Friday, January 31, 2014
Jason Collins Wants To Have A Chat With The “Duck Dynasty” Cast
Jason Collins -- Willie Robertson Was Untouchable at State of Union
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Collins, the first openly gay major league athlete, attended the event as the guest of Michelle Obama and sat less than 20 feet from Robertson, who was invited as a guest of the Republican party after his family’s extremely racist and homophobic “family values” made national headlines last year. Collins told TMZ “they were moving [Robertson] from one Republican to another” all night for photo ops.
Collins also revealed he didn’t take photographs with or sign autographs for any Republicans at the event, and wishes he would have had some time to chat with Robertson:
I wish that he wasn’t moving as quick and we could have had an opportunity to talk, have a brief conversation. It starts with a conversation, it starts with extending your hand to shake someone’s hand or to open your mouth.
'No Way' ENDA Will Pass This Year
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act has no likelihood of passing this year, says John Boehner.
The House speaker told the LGBT Equality Caucus that there was “no way” ENDA would pass, during his first-ever meeting with the group of lawmakers last week.
Rep. Mark Takano, a gay congressman and cochair of the caucus, related the exchange Tuesday to the Washington Blade after President Obama’s State of the Union address.
“A number of us did meet with, actually the caucus met with Speaker Boehner,” Takano said. “He said no way was it going to get done in this session.”
However, Takano classified the conference between the Republican speaker and the caucus, a group of over 100 lawmakers seeking LGBT equality, as “a historic sort of meeting.”
Boehner’s remarks reveal that he will most likely not schedule ENDA, which would provide antidiscrimination protections for LGBT workers nationwide, for a vote on the House floor in 2014. Last April the act had easily passed in the Senate with a vote of 64-32. But in November Boehner had voiced his belief that ENDA was “unnecessary.”
“I am opposed to discrimination of any kind in the workplace or anyplace else, but I think this legislation … is unnecessary and would provide a basis for frivolous lawsuits,” he said in a press conference that month. “People are already protected in the workplace.”
'She Keeps Me Warm's' Mary Lambert on Bullying and Growing Up with a Gay Mom
Out performer Mary Lambert had a big night at the Grammys Sunday as part of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ performance of “Same Love” during which Queen Latifah officiated the marriages of 33 same and opposite sex couples.Lambert sang “Same Love’s” hook “She Keeps Me Warm” solo and with the legendary Madonna.
Since then the 24-year-old singer/songwriter from Seattle has been making the rounds. Most recently she spoke with Access Hollywood about being bullied as a kid for being gay and about her activism from a very young age because her mom had come out as a lesbian.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Kimmel Asks Pedestrians About The State Of The Union (That Hadn't Happened Yet)
Once again, Jimmy Kimmel proves that people will do anything to get on TV. His crew asked people on Hollywood Blvd. what they thought of the State of the Union yesterday. One problem, though: the speech had not yet occurred. But of course that didn't stop people from giving their opinion.
RT reports:
“In a response to the broad international discussion of this issue we would like to make a resolute statement – marriage is a union between a man and a woman, based on love and mutual understanding and made in order to give birth to children,” Russia’s head cleric stated.
Patriarch Kirill promised that the church would provide support to all state and public institutions that seek to protect the traditional Christian values. He stressed, however, that such a move was not caused by a desire to influence politics, rather by the very nature of Christianity.
When the state adjusts its every move in accordance with the “natural moral norms” it does not become religious, but instead turns into a “reasonable guardian of the common good.”
Canadian IOC member Dick Pound told Metro Canada that the media is not only overreacting to Russia's "anti-gay stuff", they're losing interest:
“Nobody has got anything else to write about and for some reason as they have sort of moved away from the anti-gay stuff — I think it’s not drawing the kind of attention that they wanted,” Pound said.
Pound said other countries have “far harsher laws” regarding homosexuals than Russia and little is written on that.
Pound said other countries have “far harsher laws” regarding homosexuals than Russia and little is written on that.
“In Malaysia, you can be put to death. In Nigeria, you can be put in jail for God knows how long,” Pound said. “So it’s a target of convenience with respect to Russia, not that I approve of the law, but putting it on a scale of 1-10 of odious laws, it’s not way up there near 10.”
