Friday, November 6, 2009

Mixner: We Are Out of Patience

David Mixner calls for action to the LGBT community as a response to the events in Maine.

Says Mixner, calling for a major shake-up: “How can we have any dignity, honor or pride in ourselves if we validate this continued process of ballot box terrorism? How can we stand tall next to each other if we explain away another’s cowardliness? How can we allow people to dehumanize our relationships and our very integrity if we give people passes to sit out the battle for our very freedom? No longer are political timelines a reason for delay, no longer are incremental approaches acceptable and no longer can the political process expect us to be patient and wait our turn. Our turn came long ago and there will be no more waiting.”

Mixner says our national organizations should be put on notice that they will be held accountable for their conversations with elected officals; the checkbooks should be closed to all elected officials not on our side and gay organizations supporting them; actions, not promises need to be demanded; and new tactics like civil disobedience must now be on the table.

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