Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ann Coulter To Gay Conservatives: Marriage 'Is Not A Civil Right -- You're Not Black'

Nobody ever said Ann Coulter was going to play nice during her time at Homocon, a summit held by the gay conservative group GOProud over the weekend, not even the organizers who insisted that she be there. Perhaps it came as little surprise to them, then, when the conservative pundit stood before the group of 150 attendees and aggressively railed against gay marriage.

Marriage "is not a civil right -- you're not black," Coulter told the crowd, building upon an argument that claimed the equal protections provided by the Fourteenth Amendment -- and potentially used to build a case for marriage equality -- were only applicable to black people.

Coulter, who was dropped from a recent event by conservative publication WorldNetDaily for her supposed traitorous behavior in headlining the gay event, wasn't done taking social issues to the heart of perhaps the most socially liberal faction within the GOP.

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