Fischer said.
Congressman Frank, while imperfect, has done more good for America than Bryan Fischer could ever hope to achieve
Tennessee Tea Party Says Good-bye to Barney Frank
The Tennessee Tea Party bids a fond farewell to Barney Frank:
Read more:
Today show host Savannah Guthrie began a series of questions for Congressman Barney Frank about this retirement announcement which ultimately had him offering a sarcastic congratulations.
Read more:
Today show host Savannah Guthrie began a series of questions for Congressman Barney Frank about this retirement announcement which ultimately had him offering a sarcastic congratulations.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Anti-gay activists launch new efforts to overturn California’s gay history law
Not one but two anti-gay initiatives have been submitted to state officials in an effort to thwart Senate Bill 48, the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act.
In the first proposal, opponents are trying to alter the law so that California school students don’t have to learn about LGBT Americans’ historical contributions.
Anti-gay activists are also proposing a second initiative that would allow parents to opt their children out of school instruction in social science and family life that conflicts with their moral convictions. Parents can already opt their children out of health lessons.
The proposals, received by the state attorney general’s office November 16, come at a time when Equality California, a key SB 48 sponsor, has been weakened by leadership and financial troubles, and appears unprepared to protect the legislation.
The new law is set to take effect January 1.
In the first proposal, opponents are trying to alter the law so that California school students don’t have to learn about LGBT Americans’ historical contributions.
Anti-gay activists are also proposing a second initiative that would allow parents to opt their children out of school instruction in social science and family life that conflicts with their moral convictions. Parents can already opt their children out of health lessons.
The proposals, received by the state attorney general’s office November 16, come at a time when Equality California, a key SB 48 sponsor, has been weakened by leadership and financial troubles, and appears unprepared to protect the legislation.
The new law is set to take effect January 1.
Massachusetts Governor signs transgender equality rights bill
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday signed an historic transgender rights bill, giving the state’s estimated 33,000 transgender citizens vital protections against discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit and hate crimes law.
The Transgender Equal Rights Bill passed in the Massachusetts House on Nov. 15 by a vote of 95-58 vote, and cleared the state’s Senate the following morning when Senators approved the measure on a voice vote and with no opposition.
The approved version of the bill adds “gender identity” to employment, education, housing, and credit non-discrimination law, as well as to hate crimes law. It did not address public accommodations, however.
The Transgender Equal Rights Bill passed in the Massachusetts House on Nov. 15 by a vote of 95-58 vote, and cleared the state’s Senate the following morning when Senators approved the measure on a voice vote and with no opposition.
The approved version of the bill adds “gender identity” to employment, education, housing, and credit non-discrimination law, as well as to hate crimes law. It did not address public accommodations, however.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Pickets Outside Lassen's Stop Some Shoppers
Many were upset when they heard organic food mart Nature Mart--based there for four decades--would be closing its doors.
Some became outraged when they heard Lassen's would take over Nov.1.
The family-owned chain had donated at least $30,000 to the campaign to support Proposition 8, a 2008 voter initiative that would have banned single-sex marriage.
Many in the Lassen's family--including president Peter Lassen--are Mormons, who had been very active in campaigning for and funding Prop 8.
More than 1,500 people have now signed an online pledge to boycott the store.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Harvey Milk
‘If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet shatter every closet door’
On this day, 33 years ago, former San Francisco City Supervisor Dan White took a gun to City Hall and shot openly-gay Supervisor Harvey Milk five times — the final two shots had White pressing his gun directly at Milk’s skull, according to the medical examiner.
"Harvey Milk left us a legacy. He profoundly influenced gay and lesbian politics, and was a champion of human rights. Milk once said, “…you’ve got to keep electing gay people…to know there is better hope for tomorrow. Not only for gays, but for blacks, Asians, the disabled, our senior citizens and us. Without hope, we give up. I know you cannot live on hope alone, but without it life is not worth living. You and you and you have got to see that the promise does not fade.”
On this day, 33 years ago, former San Francisco City Supervisor Dan White took a gun to City Hall and shot openly-gay Supervisor Harvey Milk five times — the final two shots had White pressing his gun directly at Milk’s skull, according to the medical examiner.
"Harvey Milk left us a legacy. He profoundly influenced gay and lesbian politics, and was a champion of human rights. Milk once said, “…you’ve got to keep electing gay people…to know there is better hope for tomorrow. Not only for gays, but for blacks, Asians, the disabled, our senior citizens and us. Without hope, we give up. I know you cannot live on hope alone, but without it life is not worth living. You and you and you have got to see that the promise does not fade.”
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Marcus Bachmann Calls Undercover Gay Activist, Demands Money for Unused 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Sessions
You may recall that back in July, John Becker, from Truth Wins Out, a group that works to expose the "ex-gay" movement, paid an undercover visit to Marcus Bachmann for a set of "pray away the gay" therapy sessions which he then wrote up to apply pressure to the Bachmanns for accepting public funds for this discredited and damaging practice.
Writes Becker:
Before patients at Bachmann & Associates start services, they’re required to sign a paper acknowledging that they’ve been made aware of the clinic’s no-show policy. According to said policy, patients are assessed a $75 no-show fee for each appointment that they miss without giving prior notification. I always booked the maximum number of appointments in advance that I could (3) in order to avoid suspicion — after all, it was to be a 4-6 month course of treatment — so when I went back to Vermont, I called the clinic to cancel them. However, I didn’t want to give them any kind of a heads up about the story that was about to break in the media, so I said that a member of my immediate family “back home in Wisconsin” (they had seen and photocopied my Wisconsin ID) had had a health crisis, and that I needed to go out of state but didn’t know when I’d be back. On the voicemail I left at the clinic, I told them to cancel all three of my appointments and that I’d schedule my next sessions when I knew when I’d be back in the Twin Cities.
Apparently the receptionist only canceled the first appointment, and now Marcus himself is calling to collect for the two outstanding "pray away the gay" sessions.
