Sen. McCain is the one person who should lead the battle to protect traditional marriage!
Sen. McCain needs to lead the way in promoting a federal marriage amendment
As you know, the California Supreme Court has legalized homosexual marriage. This happened despite the fact that voters in California passed Proposition 22 with 61.4 percent of the vote. Proposition 22 defined marriage as only between one man and one woman.
The recent 4-3 ruling, if allowed to stand, would destroy marriage as it has been known for thousands of years. It would lead to the logical conclusion of the following:
-Legalization of polygamous and other aberrant unions as "marriages"
-Legalization of marriage between an adult parent and adult child
-Legalization of group marriage
-Overturn all the marriage laws in the other 49 state
Take Action!
Sen. McCain has said in the past he supports marriage only between one man and one woman. But he voted against the federal amendment when it was voted on in the Senate. Such an amendment would override the legalization of homosexual marriage by the liberal California Supreme Court. It is time for Sen. McCain to take a stand for marriage!
Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
[Doesn't Don know that lying is a sin!]
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