Friday, November 14, 2008

From the Family Research Council

Who's 'Bigoted' Now?

The homosexuals' vicious reaction to the passing of Proposition 8 shows the movement's sheer hypocrisy. The disgruntled Left calls supporters of traditional marriage "bigots." But those who understand the meaning of "bigotry" and "civil rights" -- African Americans -- overwhelmingly supported the marriage amendments in California and Florida.

In response, white homosexual demonstrators have showered African Americans with racist epithets, revealing what one liberal blogger calls "the not-so-latent racism in our movement." Another liberal affirmed that marriage supporters "had a far more aggressive and systematic outreach to African American religious leaders and voters," and FRC is proud to have played in a major role in that outreach through the voter registration and education efforts of our Church Ministries division.

Homosexual activists are also revealing their anti-religious bigotry, particularly in their attacks on Mormons, which have included calls to "tax the Mormon church" -- validating alarms FRC has raised about threats to religious liberty.

Those for same-sex "marriage" claim it is about same-sex couples having the same benefits as married couples. I have said for years that it is not about the benefits. That was borne out in an FRC analysis showing that only 28% of same-sex couples in Connecticut have sought civil unions and the related benefits in the three years they have been offered, and less than 20% of the same-sex couples in California have "married" in the months since California's Supreme Court allowed them to. These battles are not about "rights" or "benefits," but about the forced affirmation of homosexuality itself -- and the eventual silencing of all who disapprove.

[Seriously? The YES people used lies and fear to scare people into voting yes. They used religion and the bible, to once again, support discrimination. God is watching and she knows what is going on!]

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