Voicemail from Marcus Bachmann by user6446359
Writes Becker:
Before patients at Bachmann & Associates start services, they’re required to sign a paper acknowledging that they’ve been made aware of the clinic’s no-show policy. According to said policy, patients are assessed a $75 no-show fee for each appointment that they miss without giving prior notification. I always booked the maximum number of appointments in advance that I could (3) in order to avoid suspicion — after all, it was to be a 4-6 month course of treatment — so when I went back to Vermont, I called the clinic to cancel them. However, I didn’t want to give them any kind of a heads up about the story that was about to break in the media, so I said that a member of my immediate family “back home in Wisconsin” (they had seen and photocopied my Wisconsin ID) had had a health crisis, and that I needed to go out of state but didn’t know when I’d be back. On the voicemail I left at the clinic, I told them to cancel all three of my appointments and that I’d schedule my next sessions when I knew when I’d be back in the Twin Cities.
Apparently the receptionist only canceled the first appointment, and now Marcus himself is calling to collect for the two outstanding "pray away the gay" sessions.
Voicemail from Marcus Bachmann by user6446359
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Gay Kiss Upstages Al-Jazeera Reporter on Spain's Elections
The victory of Spain's Mariano Rajoy and his conservative People's Party is already generating concerns from Spanish lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates, who fear the prime minister-elect could repeal the nation's marriage equality legislation.
One couple certainly got their message across in an unusual way by "videobombing" an Al Jazeera reporter, kissing passionately as the hapless correspondent spoke on the election.
Marrying Your Partner Like Marrying Eiffel Tower?
Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign chair Tamara Scott tells Bob Vander Plaats that legalizing gay marriage will lead to legalizing marriage with inanimate objects, like the Eiffel Tower.
At Google, a Transgender "Gold Standard"
In a move predicted by one advocate to become the gold standard for LGBT health, Google has significantly increased coverage of transgender health care benefits for its U.S. employees, and other companies are soon expected to follow suit.
The updated benefits, announced internally by company officials on Friday and effective immediately, cover transitioning procedures and treatment in accordance with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care, and include gender reassignment surgical procedures determined to be medically necessary by a doctor.
The updated benefits, announced internally by company officials on Friday and effective immediately, cover transitioning procedures and treatment in accordance with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care, and include gender reassignment surgical procedures determined to be medically necessary by a doctor.
Supreme Court Won't Help NOM Ally Hide Its Supporters

Petitioners had supported adding Referendum 71 to the ballot and succeeded in putting Washington's domestic partnership law up to a vote. The public ended up voting to keep the law.
And ever since, the group Protect Marriage Washington has been trying to keep the petitioners' names out of the public eye, claiming they feared harassment. When a lower court ruled that the names were part of the public record, they began being released. For example, Seattle Weekly had posted approximately 100,000 of them on its website in October.
Protect Marriage Washington had appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the leaks until they could launch an appeal of the lower court's ruling. But the nation's highest court decided to stay out of it, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports, and now the state plans to release more of the names.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News
Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news, according to a new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
The poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources. The study, which controlled for demographic factors like education and partisanship, found that "people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government" compared to those who watch no news.
Overall, 53% of all respondents knew that Egyptians successfully overthrew Hosni Mubarak and 48% knew that Syrians have yet to overthrow their government.
Dan Cassino, a political science professor at Fairleigh Dickinson, explained in a statement, "Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News. Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all."
This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics.
The poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources. The study, which controlled for demographic factors like education and partisanship, found that "people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government" compared to those who watch no news.
Overall, 53% of all respondents knew that Egyptians successfully overthrew Hosni Mubarak and 48% knew that Syrians have yet to overthrow their government.
Dan Cassino, a political science professor at Fairleigh Dickinson, explained in a statement, "Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News. Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all."
This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics.
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Richest 1% of the California Congress
The Occupy Wall Street movement has focused the national discourse on wealth inequality and, specifically, the split between the richest 1 percent and the 99 percent that's left. While most Californians, by definition, are not members of the wealthiest 1 percent, it turns out that many of us are represented in Congress by those who have attained that elite status.
The cutoff for the top 1 percent of American households, in terms of net worth, is about $9 million, according to New York University economics professor Edward Wolff. His estimate is based on the Federal Reserve Board's Survey of Consumer Finances, which put the figure at $8.2 million in 2007, he said.
That puts many members of Congress squarely within the 1 percent, including prominent members of California's delegation, such as Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein; Rep. Nancy Pelosi, also a Democrat; and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican.
Rep. David Dreier - (R) Net Worth $11,489,546
Rep. Dreier's family is in real estate development, and he is Vice President of Dreier Development Company in Kansas City. Dreier has been the U.S. Representative for California's 26th congressional district since 1981.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R) - Net Worth $303,575,011
Rep. Issa acquired wealth as the founder of Directed Electronics, a California-based car alarm manufacturer. Issa is the U.S. Representative for California's 49th congressional district and has served in Congress since 2001.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) - Net Worth $77,082,134
Sen. Feinstein is married to wealthy investment banker, Richard C. Blum. She is the senior U.S. Senator from California and has served in the U.S. Senate since 1992.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) - Net Worth $58,436,537
Rep. Pelosi got most of her wealth from her husband Paul Frank Pelosi, who is a successful businessman. Pelosi is the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives and has represented the 8th congressional district of California since 1987.
Rep. Gary Miller (R) - Net Worth $51,833,526
Rep. Miller founded several companies before going into politics, including G. Miller Development, G. Miller Masonry and G. Miller Framing. Miller is the U.S. Representative for California's 42nd congressional district and has served in Congress since 2003.
Rep. John Campbell (R) - Net Worth $23,254,531
Before entering politics, Rep. Campbell was a CPA, tax accountant, and CEO of Campbell Automotive Group, Saturn of Orange County and Saab of Orange County. Campbell has been the U.S. Representative for California's 48th congressional district since 2005.
