Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Clovis High School Yearbook Features Gays

Clovis High School students are defending their inclusion of photos and interviews with gay couples in the yearbook after criticism by a former New Mexico lieutenant governor and Christian groups.

Student editor-in-chief Maggie Chavez and staff member Jessie Hardison said Thursday the decision to feature gay couples was made after much consideration and discussion by the staff.

"We just wanted to show that there is a diversity. There (are) gay and lesbian couples in the school and they have a right to be in the yearbook just as much as anybody else does," Chavez said.

Former Lt. Gov. Walter Bradley, who described himself as a parent and concerned Christian member of the community, said he is upset.

"I think it's highly inappropriate to place that in that venue," he said. "That is no place for that type of negligent exploitation of our kids. I do not in any way believe this reflects the attitudes and values of this community."

Photos of two lesbian couples, along with narratives describing their relationships, were included in a features section titled "Do you want to go out?" Also pictured on the two-page spread were nine heterosexual couples.

School staffers routinely monitor the yearbook for obscenity, libel and other matters of legal concern before it is published, but supervisor Carol Singletary said it is a student-produced publication.

She said the content featuring gay students wasn't censored by administrators.
"It didn't violate privacy. It wasn't obscene. It wasn't libelous. ... It didn't violate any of the district policies," Singletary said.

Chavez and Hardison said they hold strong Christian values but the issue involves discrimination. Chavez said openly gay couples can be seen at Clovis High School, often walking hand-in-hand.

"This is in the community. (Students) are going to have to deal with it in their lifetime," Chavez said.

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