Saturday, November 30, 2013
White Supremacist Learning He Is 14 Percent Black May Be The Best Thing Ever
A white supremacist behind an initiative to turn a North Dakota town into a "white enclave" received some shocking news -- he's not 100 percent white.
Craig Cobb, a 62-year-old man who has aimed to start a community for white supremacists and neo-Nazis, received some news that he wasn't too happy about, although we must admit, it gave us quite a chuckle.
During an appearance on The Trisha Goddard Show, Cobb was given the results of a DNA Diagnostics test and found out he is 14 percent Sub-Saharan African, and it was all caught on camera.
Friday, November 29, 2013
A 4-Year-Old Girl Asked A Lesbian If She's A Boy. She Responded The Awesomest Way Possible.
Ash Beckham is awesome. She also happens to be gay, and she thinks it's hard for straight people coming out of the closet.
At 2:30, she gently confronts a 4-year-old. At 3:30, she explains how hard it is for straight people to come out of the closet. At 7:53, she makes a hard decision. And at 8:56, she shares three rules about pancakes and life that you should follow.
At 2:30, she gently confronts a 4-year-old. At 3:30, she explains how hard it is for straight people to come out of the closet. At 7:53, she makes a hard decision. And at 8:56, she shares three rules about pancakes and life that you should follow.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
‘Kids React’ To Same-Sex Couples As They Become Engaged To Be Married
Kids React is a weekly You Tube Series in which kids between the ages of five and fifteen give their review of a viral video. This video is of kids watching same-sex couples becoming engaged.
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Portland Business Journal reported that the PAC, called the Nike Equality PAC, initially received a $100,000 donation from the company to start the PAC and its executives donated the remaining $180,000.
Nike, which has approximately 44,000 employees worldwide and is headquartered in Oregon, was one of the first companies to offer domestic partner benefits nearly 20 years ago.
“Nike is fully supportive of the initiative to create marriage equality so all our employees are treated fairly and with respect in the workplace and the community,” according to the Nike Equality PAC website. “We believe that diversity drives innovation, and allows us to attract and retain world class talent. For Oregon businesses to attract and retain the best talent, we need fair and equitable laws that treat all Oregonians equally and prevent discrimination.”

Speaking in Latin he said, “Be gone, Satan, father of lies, enemy of human salvation. Give way to Christ.”
Protesters demonstrated outside of the cathedral where the bishop held his exorcism ceremony:
Watch Paprocki’s press conference immediately following the ‘exorcism’:
Friday, November 22, 2013
Orgasm Wars' In Japan Features Gay Man Trying To Make Straight Man Climax
nyone remember the game show "Make Me Laugh," in which comedians tried to make contestants giggle within a time limit? Well, this is a "make me climax" variation: A gay man tries to bring a straight man to orgasm against his will.
The jokey segment was called "Orgasm Wars," and it aired on late-night Japanese TV.Poko x Tate - Orgasm wars: AV actor Sawai VS... by jimakutv
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Pastor Found “Guilty” By Church For Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

Torches and pitchforks in hand, a gaggle of angry Methodist pastors “convicted” Rev. Frank Schaefer (pictured) of demonstrating “disobedience to the order and discipline of the United Methodist Church” after officiating his son Tim’s marriage to another man back in 2007.
“I did not want to make this a protest about the doctrine of the church,” Schaefer said during his opening remarks on Monday. “I was ready to choose between my son and my career.”
Schaefer, who arrived in court dressed in a rainbow-colored stole, said he was honest with his superiors about his plans to officiate his son’s wedding and received no reprimand at the time. However, last April, about a month before the church’s statute of limitations was due to expire, Jon Boger, a member of Schaefer’s congregation, filed a complaint.
“He kept it silent from the congregation,” Boger said in his testimony Monday. “Nobody knew. It was a lie and a broken covenant!”
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy receives ‘Champion of Justice and Equality’ award
The Urban League of Greater Atlanta, an organization focused on the economic empowerment of African-Americans, has presented Chick-fi-A President and CEO Dan Cathy with its annual Community Empowerment Award.
The award, presented Saturday at its Equality Opportunity Day Dinner, honors Cathy and the Chick-fil-A Foundation for their “significant financial contributions that support programs that empower communities,” despite the foundation’s long history of donating millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations.
This year’s theme was “Celebrating Champions of Justice and Equality.”
Cathy made national headlines last year when, in an interview with the Baptist Press, said his company backed “the biblical definition of a family,” and in a follow-up statement said that same-sex marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.”
And earlier this year, following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down a portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, Cathy tweeted (and quickly deleted) the comment, “Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our generation to abandon wisdom of the ages.”
The Urban League issued a statement last week defending Cathy’s award, closing with: “Please be assured that the Urban League of Greater Atlanta supports and works for equal rights for all people, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or physical ability. This includes the recent Employment Non-Discrimination Act that was passed out of the U.S. Senate this week.”
The League says its focus is to empower people to “achieve their highest human potential and civil rights.”
Teen Tennis Ace Comes Out