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Uganda president won’t sign anti-gay law without proof gays are not born that way
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said Friday he would sign the country’s controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill only on the condition that he receives scientific proof that gays are made and not born.
“Unless I have got confirmation from scientists that this condition is not genetic, but a behavior that is acquired, I will not sign the bill,” Museveni reportedly told members of his National Resistance Movement, according to Uganda’s Observer.
Museveni, who blocked the bill earlier this month, and rebuked Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga for not following parliamentary procedures by passing the law without a quorum, called for a commission to be established and report its findings on during the party’s retreat next month.
Museveni said his views against the law were influenced by a report by some gay rights activists whom he met recently. “He said that those activists told him that gays were born just like albinos,” a source said.
The Observer reported that Museveni “supports the law 100% especially if it deals with people who promote, abate, recruit and support homosexuality, but was a bit hesitant to accept the law if it seeks to punish homosexuals.”
Jimmy Fallon Has Contestant Throw Hot Dogs Into Cut Out Of Bachelor Juan Pablo's Mouth
The newest star of ABC's "The Bachelor" certainly doesn't seem to be living down those anti-gay statements he made.
On an episode of "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" last week, the talk show host featured Juan Pablo Galavis himself -- or at least his likeness -- during his regular "Darts of Insanity" segment.
Fallon wheeled out a giant picture of Galavis' face with a hole cut out for his mouth and had a contestant from the audience attempt to throw seven hotdogs through the hole in what seemed to be a fairly clear gay oral sex metaphor.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sochi mayor Anatoly Pakhomov says there are no gay people in his Russian town

The mayor of Sochi, Russia, which will host the 2014 Winter Olympics in less than two weeks, has told the BBC that there are no gay people in his town — despite the fact that several news outlets have now gone inside the city's unmarked gay clubs.
Anatoly Pakhomov, the mayor of Sochi and a member of the ruling United Russia party, told the BBC's Panorama that his city's "hospitality will be extended to everyone who respects the laws of the Russian Federation and who doesn’t impose their habits and their will on others," he said. "But yes, everyone is welcome."
But when asked whether there were any gay people already in Sochi, the mayor balked. "We do not have them in our city," Pakhomov said. When challenged by the reporter who'd visited one of the city's gay bars the night before, the mayor admitted he wasn't certain that there were no gay people in Sochi.
Oh, but here is the video "Being Gay in Sochi" from CNN:
Oh, but here is the video "Being Gay in Sochi" from CNN:
33 Gay And Straight Couples Marry At Grammys As Macklemore And Madonna Sing
Queen Latifah married 33 same-sex
and opposite-sex couples late Sunday night on live television during the 56th
annual Grammy Awards on CBS. The mass wedding followed a performance of what
has been called a “gay anthem,” Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ “Same Love,” with
Mary Lambert. A special additional singer, Madonna, performed “Open Your
Heart,” as Queen Latifah asked the couples to exchange rings.
“This song is a love song not for some of us, but for all of us,” Queen Latifah
told the audience. “Strip away the fear, underneath it’s all the same love.”
“We are
gathered here,” she continued, “to celebrate love and harmony, in every key and
every color.”
She then
pronounced them married couples.
Grammys Wedding Of Gay And Straight Couples Was ‘Intolerance, Bigotry And Hatred’

Fox News religion “reporter” Todd Starnes had a meltdown last night during the Grammys, as Queen Latifah married 33 same-sex and opposite-sex couples in a mass wedding. Just before the ceremony, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ offered a fantastic performance of their hit, “Same Love,” with Mary Lambert. Then, as Queen Latifah asked the couples to exchange rings, Madonna sang her 1986 hit song, “Open Your Heart.”
All this was far too much for Starnes, who has been labeled a liar by a Christian blogger for his piecemeal, cherry-picking “reporting” that tries to paint President Barack Obama and the U.S. Military as waging a war against Christians.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Rachel Maddow joined David Letterman last night to discuss the Christie scandal and the Sochi Olympics. Letterman asked Rachel about the anti-gay laws and what should be done.
Said Letterman:
"I was hoping that everybody would pull out and everybody would say 'This is not right. This is medieval times. We're not going.' ... Vladimir Putin said they would not be targeted. Which to me was like, 'Oh.....thanks'."