Rep. Jackie Speier (D) - Net Worth $12,532,038
Rep. Speier was a staffer for U.S. Representative Leo Joseph Ryan of California and was a lawyer in private practice before entering politics. She is married to investment consultant Barry Dennis. Speier is the U.S. Representative for California's 12th congressional district, serving since 2008.
The cutoff for the top 1 percent of American households, in terms of net worth, is about $9 million, according to New York University economics professor Edward Wolff. His estimate is based on the Federal Reserve Board's Survey of Consumer Finances, which put the figure at $8.2 million in 2007, he said.
That puts many members of Congress squarely within the 1 percent, including prominent members of California's delegation, such as Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein; Rep. Nancy Pelosi, also a Democrat; and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican.
Rep. David Dreier - (R) Net Worth $11,489,546
Rep. Dreier's family is in real estate development, and he is Vice President of Dreier Development Company in Kansas City. Dreier has been the U.S. Representative for California's 26th congressional district since 1981.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R) - Net Worth $303,575,011
Rep. Issa acquired wealth as the founder of Directed Electronics, a California-based car alarm manufacturer. Issa is the U.S. Representative for California's 49th congressional district and has served in Congress since 2001.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) - Net Worth $77,082,134
Sen. Feinstein is married to wealthy investment banker, Richard C. Blum. She is the senior U.S. Senator from California and has served in the U.S. Senate since 1992.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) - Net Worth $58,436,537
Rep. Pelosi got most of her wealth from her husband Paul Frank Pelosi, who is a successful businessman. Pelosi is the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives and has represented the 8th congressional district of California since 1987.
Rep. Gary Miller (R) - Net Worth $51,833,526
Rep. Miller founded several companies before going into politics, including G. Miller Development, G. Miller Masonry and G. Miller Framing. Miller is the U.S. Representative for California's 42nd congressional district and has served in Congress since 2003.
Rep. John Campbell (R) - Net Worth $23,254,531
Before entering politics, Rep. Campbell was a CPA, tax accountant, and CEO of Campbell Automotive Group, Saturn of Orange County and Saab of Orange County. Campbell has been the U.S. Representative for California's 48th congressional district since 2005.
Rep. Jackie Speier (D) - Net Worth $12,532,038
Rep. Speier was a staffer for U.S. Representative Leo Joseph Ryan of California and was a lawyer in private practice before entering politics. She is married to investment consultant Barry Dennis. Speier is the U.S. Representative for California's 12th congressional district, serving since 2008.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Historic Transgender Equal Rights Bill passes Massachusetts Legislature
An historic voice vote gets the proposed legislation one step closer to the Governor’s desk.
More than 30,000 transgender Massachusetts residents could receive vital protections against discrimination now that the Transgender Equal Rights Bill has been passed by both the House and Senate.
More than 30,000 transgender Massachusetts residents could receive vital protections against discrimination now that the Transgender Equal Rights Bill has been passed by both the House and Senate.
Friday, November 18, 2011
House GOP Classifies Pizza As A Vegetable To ‘Prevent Overly Burdensome’ School Lunch Regulations

Earlier this year, the USDA made an attempt to bolster the nutrition guidelines for the federal school lunch program. Under the new guidelines, for instance, school lunches would be limited to one cup of starchy vegetables a week and the ability of schools to count tomato sauce on pizza towards their fruit and vegetables requirement would be scaled back. But House Republicans, in a new spending plan unveiled yesterday, have done away with those changes:
The spending bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable.
102 Things NOT To Do If You Hate Taxes
So, you hates taxes? If you do not like taxes or government, please kindly do the following.
1. Do not use Medicare.
2. Do not use Social Security
3. Do not become a member of the US military, who are paid with tax dollars.
4. Do not ask the National Guard to help you after a disaster.
5. Do not call 911 when you get hurt.
6. Do not call the police to stop intruders in your home.
7. Do not summon the fire department to save your burning home.
8. Do not drive on any paved road, highway, and interstate or drive on any bridge.
9. Do not use public restrooms.
10. Do not send your kids to public schools.
11. Do not put your trash out for city garbage collectors.
12. Do not live in areas with clean air.
13. Do not drink clean water.
14. Do not visit National Parks.
15. Do not visit public museums, zoos, and monuments.
16. Do not eat or use FDA inspected food and medicines.
17. Do not bring your kids to public playgrounds.
18. Do not walk or run on sidewalks.
19. Do not use public recreational facilities such as basketball and tennis courts.
20. Do not seek shelter facilities or food in soup kitchens when you are homeless and hungry.
21. Do not apply for educational or job training assistance when you lose your job.
22. Do not apply for food stamps when you can’t feed your children.
23. Do not use the judiciary system for any reason.
24. Do not ask for an attorney when you are arrested and do not ask for one to be assigned to you by the court.
25. Do not apply for any Pell Grants.
26. Do not use cures that were discovered by labs using federal dollars.
27. Do not fly on federally regulated airplanes.
28. Do not use any product that can trace its development back to NASA.
29. Do not watch the weather provided by the National Weather Service.
30. Do not listen to severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service.
31. Do not listen to tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake alert systems.
32. Do not apply for federal housing.
33. Do not use the internet, which was developed by the military.
34. Do not swim in clean rivers.
35. Do not allow your child to eat school lunches or breakfasts.
36. Do not ask for FEMA assistance when everything you own gets wiped out by disaster.
37. Do not ask the military to defend your life and home in the event of a foreign invasion.
38. Do not use your cell phone or home telephone.
39. Do not buy firearms that wouldn’t have been developed without the support of the US Government and military. That includes most of them.
