Monday, March 15, 2010

Catholic School's Decision that Children of Lesbian Parents Cannot Attend

The Boulder, Colorado Catholic school Sacred Heart of Jesus denyed enrollment to a child, two children actually, because their parents are lesbians.

Archbishop Charles Chaput is defended the school yesterday in the Denver Catholic Register, saying:

"The Church does not claim that people with a homosexual orientation are 'bad,' or that their children are less loved by God. Quite the opposite. But what the Church does teach is that sexual intimacy by anyone outside marriage is wrong; that marriage is a sacramental covenant; and that marriage can only occur between a man and a woman. These beliefs are central to a Catholic understanding of human nature, family and happiness, and the organization of society. The Church cannot change these teachings because, in the faith of Catholics, they are the teachings of Jesus Christ. [He added people with a different understanding of marriage and family life] have other, excellent options for education and should see in them the better course for their children."

Bill O'Reilly had Father Jonathan Morris from West Palm Beach on recently to defend the Catholic Church's actions.

1 comment:

redtown said...

The bishops and the Vatican do not speak for most Catholics on these issues.

Two-thirds of Catholics-in-the-pews reject the Roman hierarchy’s homophobic views, according to every survey. About a third of American and European Catholics support full marriage rights including sacramental marriage, while another third support civil unions.

In fact, the real “Church” is the millions who fill the pews and pay the bills, not the handful of self-appointed hierarchs.

Scripture refers to the Church as the “Ecclesia” -- the “assembly” of the faithful, the full Body of Christ. The Ecclesia supports same-gender unions, and many local priests quietly bless same-gender commitments. This ‘sensus fidelium’ is the true teaching of the Church.

The most beloved gay Catholic of our time, Fr. Mychal Judge, ‘the Saint of 9/11’, often asked, “Is there so much love in the world that we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love ?!” He also urged us, “Don’t let the institutional church get in the way of your relationship with God.”

It is ironic that this school is named for the Sacred Heart of Jesus who said, “Let the children come to me.” He didn’t say, “except the children of gays”. And Christ would most certainly never punish little children to punish the parents.