Thursday, November 12, 2009

Analysis reveals Roman Catholic dioceses poured money into anti-marriage campaign in Maine

An analysis of state reports has revealed Roman Catholic dioceses throughout the nation made significant financial contributions to the campaign that nullified marriage for same-sex couples in Maine.

By a margin of 53 to 47 percent, Pine Tree State voters supported a referendum on Nov. 3 that nullified a law that had extended nuptials to gays and lesbians. Observers said the 55 percent turnout was exceptionally high in an off-year election.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland created a political action committee to collect funds for Stand for Marriage Maine, the campaign supporting the referendum. The church contributed close to $550,000. Almost half--about $250,000--came from dioceses, parishes, organizations and individual clergy from outside the state.

While the church was collecting out-of-state dollars, Marc Mutty, Stand for Marriage Maine’s campaign chair, criticized the No on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign for not being "home grown." Mutty ran the anti-marriage effort while on leave from his job as spokesperson for the Portland diocese.

The church’s out-of-state funds came from 65 separate contributions. Some were quite large. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Phoenix each gave $50,000. The Diocesan Assistance Fund in Providence, R.I., the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, and the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas each gave $10,000. Others were small--a number of priests gave less than $50.

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