40. Do not eat USDA inspected produce and meat.
41. Do not apply for government grants to start your own business.
42. Do not apply to win a government contract.
43. Do not buy any vehicle that has been inspected by government safety agencies.
44. Do not buy any product that is protected from poisons, toxins, etc…by the Consumer Protection Agency.
45. Do not save your money in a bank that is FDIC insured.
46. Do not use Veterans benefits or military health care.
47. Do not use the G.I. Bill to go to college.
48. Do not apply for unemployment benefits.
49. Do not use any electricity from companies regulated by the Department of Energy.
50. Do not live in homes that are built to code.
51. Do not run for public office. Politicians are paid with taxpayer dollars.
52. Do not ask for help from the FBI, S.W.A.T, the bomb squad, Homeland Security, State troopers, etc…
53. Do not apply for any government job whatsoever as all state and federal employees are paid with tax dollars.
54. Do not use public libraries.
55. Do not use the US Postal Service.
56. Do not visit the National Archives.
57. Do not visit Presidential Libraries.
58. Do not use airports that are secured by the federal government.
59. Do not apply for loans from any bank that is FDIC insured.
60. Do not ask the government to help you clean up after a tornado.
61. Do not ask the Department of Agriculture to provide a subsidy to help you run your farm.
62. Do not take walks in National Forests.
63. Do not ask for taxpayer dollars for your oil company.
64. Do not ask the federal government to bail your company out during recessions.
65. Do not seek medical care from places that use federal dollars.
66. Do not use Medicaid.
67. Do not use WIC.
68. Do not use electricity generated by Hoover Dam.
69. Do not use electricity or any service provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
70. Do not ask the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild levees when they break.
71. Do not let the Coast Guard save you from drowning when your boat capsizes at sea.
72. Do not ask the government to help evacuate you when all hell breaks loose in the country you are in.
73. Do not visit historic landmarks.
74. Do not visit fisheries.
75. Do not expect to see animals that are federally protected because of the Endangered Species List.
76. Do not expect plows to clear roads of snow and ice so your kids can go to school and so you can get to work.
77. Do not hunt or camp on federal land.
78. Do not work anywhere that has a safe workplace because of government regulations.
79. Do not use public transportation.
80. Do not drink water from public water fountains.
81. Do not whine when someone copies your work and sells it as their own. Government enforces copyright laws.
82. Do not expect to own your home, car, or boat. Government organizes and keeps all titles.
83. Do not expect convicted felons to remain off the streets.
84. Do not eat in restaurants that are regulated by food quality and safety standards.
85. Do not seek help from the US Embassy if you need assistance in a foreign nation.
86. Do not apply for a passport to travel outside of the United States.
87. Do not apply for a patent when you invent something.
88. Do not adopt a child through your local, state, or federal governments.
89.Do not use elevators that have been inspected by federal or state safety regulators.
90. Do not use any resource that was discovered by the USGS.
91. Do not ask for energy assistance from the government.
92. Do not move to any other developed nation, because the taxes are much higher.
93. Do not go to a beach that is kept clean by the state.
94. Do not use money printed by the US Treasury.
95. Do not complain when millions more illegal immigrants cross the border because there are no more border patrol agents.
96. Do not attend a state university.
97. Do not see any doctor that is licensed through the state.
98. Do not use any water from municipal water systems.
99. Do not complain when diseases and viruses, that were once fought around the globe by the US government and CDC, reach your house.
100. Do not work for any company that is required to pay its workers a livable wage, provide them sick days, vacation days, and benefits.
101. Do not expect to be able to vote on election days. Government provides voting booths, election day officials, and voting machines which are paid for with taxes.
102. Do not ride trains. The railroad was built with government financial assistance.
The fact is, we pay for the lifestyle we expect. Without taxes, our lifestyles would be totally different and much harder. America would be a third world country. The less we pay, the less we get in return. Americans pay less taxes today since 1958 and is ranked 32nd out of 34 of the top tax paying countries. Chile and Mexico are 33rd and 34th. So next time you object to paying taxes or fight to abolish taxes for corporations and the wealthy, keep this quote in mind…
“I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.
1. Do not use Medicare.
2. Do not use Social Security
3. Do not become a member of the US military, who are paid with tax dollars.
4. Do not ask the National Guard to help you after a disaster.
5. Do not call 911 when you get hurt.
6. Do not call the police to stop intruders in your home.
7. Do not summon the fire department to save your burning home.
8. Do not drive on any paved road, highway, and interstate or drive on any bridge.
9. Do not use public restrooms.
10. Do not send your kids to public schools.
11. Do not put your trash out for city garbage collectors.
12. Do not live in areas with clean air.
13. Do not drink clean water.
14. Do not visit National Parks.
15. Do not visit public museums, zoos, and monuments.
16. Do not eat or use FDA inspected food and medicines.
17. Do not bring your kids to public playgrounds.
18. Do not walk or run on sidewalks.
19. Do not use public recreational facilities such as basketball and tennis courts.
20. Do not seek shelter facilities or food in soup kitchens when you are homeless and hungry.
21. Do not apply for educational or job training assistance when you lose your job.
22. Do not apply for food stamps when you can’t feed your children.
23. Do not use the judiciary system for any reason.
24. Do not ask for an attorney when you are arrested and do not ask for one to be assigned to you by the court.
25. Do not apply for any Pell Grants.
26. Do not use cures that were discovered by labs using federal dollars.
27. Do not fly on federally regulated airplanes.
28. Do not use any product that can trace its development back to NASA.
29. Do not watch the weather provided by the National Weather Service.
30. Do not listen to severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service.
31. Do not listen to tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake alert systems.
32. Do not apply for federal housing.
33. Do not use the internet, which was developed by the military.
34. Do not swim in clean rivers.
35. Do not allow your child to eat school lunches or breakfasts.
36. Do not ask for FEMA assistance when everything you own gets wiped out by disaster.
37. Do not ask the military to defend your life and home in the event of a foreign invasion.
38. Do not use your cell phone or home telephone.
39. Do not buy firearms that wouldn’t have been developed without the support of the US Government and military. That includes most of them.