Friday, January 24, 2014
Virginia AG says gay marriage ban unconstitutional
In a move that could give gay marriage its first foothold in the South, Virginia’s attorney general said Thursday he concluded the state’s ban on same-sex unions is unconstitutional and he will join the fight against it.
Newly elected Democratic Attorney General Mark R. Herring said he would support gay couples who have filed lawsuits challenging the state’s ban.
“After thorough legal review, I have now concluded that Virginia’s ban on marriage between same sex couples violates the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on two grounds: marriage is a fundamental right being denied to some Virginians, and the ban unlawfully discriminates on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender,” Herring said.
Okla. lawmaker wants voters to ban same-sex marriage … again
Just one week after a judge struck down Oklahoma’s 2004 voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, a state lawmaker has filed a bill that would call for a second vote to amend the Oklahoma Constitution to again ban same-sex marriage.
Rep. Mike Turner (R-Edmond, Okla.), on Tuesday said he filed the measure in anticipation that a federal appeals court will uphold the ruling and Oklahoma’s gay marriage ban would be struck down, reported the Tulsa World.
Turner has also introduced a separate bill called the “Preservation of Marriage Act,” which currently contains no substantial language and can be modified, as can the other measure.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
It's the first time a municipality in Mississippi has ever officially recognized the dignity of its LGBT residents, according to HRC's Chad Griffin.
WLOX reports:
"The city of Starkville, Mississippi is sending a message to its residents that all people – regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity – are worthy of respect and equality," Griffin said in a statement. "These are fundamental American values, and Mayor Parker Wiseman and the Starkville City Council are setting an inspiring example for their fellow lawmakers in surrounding cities and towns."
Griffin called for a continued push "for ordinances that codify these values into law across the state, the impact of this resolution on LGBT people – particularly youth – will be powerful."
Top Official Resigns From School That Ousted Gay Vice Principal
The top administrator of a Roman Catholic high school in Washington State has resigned, in the wake of the ousting of a vice principal who married his male partner.
Sister Mary Tracy, president of Eastside Catholic High School in Sammamish, a Seattle suburb, submitted her resignation to the school’s board of trustees, the board cochairs announced in an email sent yesterday to parents and others connected with the school.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Florida Couples Sue State for Right to Marry

Six same-sex couples are suing the state of Florida for the right to marry, arguing that their state's constitutional amendment that bars gay and lesbian couples from marrying violates the U.S. Constitution.
The Equality Florida Institute is working with the six couples, who are all from Miami and the surrounding area. The couples are Catherina Pareto and Karla Arguello; Juan Carlos Rodriguez and David Price; Vanessa and Melanie Alenier; Todd and Jeff Delmay; Summer Greene and Pamela Faerber; and Don Price Johnston and Jorge Isaias Diaz.
“Florida is our home, it is where we are raising our child, and where we want to get married,” Pareto said in a Tuesday press release from the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “Karla and I wish for our family the same things that other families want. We want to build our lives together, provide a safe and caring home for our child, and share in the responsibilities and protections of marriage.”
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 CEO Faces PR Battle After Board Member’s Anti-Gay Stance

Mormon Church-owned Deseret News, which covers Utah, this weekend published an article claiming the “majority of Utahns do not support same-sex marriage, believe the decision on marriage should rest with individual states, and say if gay marriage were legal, Utah should pass laws to protect places of worship from having to perform weddings for gay and lesbian couples.”
Which is odd, since their competitor just published a poll that finds Utahans evenly-split, 48-48 on marriage.
“If same-sex marriage were legal in Utah, 72 percent said laws should be passed to protect churches, synagogues and other places of worship from having to perform same-sex marriages. Twenty-two percent said no such laws are needed,” Deseret News claims:
Jonathan Johnson, executive vice chairman of the online retailer and founder of the First Freedom PAC, said it’s shocking to him that some people think churches don’t need protection. He started the political action committee to combat what he sees as an assault on the First Amendment and to preserve the role of churches and religious associations in society.
“It makes me feel like if a same-gender couple goes to an orthodox Jewish rabbi and says, ‘Marry us in your synagogue,’ the 22 percent would say he has to say yes,” he said.