As a junior, Mikey won Virginia’s AA state high school championship and he hopes to game-set-match his success with a second consecutive title this year.
Though he came out two years ago to his friends and family, Mikey decided to serve pride realness via an eloquent and poignant note on Twitter two weeks ago.
“At the time I was scared,” he told Outsports. “I was anxious to see what people thought. I didn’t think people would be mean to me, but I didn’t know if people would be awkward about it.”
Turns out they weren’t awkward at all and Mikey says the response he’s received has been “phenomenal.”
With the reports now published and viewable on their site as a result of the complaint, it appears NOM may have been hiding the information because of the revelation that the organization found itself more than $2.7 million in the red as a result of its political advocacy arm's spending. You'll recall 2012 being a disappointing year for gay marriage opponents, with pro-equality victories in four of the five same-sex marriage ballot measures by year's end.
Monday, November 18, 2013
’God is Gay’
A video of a slam poetry performance titled "God is Gay" by a student from the University of North Carolina has gone viral, Time magazine reports.
The controversial poem was performed by Elliot Darrow, 20, who identifies as a straight male but is an "out Christian." Darrow says he got the idea for the poem two years ago when he wondered if God is gay.
"I personally believe that God is not a sexual being, but at the same time, to make a statement, what if He were, was all in an attempt to show people that even God, who we all see as infallible, still has human traits, such as sexuality, or loves people of a specific gender or identity," Darrow told the publication.
He then looked over the Bible in order to see how Christians should view the LGBT community.
"I’ve seen so many people, in my mind, misuse the Bible to preach not necessarily hatred, but just ignorance toward people who are of other preferences," he told Time magazine. "I want to show that regardless of how someone identifies, God wants to love them, and God does love them. The best way I’ve found to do that is to use the Bible, to use teachings that I have been taught."
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The highly anticipated gay HBO drama Looking which takes place in San Francisco and is set to premiere in January dropped its first 30-second trailer last night.
The series stars Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, and Murray Bartlett about "three friends in San Francisco who explore the fun and sometimes overwhelming options available to a new generation of gay men."
What was intended as a work of public art without an overt political message beyond the need for inclusiveness, according to the artist behind it, has instead become part of a culture war over homosexuality that has been brewing in one of Europe’s most Catholic countries...
...Stanislaw Pieta, a member of Parliament from the conservative Law and Justice Party, the main opposition faction in Poland, called the placement of the rainbow on a grassy circle in front of the church a “disgusting gesture, offensive to Catholics.” He added, “It’s a provocation.”
Although city officials and the artist, Julita Wojcik, say the rainbow is not a monument to gay rights, both its supporters and opponents find they can agree on what the rainbow symbolizes.
Friday, November 15, 2013
A Letter to My Community After My Child Was Lit on Fire