40. Do not eat USDA inspected produce and meat.
41. Do not apply for government grants to start your own business.
42. Do not apply to win a government contract.
43. Do not buy any vehicle that has been inspected by government safety agencies.
44. Do not buy any product that is protected from poisons, toxins, etc…by the Consumer Protection Agency.
45. Do not save your money in a bank that is FDIC insured.
46. Do not use Veterans benefits or military health care.
47. Do not use the G.I. Bill to go to college.
48. Do not apply for unemployment benefits.
49. Do not use any electricity from companies regulated by the Department of Energy.
50. Do not live in homes that are built to code.
51. Do not run for public office. Politicians are paid with taxpayer dollars.
52. Do not ask for help from the FBI, S.W.A.T, the bomb squad, Homeland Security, State troopers, etc…
53. Do not apply for any government job whatsoever as all state and federal employees are paid with tax dollars.
54. Do not use public libraries.
55. Do not use the US Postal Service.
56. Do not visit the National Archives.
57. Do not visit Presidential Libraries.
58. Do not use airports that are secured by the federal government.
59. Do not apply for loans from any bank that is FDIC insured.
60. Do not ask the government to help you clean up after a tornado.
61. Do not ask the Department of Agriculture to provide a subsidy to help you run your farm.
62. Do not take walks in National Forests.
63. Do not ask for taxpayer dollars for your oil company.
64. Do not ask the federal government to bail your company out during recessions.
65. Do not seek medical care from places that use federal dollars.
66. Do not use Medicaid.
67. Do not use WIC.
68. Do not use electricity generated by Hoover Dam.
69. Do not use electricity or any service provided by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
70. Do not ask the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild levees when they break.
71. Do not let the Coast Guard save you from drowning when your boat capsizes at sea.
72. Do not ask the government to help evacuate you when all hell breaks loose in the country you are in.
73. Do not visit historic landmarks.
74. Do not visit fisheries.
75. Do not expect to see animals that are federally protected because of the Endangered Species List.
76. Do not expect plows to clear roads of snow and ice so your kids can go to school and so you can get to work.
77. Do not hunt or camp on federal land.
78. Do not work anywhere that has a safe workplace because of government regulations.
79. Do not use public transportation.
80. Do not drink water from public water fountains.
81. Do not whine when someone copies your work and sells it as their own. Government enforces copyright laws.
82. Do not expect to own your home, car, or boat. Government organizes and keeps all titles.
83. Do not expect convicted felons to remain off the streets.
84. Do not eat in restaurants that are regulated by food quality and safety standards.
85. Do not seek help from the US Embassy if you need assistance in a foreign nation.
86. Do not apply for a passport to travel outside of the United States.
87. Do not apply for a patent when you invent something.
88. Do not adopt a child through your local, state, or federal governments.
89.Do not use elevators that have been inspected by federal or state safety regulators.
90. Do not use any resource that was discovered by the USGS.
91. Do not ask for energy assistance from the government.
92. Do not move to any other developed nation, because the taxes are much higher.
93. Do not go to a beach that is kept clean by the state.
94. Do not use money printed by the US Treasury.
95. Do not complain when millions more illegal immigrants cross the border because there are no more border patrol agents.
96. Do not attend a state university.
97. Do not see any doctor that is licensed through the state.
98. Do not use any water from municipal water systems.
99. Do not complain when diseases and viruses, that were once fought around the globe by the US government and CDC, reach your house.
100. Do not work for any company that is required to pay its workers a livable wage, provide them sick days, vacation days, and benefits.
101. Do not expect to be able to vote on election days. Government provides voting booths, election day officials, and voting machines which are paid for with taxes.
102. Do not ride trains. The railroad was built with government financial assistance.
The fact is, we pay for the lifestyle we expect. Without taxes, our lifestyles would be totally different and much harder. America would be a third world country. The less we pay, the less we get in return. Americans pay less taxes today since 1958 and is ranked 32nd out of 34 of the top tax paying countries. Chile and Mexico are 33rd and 34th. So next time you object to paying taxes or fight to abolish taxes for corporations and the wealthy, keep this quote in mind…
“I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Diversity Role Models
Diversity Role Models is a UK non-profit that tackles homophobia through education.
"The final lesson of a unit on stereotyping, homophobic bullying and different families. This is a year 6 class in a multi-cultural, typical inner-city London school."
"The final lesson of a unit on stereotyping, homophobic bullying and different families. This is a year 6 class in a multi-cultural, typical inner-city London school."
The Holy Ghost Told Me She Is The One For President
Peter Waldron, a top Bachmann aide, announced that the Holy Ghost told him that Michele Bachmann is the one for president. Waldron, Bachmann’s controversial faith-based advisor, told Steve Deace on the Steve Deace radio show that he had first interviewed with Herman Cain but then the Holy Ghost told him to go work for Michele Bachmann because she is the one for president.
Victoria Jackson Launches Anti __________ Talk Show
Victoria Jackson has found another platform for her ultra-right-wing views on issues such as "gay marriage" with a new talk show with three other conservative women.
The PolitiChicks, a just-launched weekly online discussion program.
[Wow, just wow]
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
5 Reasons State Lawmakers Want DOMA Repealed
The case against the Defense of Marriage Act is widening as more lawmakers step forward to condemn the law. The latest last week included governors and mayors, largely from states where marriage equality is recognized.
The argument against DOMA is still solidifying. For example, companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks filed a brief in a the case challenging the constitutionality of DOMA and argued that the law is just another form of government regulation that puts a burden on business, leading to wasted resources and money.
The governors and mayors made a similar case, claiming government overreach as they trumpeted states’ rights. In the broad understanding of party values, it's the sort of case you'd expect to hear from Republicans, though the list was mostly Democrats.
Here are the top five reasons they say DOMA should be repealed:
- DOMA disrespects states’ rights, they argue. Although the policy was born from a concern by conservative states that they might be forced to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, these lawmakers say DOMA has actually trampled states’ rights. "By denying federal recognition for some of our states’ lawful marriages, DOMA does not just deny married same-sex couples these and other critical rights and benefits," they wrote. "It disrespects our states’ decisions to treat all of our citizens equally."
