Friday, August 8, 2008

Trip to the San Diego Zoo 2

The zoo is currently working on a new exhibit for the elephants. The exhibit will be huge - 6 times the size of that the elephants have now and some other animals are also being move to new, large areas. The pic below is a bit of the construction taking place.

The zoo has a very successful breeding program for koalas and the largest number of koalas outside of Australia. While we were there, I don't think any of the koalas were awake - they sleep 22 hours a day.

The polar bears have an great exhibit. Three bears and very playful. They were putting on a great show and enjoying the weather!

The zebras are getting a new home... and they need it. You can tell this one was a little bored.

I forget what type of eagle this is, but a relative of the bald eagle. Notice the big rat in her talons.

The zoo also have a successful breeding program for Pandas. The two are sisters (I think). The second on is a year and a half old.

Two grizzly bears - brother and sister. Relocated from Yellowstone because they were getting into trouble there.

Cute little monkey. The Monkey Trails was interesting.

The apes were also very playful that day.

Okay, the hippos didn't do much.... just raise their heads every once and a while to get some air.

The landscaping is also nice at the park. The first picture is looking through a kaleidoscope at some flowers. Some beautiful ginger, a tree with large yellow flowers and then a huge hibiscus (the picture doesn't do it justice).

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