Dear sweet Sequoia family,
As many of you know already, my 18-year-old child Sasha was seriously burned on Monday afternoon. Sasha woke from a nap on the 57 bus to find that, apparently, another passenger -- accidentally or on purpose -- had lit Sasha's skirt on fire. Sasha is now in stable condition and being very well cared for in a terrific burn center in San Francisco. We have every reason to believe that Sasha will eventually be able to return to life as usual, although the recovery process will take some time.
I wanted to take this time to send thanks to everyone who has offered words of support and love. And many even contributed to the online fundraising site set up by Sasha's cousin Josh. I can't tell you how moved we have all been by the outpouring of loving kindness, and how helpful that has been.
I also wanted to address how to talk to your kids about this incident. It's in the news, and especially since it involves a Sequoia family, it may come up at school.
I think it's really important to keep in mind that none of us can know the mind, motivations, or intentions of the person who set flame to Sasha's clothing. Oakland Police have a 16-year-old high school student in custody, based on video camera footage from the bus. As far as I know, police are the only people who have viewed the footage. I certainly haven't, so I can only guess at what happened. At this point, I choose to assume that this kid was playing with fire, and that he gravely underestimated the consequences of that. Others may make different assumptions, but it's important to remember that they are all just that: assumptions. So when I talk to my students about this, I will emphasize the importance of fire safety: "Don't play with matches or lighters." And of course, "Stop, drop, and roll if your clothing catches fire."
Another aspect of this story that has gotten a lot of attention is the fact that Sasha was wearing a skirt, "even though" Sasha appears to be a boy. The fact is that Sasha self-identifies as "agender" and prefers the pronouns "they," "them," and "their" when people refer to Sasha in the third person. (English doesn't have commonly used gender-neutral third-person singular pronouns yet.) Being agender simply means that the person doesn't feel that they are "either a boy or a girl." I realize that this is a concept that even adults have difficulty wrapping their heads around. (My wife and I frequently slip up in our pronoun usage, much to Sasha's chagrin!) So I can't pretend that it's an issue that all young children will grasp. But what they certainly can and should understand is that different people like different things. Different people dress or behave or look differently. And that's a good thing. Sasha feels comfortable wearing a skirt. It's part of their style. They also frequently sport a necktie and vest. Sasha likes the look, and frankly, so do I. It makes me smile to see Sasha being Sasha.
As I wrote above, none of us can know the mind of the kid who lit a flame to Sasha's skirt, but I have a feeling that if he had seen Sasha's skirt as an expression of another kid's unique, beautiful self and had smiled and thought, "I hella love Oakland," I wouldn't be writing this now.
Again, many thanks for all of your love and kindness. Let's all take care of each other.
Karl Fleischman
Karl Fleischman
Thursday, November 14, 2013
'Wear A F*cking Condom!
When vlogger J. Merridew learned that HIV rates are on the rise among gay men, he felt compelled to address to issue using his YouTube account.
"I had no clue that HIV/AIDS has been on the rise in the gay community for the past few years," he states in the video's description. "I thought it was decreasing over time. This is our community! Let's get our act together!"
While Merridew's message is fairly simple, it's one that all sexually active people should consider -- "Wear a f***ing condom!"
Hawaii Governor Signs Same-Sex Marriage Bill Into Law
Before 200 invited guests in an invitation-only ceremony, Democratic Governor Neil Abercrombie just signed historic legislation extending marriage to same-sex couples in the state of Hawaii. “Done!,” the Governor said upon placing his signature on the bill.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
'A Case for Marriage' Equality
Faces of Fairness is a groundbreaking new multimedia project that is shining a bright light on the inequalities and legal discrimination LGBT people currently face in West Virginia. The project — a first of its kind in the state – is made up of many elements, including a touring photography exhibit, a documentary film, and a Web-based archive.
Mr. Moscone (left), 49, is the artistic director of the California Shakespeare Theater in Berkeley. He graduated from Williams College and received a Master of Fine Arts in directing from Yale...Mr. Carbonaro, 46, is the associate general counsel of Clean Power Finance, a company in San Francisco that manages and makes investments in residential solar power. He graduated from Drexel University and received a law degree from Pace.
Monday, November 11, 2013
University Of Texas Swimmer Comes Out In ‘One Of The Greatest Experiences’ Of His Life

“Although this has been something I have known for a while, it hit me particularly hard more recently as I have realized that I’m not getting any younger and would like to start dating and enjoy the simple things of life that I have been missing out on. When I was younger I thought I was only curious or it was just a phase for me, but have come to terms that I’m actually gay. (There, I finally said it).”
And Korman told his teammates they ”are and forever will be” his “brothers.”
“I simply couldn’t continue to hide this from you anymore because it was slowly killing me. I want you to know me for who I am. I pray that this will not change anything, but I know for some of you this is uneasy. I want you all to know that I am here to have an open dialogue.”
How did it go?
One of his teammates wrote to OutSports to say they “all been 100% supportive and have tried to provide him with the best environment possible, simply changing nothing.”
Moscow Man Nails Testicles To Red Square Cobblestone Street To Protest Putin’s Crackdown

In Russia today, a Moscow political performance artist was arrested after he drove a large nail through his testicles into a cobblestone street in Red Square to protest Vladimir Putin‘s crackdown on civil rights — and the Russian people’s own apathy.
Pyotr Pavlensky can be seen in the video below sitting naked in front of the Lenin’s Mausoleum and nailed to the street. Later, a police officer comes to arrest him. He reportedly could get 15 days in jail.
Pavlensky says his “action can be seen as a metaphor of apathy and political indifference and fatalism of the modern Russian society,” according to a Google translation of what he wrote on the Russian website,
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Meredith Baxter Is Getting Married