- But they aren’t minimizing the importance of gaining equal rights. The federal government is interfering in the lives of state citizens, they say. Same-sex married couples are "constantly hamstrung" by the more than 1,100 rights they cite being withheld by the federal government. "While we are proud that our states have eased the burdens on families, these provisions of federal law are beyond our purview and Congressional action is required," they demanded.
- Similar to the argument made by U.S. companies opposed to DOMA, the lawmakers say it forces them to discriminate. They say DOMA "even requires our states’ governments, when we jointly administer federal programs like Medicaid, to actively discriminate against our own lawfully-married citizens." The companies complained of having to identify those legally married couples that are gay among their workforce so they can be denied benefits.
- DOMA is dangerous, the lawmakers argue, referencing the epidemic of LGBT suicides among youth who are struggling to be out in a world that does not seem to accept them. "For LGBT youth, DOMA sends a dangerous message that that they cannot be full and equal citizens of their country," they warn.
- DOMA affects straight people too. Starting with the children of same-sex couples "who suffer from the financial instability DOMA creates for their parents," the law also impacts straight families and friends "who must step in with financial and emotional support to mitigate these problems."
California governor Jerry Brown sent his own letter because his state is in the predicament of having legal same-sex marriage taken away at the ballot box — a change that is being challenged in the court system.
The argument against DOMA is still solidifying. For example, companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks filed a brief in a the case challenging the constitutionality of DOMA and argued that the law is just another form of government regulation that puts a burden on business, leading to wasted resources and money.
The governors and mayors made a similar case, claiming government overreach as they trumpeted states’ rights. In the broad understanding of party values, it's the sort of case you'd expect to hear from Republicans, though the list was mostly Democrats.
Here are the top five reasons they say DOMA should be repealed:
- DOMA disrespects states’ rights, they argue. Although the policy was born from a concern by conservative states that they might be forced to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, these lawmakers say DOMA has actually trampled states’ rights. "By denying federal recognition for some of our states’ lawful marriages, DOMA does not just deny married same-sex couples these and other critical rights and benefits," they wrote. "It disrespects our states’ decisions to treat all of our citizens equally."
- But they aren’t minimizing the importance of gaining equal rights. The federal government is interfering in the lives of state citizens, they say. Same-sex married couples are "constantly hamstrung" by the more than 1,100 rights they cite being withheld by the federal government. "While we are proud that our states have eased the burdens on families, these provisions of federal law are beyond our purview and Congressional action is required," they demanded.
- Similar to the argument made by U.S. companies opposed to DOMA, the lawmakers say it forces them to discriminate. They say DOMA "even requires our states’ governments, when we jointly administer federal programs like Medicaid, to actively discriminate against our own lawfully-married citizens." The companies complained of having to identify those legally married couples that are gay among their workforce so they can be denied benefits.
- DOMA is dangerous, the lawmakers argue, referencing the epidemic of LGBT suicides among youth who are struggling to be out in a world that does not seem to accept them. "For LGBT youth, DOMA sends a dangerous message that that they cannot be full and equal citizens of their country," they warn.
- DOMA affects straight people too. Starting with the children of same-sex couples "who suffer from the financial instability DOMA creates for their parents," the law also impacts straight families and friends "who must step in with financial and emotional support to mitigate these problems."
California governor Jerry Brown sent his own letter because his state is in the predicament of having legal same-sex marriage taken away at the ballot box — a change that is being challenged in the court system.
Two gay swimmers are among oldest Olympic trial qualifiers ever

Two openly gay swimmers have become two of the three oldest swimmers to ever qualify for the U.S. Olympic trials. Two 37-year-olds, Brian Jacobsen (right) from Minnesota and author Jeff Commings have accomplished the incredible, qualifying for the 50-meter freestyle and 100-meter breaststroke respectively.
Catholic bishops vow to defend religious liberty and fight gay marriage

U.S. Roman Catholic bishops on Monday vowed to defend their religious liberty, and in calling the growing acceptance of gay marriage an attempt to marginalize their faith, launched a new website aimed at promoting traditional, heterosexual marriage.
At a meeting of 300 bishops gathered for the Conference of Catholic Bishops, the newly appointed committee on religious liberty announced plans to respond to legislation it says comes between citizens and their Catholic beliefs.
The bishops singled out the U.S. Department of Justice’s opposition to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, and the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which prevented gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military, as challenges to religious liberty.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Herman Cain Wisecracks About Anita Hill To Supporters
Herman Cain speaking in front of a group of supporters in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was asked a question about Anita Hill. His immediate response, in a joking manner, was, “Is she going to endorse me?”
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
David Testo, American pro soccer player comes out of the closet
David Testo, former MLS player with the Columbus Crew, has told the CBC that he is gay. And his former Canadian team, the Montreal Impact, say they knew he was gay when they signed him. Part of Testo’s interview, translated from a French report:
I’m gay, I’m gay. I did not choose. It’s just part of who I am. And it has nothing to do with the talent of a soccer player. You can be both an excellent soccer player and being gay
I’m gay, I’m gay. I did not choose. It’s just part of who I am. And it has nothing to do with the talent of a soccer player. You can be both an excellent soccer player and being gay
Glee's' Santana and Mercedes Do Adele
On the upcoming episode of Glee the Troubletones take on Adele with a mash-up of “Someone Like You” and the yet-to-be-released “Rumour Has It” with Mercedes and Santana sharing lead.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Stephen Colbert Mocks Michigan's Religious Blueprint for Bullying
Stephen Colbert took up the bill recently passed in Michigan that contained language justifying it if a student, parent, teacher, or school employee can come up with a religious or moral reason for doing so.
Says Colbert: "It is well known that the homosexual agenda is just an insidious plot to prevent gay teenagers from dying...The point is, bullying is just fine as long as you get a permission slip from God. With this amendment to the law, if you're a Michigan Christian teenager giving a gay kid a swirlie, you can just say it's a baptism."