“I’m surprised that anyone thinks that the government should force religions to do things,” he said. “But because the religious liberties issue today is so tied to the same-sex marriage issue, I can see why it’s a sore spot for people.”
The executive vice chairman’s First Freedom PAC says the ”Supreme Court’s DOMA decision was an affront to the religious convictions of tens of millions of Americans. The Obama Administration has been a constant battering ram on the conscience of individuals, businesses, religious organizations, and even the military.”
Jonathan Johnson, executive vice chairman of the online retailer and founder of the First Freedom PAC, said it’s shocking to him that some people think churches don’t need protection. He started the political action committee to combat what he sees as an assault on the First Amendment and to preserve the role of churches and religious associations in society.
“It makes me feel like if a same-gender couple goes to an orthodox Jewish rabbi and says, ‘Marry us in your synagogue,’ the 22 percent would say he has to say yes,” he said.
“I’m surprised that anyone thinks that the government should force religions to do things,” he said. “But because the religious liberties issue today is so tied to the same-sex marriage issue, I can see why it’s a sore spot for people.”
ABC released a statement yesterday distancing itself from comments made by Bachelor star Juan Pablo Galavis that gays are "perverted" and therefore a gay-themed version of The Bachelor would not set a "good example" for children.
Said ABC:
"Juan Pablo’s comments were careless, thoughtless and insensitive, and in no way reflect the views of the network, the show’s producers or studio."
Soccer Fans Take a Stand for LGBT Nigerians
Soccer fans and LGBT supporters in Cape Town, South Africa, made a statement against Nigeria's recently passed antigay law when the South African team Bafana Bafana took on Nigeria's Super Eagles national football team in Cape Town on Sunday.
A "small but visible" contingent of demonstrators waved rainbow flags, and carried progay signs during the sold-out game in South Africa's Cape Town Stadium Sunday, reports Mamba Online.
"People were scattered all around the stadium,” demonstrator Alistair Mackay told MambaOnline. “We saw rainbow flags and even a rainbow umbrella…. While there weren’t enough of us to make a big impact in the stadium, we got into the news, which was perfect and what we wanted."
Monday, January 20, 2014
Vote To Ban Gay Marriage Or I’ll Kick You Off Committee

Indiana‘s Republican Speaker of the House is now on a religious crusade to ensure — at any and all costs — that a bill to ban same-sex marriage passes in committee. This week, after hours of testimony from in-state and out-of-state parties on HJR3, legislation that would allow allow voters to decide if they want a ban on same-sex marriage written into their constitution, the committee decided to not actually complete a scheduled vote on the measure.
Now, it appears the delay was due to not having enough “yeas” to pass the bill to the full House for a vote. In other words, the bill — which, given all the recent federal rulings, in Utah, Oklahoma, and other states, is clearly unconstitutional — is about to die, and the Speaker has effectively demanded super-natural life-sustaining measures be taken.
House Speaker Brian Bosma is now threatening Judiciary Committee members that he will kick them off the prestigious and influential committee if they will not vote for the bill.
“The speaker, of course, has the power to move bills and has complete autonomy over committee membership,” Bosma says, according to NWI Politics. “Our rules clearly provide for” removal of an elected representative from the judiciary committee. “Members serve at the pleasure of the speaker.”
S.C. bill would allow married same-sex couples to file joint state tax returns
The top Democrat in the South Carolina House says same-sex couples who are legally married in other states should be able to jointly file their state income taxes.
A bill filed Wednesday by House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford would mean the couples wouldn’t have to file separate tax returns.
The Columbia Democrat says the requirement to file excess paperwork is not only discriminatory, but a waste of time and money.
Same-sex marriages are legal in 17 states.
In 2006, South Carolina voters approved amending the constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. The definition was already in state law, but legislators argued the change was needed to bar recognition of same-sex unions from other states.
Rutherford filed separate legislation Wednesday aimed at deleting that amendment.
Juan Pablo Galavis, 'Bachelor' Star, Says Gays Should Not Be On Hit ABC Reality Show
When asked whether or not he thought the hit ABC reality show featuring a gay or bisexual bachelor would be a "good idea," Juan Pablo Galavis reportedly told The TV Page's Sean Daly, "No... I respect [gay people] but, honestly, I don't think it's a good example for kids..."
