Thursday, November 12, 2009

We're Coming For You, Garden State Gays

The National Organization for Marriage confirms what we all expected: It's taking its Church-backed dollars to New Jersey.

With same-sex marriage suddenly a top priority in Jersey — with supporter Gov. Jon Corzine, seen here signing the civil unions law in 2006, leaving office in January to make room for bigot Chris Christie — NOM indicates it's going to put the state next on its hit list.

NOM president Maggie Gallagher, most recently seen sympathizing with Maine's gays, says: "New Jersey is at the very top of our list, and it's going to happen in the next few weeks if it happens at all. They're doing it in a lame duck, because it's as far away from an election as possible."

While same-sex civil unions have been legal since 2006 in New Jersey, their recognition has been found to be unequal to marriage. And while a lame duck legislative session might be enough to get marriage equality on the agenda, it's unclear what NOM's strategy in Jersey will be, aside from encouraging supporters to phone legislators and lobby them to vote against it.

Focus on the Family: New Jersey is next

The antigay group Focus on the Family was not only happy with the outcome in Maine – but with the election in New Jersey as well, where conservative Christopher Christie defeated Jon Corzine in the gubernatorial race. Corzine has promised to sign a marriage equality bill if the state Legislature gets it to his desk before Christie takes office Jan. 10, 2010. Steven Goldstein, Executive Director of Garden State Equality, says there is a new urgency to the push for marriage equality in New Jersey. Focus on the Family is lining up to stop it.

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