Michigan's Children Speak Out Against Republican Pro-Bullying Legislation
State Sen. Gretchen Whitmer today said that language in state anti-bullying bill that would permit harassment for religious reasons would be changed before the bill becomes law, and she is hopeful that after meeting with Republican lawmakers that it will happen soon.
"It looks like they are poised to do that," Whitmer told WJR's Paul W. Smith on Tuesday morning, an election day across the state. "I'm glad to say that there are people on both sides of the aisle that believe that we should not legitimize excuses for tormenting a student in school."
"It looks like they are poised to do that," Whitmer told WJR's Paul W. Smith on Tuesday morning, an election day across the state. "I'm glad to say that there are people on both sides of the aisle that believe that we should not legitimize excuses for tormenting a student in school."
NC Baptist Church Forbids All Weddings Until Gays Can Marry
Raleigh's Pullen Memorial Baptist Church voted on Sunday to bar its pastor from performing any weddings until gay and lesbian couples can marry, the News Observer reports:
The congregants said in a formal statement that current North Carolina law - and the language proposed for a vote next year on an amendment to the state Constitution - discriminates against same-sex couples "by denying them the rights and privileges enjoyed by heterosexual married couples."
"As people of faith, affirming the Christian teaching that before God all people are equal, we will no longer participate in this discrimination," the church's statement says.
The vote was unanimous and brought tears to the eyes of some of the 100 or so members who stood to vote in favor of the "statement on marriage ceremonies."
"As people of faith, affirming the Christian teaching that before God all people are equal, we will no longer participate in this discrimination," the church's statement says.
The vote was unanimous and brought tears to the eyes of some of the 100 or so members who stood to vote in favor of the "statement on marriage ceremonies."
Oregon Rights Group Backs Away From Ballot Initiative
Gay rights activists in Oregon will not try putting marriage equality up for a vote in 2012, saying the support it needs doesn't seem like a sure thing.
Basic Rights Oregon announced its decision not to pursue a ballot measure Wednesday after a long flirtation with the idea. A local newspaper had reported in August, for example, that the group would pursue a ballot measure, only to have executive director Jeana Frazzini publicly correct the article.
"Ballot measures in Oregon have historically been used to attack the gay and transgender community," the group's board wrote in a statement.
"Today, we are finally in the driver’s seat, deciding when to go forward with a proactive ballot measure to achieve equality, instead of just fighting back. That presents our community with a tremendous opportunity and an immense responsibility."
Basic Rights Oregon announced its decision not to pursue a ballot measure Wednesday after a long flirtation with the idea. A local newspaper had reported in August, for example, that the group would pursue a ballot measure, only to have executive director Jeana Frazzini publicly correct the article.
"Ballot measures in Oregon have historically been used to attack the gay and transgender community," the group's board wrote in a statement.
"Today, we are finally in the driver’s seat, deciding when to go forward with a proactive ballot measure to achieve equality, instead of just fighting back. That presents our community with a tremendous opportunity and an immense responsibility."
Thursday, November 10, 2011
DOMA Repeal Bill Passes Senate Judiciary Committee 10-8
The DOMA repeal bill, known as the “Respect for Marriage Act,” was debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning and passed by a 10 – 8 vote.
ACLU warns Utah schools: Banning same-sex couples at school functions ‘unconstitutional’
The ACLU of Utah has sent a warning to the state's school district superintendents, cautioning them that banning same sex couples from being attending proms, dances and other school functions violates their constitutional rights.
Florida county passes equal benefits ordinance inclusive of same-sex partners
The Broward County Commission on Tuesday voted unanimously to approve Florida's first countywide Equal Benefits Ordinance (EBO), a measure that requires the county's vendors to provide domestic partners with benefits equal to those offered to spouses of married employees.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Bishop Robinson on the Occupy Movement
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Student-Made Documentary Examines Discrimination Against LGBT Teens
A new student-filmed documentary, Breaking the Silence, examines the discrimination faced by LGBT teenagers in Colorado and how they determined to become antibullying activists.
Monday, November 7, 2011
20 Years Ago: Magic's HIV Announcement
It was 20 years ago today when Magic Johnson stunned the sports world by announcing that he had the virus that causes AIDS.
At the time of Johnson's Nov. 7, 1991 announcement, his long-term prognosis was uncertain. It was thought the vibrant, energetic and ever-smiling basketball star's health would decline, possibly resulting in the death of one of the NBA's most beloved stars.
Johnson wasted no time at the news conference. After greeting reporters packed in the room at the Great Western Forum, he said the words that took some time to process.
"Because of the HIV virus that I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers today," Johnson said as he stood behind a podium microphone.
At the time of Johnson's Nov. 7, 1991 announcement, his long-term prognosis was uncertain. It was thought the vibrant, energetic and ever-smiling basketball star's health would decline, possibly resulting in the death of one of the NBA's most beloved stars.
Johnson wasted no time at the news conference. After greeting reporters packed in the room at the Great Western Forum, he said the words that took some time to process.
"Because of the HIV virus that I have attained, I will have to retire from the Lakers today," Johnson said as he stood behind a podium microphone.
Google, Microsoft, Starbucks Say DOMA Hurts Business

A brief filed in court comes from 70 businesses and organizations that want their voice heard on the constitutionality of DOMA, which bans same-sex marriage from being recognized federally and stops couples married in states such as Massachusetts from having their weddings recognized in less accepting places such as Alabama.
The companies paint the law as an overburdening government regulation that should be repealed.
IRS Rules in Favor of Trans Deductions
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
132 House Democrats File Amicus Against DOMA as Mark-Up to Repeal Bill is Pushed
Mark-up of the Respect for Marriage Act has been pushed to 10 am on November 10, following some discussion of the measure in the Senate Judiciary Committee today, MetroWeekly reports:
In opening the hearing, Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said of the Respect for Marriage Act's aim, in part, "What would change, and what must change, is the federal government's unequal treatment of state-approved marriages."
