Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gay Marriage and Adoption To Be Legal in Mexico City Today

This is going to be a significant week in marriage equality.

Yesterday we saw the first gay and lesbian couples in Washington, DC receive their marriage licenses. Today comes an arguably bigger milestone when both marriage and adoption by same-sex couples become legal in Mexico City, the capital of a very religious and very conservative country. But gays are already worried that their rights might be taken away from them by the hands of the country's politicians.

The Washington Post reports:

Gay rights activist Mariana Pérez Ocaña said she fears conservative provincial leaders will chip away at same-sex marriage.

After abortion was legalized, she noted, states altered their constitutions to say life begins at conception. Governors affiliated with PAN have promised to challenge same-sex marriage.

"Many activists in gay groups fear there will be a backlash," Pérez said.

Undoubtedly. Especially in a country whose president has gone on record to say that "the constitution of the republic speaks explicitly of marriage between a man and a woman" and the city's Cardinal has declared same-sex marriage as a "'perverse' (that) measure would inflict psychological damage on 'innocent children.'"

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