Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pitt talks about his mother's disparaging letter

After Brad Pitt's mother wrote a disparaging letter to the editor that slammed President Obama for supporting same-sex marriage and a woman's right to choose, Pitt's brother discussed the rant.
Doug Pitt was on Today discussing his new commercial for Virgin Mobile. At the end of Pitt's interview with Matt Lauer, Pitt was asked his take on the controversial letter.
"Moms and dads and kids agree to disagree all over the world, so why would our family be any different," Pitt said. "There can be healthy discussion when people disagree with you and I think there should be. The bad thing is when it turns to venom and negativity, and we don't have that in our family. It's open discussion, we can learn from each other. If anything, it solidifies your point or maybe you learn something."

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