Meredith Baxter, best known
for her role as Michael J. Fox’ liberal mother in the 80s sitcom Family Ties,
is getting married to Nancy Locke, who owns and operates Locke Construction Company.
TMZ reported
yesterday that Meredith and Nancy were spotted last Friday applying for a
marriage license in Beverly Hills. TMZ has not yet been able to ferret out the
wedding date, but they did learn invited guests have already received their
This is
the fourth marriage for Meredith Baxter, but the first to a woman. She has been
with Nancy Locke since 2005, but did not publicly come out as a lesbian until
‘99 Red Balloons’ Flashmob Marriage Proposal On NYC’s Waterfront
“It was the most amazing thing that anyone has ever done for me. It made me feel like the most loved and adored person in the world,” Lance told The Huffington Post. “But more than that, in the weeks that followed, what I came to realize was that for the first time in the entirety of our relationship I felt I could finally exhale. I know that sounds cliche, but like so many gay men I have always struggled against the feelings of not being worthy of a loving relationship. With his very public declaration of love Harry changed all that. I finally know what it means to be loved!”
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
First Lady Of Zambia Stuns The Continent By Calling For An End To Homophobia
Homosexuality is a crime in Zambia. In fact, right now, two men are facing 14 years in prison for “having carnal knowledge against the order of nature”, and another is on trial for discussing gay people and HIV on TV. The country’s tabloids have recently taken to outing suspected gay men, who then face harassment in their neighborhoods. In Zambia, even speaking of being gay can be dangerous.
A few months ago, Edgar Lungu, Zambian’s Home Affairs Minister made this memorable pronouncement:
‘Those advocating gay rights should go to hell, that is not an issue we will tolerate. There will be no such discussion on gay rights. That issue is foreign to this country.’
In Zambia, like in Russia, the level of homophobia has been moving in the wrong direction. At least until now.
This week, an extraordinary thing happened; an event so unexpected LGBT activists all over Africa are calling it “a miracle.” At a reception hosted by UNAIDS in Lasaka, Zambia’s capitol, First Lady Christine Kaseba-Sata called for an end to discrimination against sexual minorities.
“Silence around issues of men who have sex with men should be stopped,” said Dr. Kaseba-Sata. “And no one should be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation.”
All Africa called the First Lady’s remarks “astonishing”, “remarkable”, and a “game changer”. But the First Lady didn’t stop at announcing her own support. She told the audience that in matters of public health issues, (like HIV) the gay community has the support of her husband, President Michael Sata.
First Lady Christine Kaseba-Sata’s pronouncement may carry more weight that the average political wife, as she is a medical doctor, specializing in obstetrics and gynaecology. Before she became first lady in 2011, Dr. Kaseba-Sata practiced at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka for more than 25 years.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Rob Portman Gave Up His Chance To Be Vice President To Protect His Gay Son
According to John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, authors of Double Down: Game Change 2012, Senator Rob Portman asked Presidential candidate Mitt Romney to remove his name from consideration for vice president, because his son, Will, was not ready to come out on a national scale. From the book:
‘Father and son had been talking about going public together for a while, but they wanted to do it on their own timetable.”
Double Down reports that although Will, (below) had come out to his father a year earlier, and was out to his friends at Yale, he did not want to face the country-wide reaction that would surely follow such an announcement. For the sake of his son, Senator Portman asked the Romney campaign to release a statement saying Portman asked not to be considered for VP. But according to Double Down, the campaign refused. They said such a position might make Romney unpopular.
Senator Portman threatened the Romney camp, telling them that if chosen for the vice presidential slot, he would immediately come out in support of same-sex marriage. Romney eventually chose Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate.
Ultimately, the senator made a public announcement about Will’s sexual orientation in March of this year, pledging his own support for marriage equality going forward.
Senator Portman was one of seven Republican senators who crossed party lines to vote in favor of ENDA, the non-discrimination this week.
Senate Approves ENDA

For the first time in history, the U.S. Senate has approved a bill that would outlaw discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
The final vote was 64-32 in favor of passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act on to the House of Representatives, according to C-SPAN.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Ed Murray to become Seattle’s first openly gay mayor

Because Washington state elections are done by mail, and ballots only needed to be postmarked by Tuesday, many votes are left to count.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Workplace discrimination bill clears first hurdle in U.S. Senate