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the lead sponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act, opened her comments at the hearing by saying, "I voted against [DOMA] for the same reason then, that I [support] repeal now.
As Michigan GOP Passes Bill Allowing Kids to Bully, Democratic Senator Gretchen Whitmer Rips Into Them
Michigan State Senator Gretchen Whitmer yesterday ripped Senate GOP a new one over passage of a "bullying" bill that was gutted so heavily that it actually creates, as Whitmer notes in her speech, "a blueprint for bullying."
Whitmer takes aim at the disgusting moves by Republicans:
"Here today you claim to be protecting kids, and you're actually putting them in more danger. There are at least 10 Michigan children in the past decade whose deaths are directly attributable to bullying...Had this bill that you're going to pass today been law in effect while they were alive, how many of their deaths would have been prevented? ZERO!"
She adds:
"So this might solve a political problemn that Republicans have. but be clear. You are papering over the problem that is a reality faced by hundreds of kids in Michigan schools every day. In fact not only does this not protect kids who are bullied. It further endangers them by legitimizing excuses for tormenting a student. And the saddest and sickest irony of this whole thing is that it's called 'Matt's Safe School Law'. And after the way that you've gutted it, it wouldn't have done a damn thing to save Matt!"
"This is worse than doing nothing! It's a Republican license to bully."
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Senate Committee Begins Debate on DOMA Repeal
The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin debate Thursday morning on a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages.
Julian Bond Americans for Marriage Equality
Civil rights leader and NAACP Chairman Emeritus Julian Bond supports Marriage Equality.
Chick-Fil-A Served Up $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010
From 2003 and 2008 Chick-Fil-A’s charitable arm (the WinShape Foundation) donated more than $1.1 million to anti-LGBT groups. But in 2009 they about doubled that amount to $2 million.
California Lawmaker Comes Out of the Closet, Cites Gay Bullying
Assemblywoman Cathleen Galgiani tells the Stockton Record that she's gay:
Galgiani, D-Livingston, said that by coming out now, she hopes to send a positive message to young people who are struggling to come to terms with their sexual identity.
"It sickens me that young people would think about taking their lives because of who they are," Galgiani said. Galgiani, 47, said it was not until well into adulthood, after she was elected to represent the 17th Assembly District in 2006, that she knew she was gay.
The Sacramento Bee adds:
"It sickens me that young people would think about taking their lives because of who they are," Galgiani said. Galgiani, 47, said it was not until well into adulthood, after she was elected to represent the 17th Assembly District in 2006, that she knew she was gay.
Galgiani's spokesman confirmed the report, saying the statement came during an interview on high-speed rail and other issues.
Galgiani's announcement brings the total number of openly gay state lawmakers to eight. Her addition would make the Legislature's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus, formed in 2002, the country's largest caucus recognizing openly gay legislators in the country, according to the gay rights advocacy group Equality California. Galgiani, who is termed out of the Assembly next year, is planning to run for a competitive Senate seat in the Central Valley next year
Galgiani's announcement brings the total number of openly gay state lawmakers to eight. Her addition would make the Legislature's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus, formed in 2002, the country's largest caucus recognizing openly gay legislators in the country, according to the gay rights advocacy group Equality California. Galgiani, who is termed out of the Assembly next year, is planning to run for a competitive Senate seat in the Central Valley next year
2 Lesbians Elected as Homecoming Royalty at Calif. School
The students of Patrick Henry High School in San Diego have named two young women, a lesbian couple, to the posts of Homecoming King and Queen.
Grant Gustin, Warbler Villain

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Shorter University Bans Gay Employees
A small, private college in Georgia has a new requirement for its employees: that they be straight.
Shorter University, a Christian Baptist school located in Rome, Ga., is mandating that its 200 employees sign a "personal lifestyle pledge" declaring that they reject homosexuality, premarital sex and adultery, WSBTV reports.
Shorter President Don Dowless told WSBTV that their goal "is not to offend people," but to "declare who we are."
Shorter University, a Christian Baptist school located in Rome, Ga., is mandating that its 200 employees sign a "personal lifestyle pledge" declaring that they reject homosexuality, premarital sex and adultery, WSBTV reports.
Shorter President Don Dowless told WSBTV that their goal "is not to offend people," but to "declare who we are."
New Research Reveals HIV/AIDS Epidemic First Found In Humans in 1921
A Canadian professor's groundbreaking look at the genesis of the AIDS virus is generating global buzz for shedding new light onto the world's most devastating pandemic.
As The New York Times is reporting, Dr. Jacques Pepin's "The Origins of AIDS," published earlier this month by Cambridge University Press, traces the improbable journey of HIV/AIDS to a single bush hunter (dubbed "patient zero") in central Africa who "manipulated chimpanzee meat" in 1921:
As The New York Times is reporting, Dr. Jacques Pepin's "The Origins of AIDS," published earlier this month by Cambridge University Press, traces the improbable journey of HIV/AIDS to a single bush hunter (dubbed "patient zero") in central Africa who "manipulated chimpanzee meat" in 1921:
Dr. Pepin sifts the blizzard of scientific papers written about AIDS, adds his own training in epidemiology, his own observations from treating patients in a bush hospital, his studies of the blood of elderly Africans, and years of digging in the archives of the European colonial powers, and works out the most likely path the virus took during the years it left almost no tracks.Working slowly forward from 1900, he explains how Belgian and French colonial policies led to an incredibly unlikely event: a fragile virus infecting a small minority of chimpanzees slipped into the blood of a handful of hunters, one of whom must have sent it down a chain of “amplifiers” — disease eradication campaigns, red-light districts, a Haitian plasma center and gay sex tourism. Without those amplifiers, the virus would not be what it now is: a grim pilgrim atop a mountain of 62 million victims, living and dead.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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