Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dianne Feinstein Does About-Face on Same-Sex Marriage

Though California senator Dianne Feinstein has long been a supporter of gay rights, she’s stopped short of supporting full marriage equality. But an interview for NBC Nightly News with Maureen Dowd suggests she may well have done an about-face.

In the interview, Feinstein discusses finding the body of Harvey Milk and her involvement in Focus Features’ forthcoming biopic. She also talks about her decision to speak out against Prop. 8 in California and her evolving views on same-sex marriage.

"I think as more and more people have gay friends, gay associations, see gay heroism, that their views change,” Feinstein said in the interview. “I think people are beginning to look at it differently, I know it’s happened for me.

“I started out not supporting it. The longer I’ve lived, the more I’ve seen the happiness of people, the stability that these commitments bring to a life. Many adopted children who would have ended up in foster care now have good solid homes and are brought up learning the difference between right and wrong. It’s a very positive thing."

Feinstein had previously said that while she would not endorse a statewide ban on same-sex marriage, she supported civil unions over “redefining” marriage.

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