Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Six Reasons Gays Cannot Have Marriage

Minnesota For Marriage has been producing these weekly “marriage minutes” to totally spin their reasons why marriage must be reserved for “one man-one woman” only unions.

This week, Kalley Yanta explains “How would redefining marriage impact your own marriage?” and gives the six simple (and stupid and bigoted and ignorant and false) reasons gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples cannot be allowed to have marriage:

1. Sex between a man and a woman has the unique capacity to create a child.
2. Pregnancy can occur regardless of whether the couple intends to create a child
or not.
3. The new human life that is created is vulnerable and needs the protection of
4. The man and woman who created the new life typically have the most interest in
and are best at protecting and guiding that child.
5. They agree that they will both be legally responsible for any child conceived during
the marriage.
6. Couples must work for decades together to raise a child from conception to

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