Thursday, January 26, 2012

NJ Lawmakers Respond Chris Christie for Suggesting Civil Rights of Gay People Should Be Put to a Vote

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie called for a voter referendum on same-sex marriage and said he'll veto any marriage equality bill that comes to his desk. Christie's announcement comes even as a Quinnipiac poll this week revealed that a majority of New Jersey voters support marriage equality.

"Let's stop treating this like a political football and let the people of New Jersey decided," said Christie.

New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, and Senator Raymond J. Lesniak, are furious about Governor Chris Christie's call yesterday for a voter referendum on same-sex marriage.

"We do not put civil rights questions on the ballot," said Weinberg.

Added Sweeney to a reporter who questioned the point of "going through the exercise" of passing marriage equality given the threat of a veto by Christie: "The point of going through a fight for civil rights, are you kidding me? I'm offended by that [question]...If the governor wants to stifle and silence his colleagues that's one thing. But his not going to silence or stifle us...It's offensive for anyone to think 'why bother' if the governor doesn't want to do it. Well, guess what? He's wrong on this one."

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