The vote of 61-30 essentially ensured that the Senate has the votes to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that would prohibit workplace discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.
Final passage, possibly by week’s end, would cap a 17-year quest to secure Senate support for a similar discrimination measure that failed by one vote in 1996, the same year Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act.
Reflecting the nation’s shifting views toward gay rights and the fast-changing political dynamic, seven Senate Republicans joined with 54 Democrats to vote to move ahead on the legislation.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Bisexual Georgia Teen Kicked Out By Parents Gets Amazing Response From Strangers
When Nick's parents found out their son was bisexual, they threw him out of the house, leaving his belongings on the front yard. Although his parents did not support him, hundreds of strangers rallied around the penniless 18-year-old to offer their support, and they managed to raise thousands of dollars.
Yes, I’m Gay — ‘Why Should It Matter?’
U.S. Democratic Rep. Mike Michaud, serving the people of Maine in Congress since 2003, wants to become their next governor.
Ahead of the 2014 election, Michaud announced in August he was running. Today, in an op-ed published in one of the state’s top newspapers, Michaud made another announcement. The 58-year old third-generation Mainer says he is gay, and asks, “why should it matter?”
Ahead of the 2014 election, Michaud announced in August he was running. Today, in an op-ed published in one of the state’s top newspapers, Michaud made another announcement. The 58-year old third-generation Mainer says he is gay, and asks, “why should it matter?”
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Methodist bishop performs gay wedding in Ala. despite church opposition
A retired United Methodist bishop performed a wedding for two gay men Saturday in Alabama despite opposition from other church leaders.
The ceremony took place at the Covenant Community Church, a United Church of Christ congregation. Bishop Melvin G. Talbert of Nashville, Tenn., performed the wedding even though the local bishop and other leaders said it violated church law.
Joe Openshaw said he and longtime partner Bobby Prince asked Talbert to marry them when they were refused permission to marry in their United Methodist church.
“Everything went just as planned. There were no disruptions, no drama,” said Joe Openshaw. “Bobby and I now feel our relationship is complete.”
Talbert and other Methodist supporters of same-sex rights have been encouraging their denomination to recognize gay marriages for years. Alabama does not recognize same-sex marriage.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
A few nights ago, Tim Seelig of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus received a phone call from a company called Best Vacations Ever offering a time share trip to Las Vegas, Orlando, and New Orleans. After consulting with his partner Dan England and deciding on a travel date, they bought the vacation package. All went well until Dan called the company yesterday to book reservations and the representative noticed that both names were male. From Tim's Facebook wall:
They were most helpful until [Dan] said the 2nd person was named Tim. They asked if that was a male? Seriously? She said, "Please hold a moment." After 5 minutes or so, she came back on line and said, "I'm so sorry, we don't allow same sex couples to use the Vegas vacation offer." We have spent the entire day in shock. Dan talked to 3 people at the company. I talked to another 3 people there. There is nothing to be done. They do not consider "co-habitating couples" to be within their demographic for potential time share sales, so we are not allowed.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Being Gay Is A Choice?

In the essay titled “An open letter to those who disapprove of homosexuality,” the 19-year-old athlete takes on people who oppose homosexuality, not by ranting and raving, but by asking for a respectful dialogue.
“I respect you,” Klug writes. “I respect your opinion, although it differs from mine. I have listened to, digested, and have decided to thoughtfully respond to your arguments. I truly hope you do the same.”
He continues by saying, “I feel compelled to write this letter with the intent of opening a dialogue … Speaking from personal experience, almost all of the homophobia I have witnessed in our society is fueled by one simple notion — being gay is a choice.”
“I am a gay man,” he writes. “I have always been gay. And I firmly believe I will always be gay. But I promise you, I tried not to be. We all have.”
He then takes on “ex-gays” and other people who believe homosexuality can be cured: “If you are straight, and someone sat you down and tried to turn you into a homosexual, could they? Do you think your sexual orientation could be changed?”
“When straight people are asked, ‘When did you choose to be straight?’ they usually can’t answer,” Klug continues. “They say what we say: that it is just the way they are. Just like heterosexual people do not consciously decide to be straight, I did not choose to be gay.”
He concludes his letter by writing, “Sexual orientation should not be a defining characteristic of a person … [Most] of the time I spend with my teammates is on the field. In that context, sexual orientation holds absolutely zero significance. My teammates view me as an athlete; as part of their team working towards the same goals. We struggle and succeed together … Being gay is part of who I am; it is not what I am.”
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