Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Students protest dean's resignation

Some Cathedral High School students cannot believe that Christine Judd, their dean and athletic director, stepped down after 12 years of service on Friday, not even a week into the new school year.

Dozens of students and friends of Christine Judd came out to St. Michael's Cathedral to protest her resignation.

Students told 22News she was forced to resign because she married her same sex partner this summer.

"When I found out she was terminated and I found out why she was terminated, I was outraged and disgusted with the decision that was made. They have people working for them who are divorced, they have people who are using contraceptives, they have students who go to the school who are pregnant, and they don't make them leave, so why should they decide to act on those principles now?" said Martin Boyle, a Cathedral High School Senior.

Springfield Diocese Spokesperson Mark Dupont says Bishop Timothy McDonnell was not available for an interview Sunday.

But Dupont says these students' accusations are just speculation, and this is not a moral issue, but an employment issue.

Judd agreed to abide by school policy, which clearly indicates that administration members must uphold the doctrine and teachings of the Catholic Church.

"She has acknowledged to her credit, that she undertook actions this past summer, which were in violation of an agreement she freely accepted. Casting aside what she did, the nub of the issue is that we ask people to make agreements and we ask people to keep those agreements,” said Dupont.

Some students say they're not angry with the diocese or their religion, but they would like to see some changes.

"If we're going to preach tolerance, we need to practice tolerance and I think the old ways are prohibiting us from doing that. We just think it's time for the church to progress,” said Alexandra Nicolai, a Cathedral High School Senior.

22News spoke with some parishioners coming out of mass and asked them what they think about the diocese's decision.

"I hear them screaming out there and they're absolutely correct. Who are we to judge? That's one of the main things we believe in church. We are not the ones to judge anybody, because God almighty does that," said Tatiana Flores, a parishioner.

At this time, it's unclear if Judd will take any legal action.

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