Sean and I made our last run (okay, we thought it was our last run) to Home Depot for supplies for the chicken coop.

The wood for the roosts are up and the nesting boxes almost complete. The sides of the coop also went up (picture later).

We gather up the chicks from the brooder on the patio. They quickly outgrew the patio brooder and started jumping/flying up to the top of the heat lamps. We knew if was time for them to move out to the new coop. Plus, it was starting so smell a little - too many growing chicks in a small space.

The looked around for a while and quickly settled in to the new house. They are almost 3 and 4 weeks old now.

The two chick above are a Buff Catalana and Ameraucana.

Zena is a Barred Rock and that is Blondie flapping her wings in the back. She is an Ameraucana.
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