Galavis, the 18th man to score the coveted role of "The Bachelor," continued his conversation with Daly -- but not before pointing out his gay friend Peter (because if you have a gay friend, you can't be homophobic, right?) -- and added:
"Obviously people have their husband and wife and kids and that is how we are brought up. Now there is fathers having kids and all that, and it is hard for me to understand that too in the sense of a household having peoples… Two parents sleeping in the same bed and the kid going into bed… It is confusing in a sense."
Galavis, who is the show's first Latino bachelor, also stated that "there's this thing about gay people... it seems to me, and I don't know if I'm mistaken or not... but they're more 'pervert' in a sense. And to me the show would be too strong... too hard to watch."
Galavis, who is the show's first Latino bachelor, also stated that "there's this thing about gay people... it seems to me, and I don't know if I'm mistaken or not... but they're more 'pervert' in a sense. And to me the show would be too strong... too hard to watch."
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Joel Osteen Tells Larry King 'Scripture Says Homosexuality Is A Sin.. But I Don't Want To Preach About It'
Megachurch pastor of Lakewood Church and televangelist Joel Osteen was a guest on Larry King Now in Los Angeles to talk about everything from Duck Dynasty to Obamacare -- and, of course, his views on the gays came up.
King asked Osteen, "What are your views on homosexuality?” to which Osteen replied “The same that they’ve been. I believe that scripture says that it’s a sin but I always follow that up by saying you know what, we’re not against anybody.”
King pressed him to explain, commenting, "How can it be if we don't know what causes it? You don't know why you're a heterosexual."
"There's a lot of things Larry that I don't understand- so I just don't want to preach on it, preach about it," Osteen said.
King enquired, "Does gay marriage annoy you?" Osteen said, “It doesn’t annoy me. From a scripture point of view, it’s not what my faith would teach, but it doesn’t annoy me."
The interview with Larry King is another example of the somewhat mixed messages offered by Rev. Osteen on homosexuals.
Church Congregation Protests Treatment Of Gay Choir Director In Amazing Way
A Methodist congregation in Indiana rallied behind a local choir director who left his position and was not allowed to return, presumably because he is gay.
Adam Fraley took a job as the choir director for the United Methodist Church in Alexandria, Ind., six years ago, area news outlet The Herald Bulletin reported. He was not openly gay while working at the church, but his partner attended services. Earlier this year, a new minister was hired and said he was "uncomfortable" with Fraley in the position. Fraley eventually resigned because of a heavy workload and his own personal discomfort with the new leadership, per the Bulletin. Six months later, the church got yet another new minister, and the congregants hoped Fraley would be allowed back, but he was not.
“The pastor that’s currently at the church, doesn’t want to work, or doesn’t feel like he can work with somebody, that is like me,” Fraley told local news station WISH. “I do wonder, if the fact that I am gay, had something to do with the amount of workload I was given, because I did resign from the position."
A central point in the issue is apparently a United Methodist Church law stating gay people are allowed to attend services, but are not allowed to serve in positions of leadership. The official guidelines on the topic state: "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church."
Friday, January 17, 2014
Uganda President Blocks Anti-Gay Bill And Asks ‘Do We Kill’ ‘Abnormal’ Homosexuals?

The President of Uganda has temporarily blocked his country’s internationally condemned “Kill the Gays” bill on procedural grounds. But President Yoweri Museveni made his position quite clear, asking what should be done with gay people, whom he labeled “abnormal.”
“The President said a homosexual is somebody who is abnormal because the normal person was created to be attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate and perpetuate the human race. He said, nature goes wrong in a minority of cases,” Uganda’s Daily Monitor reports today.
“The question at the core of the debate of homosexuality is; what do we do with an abnormal person?,” Museveni asked. “Do we kill him/her? Do we imprison him/her? Or we do contain him/her?”
“You cannot call an abnormality an alternative orientation,” Museveni continued. “It could be that the Western societies, on account of random breeding, have generated many abnormal people.”
Clearly, Museveni sees homosexuality as a genetic abnormality, but there is no legislation in Uganda to kill or jail people with other genetic disorders.
''Of course not...I just wanted to make the point not to let politics interfere with the Olympics.''
Obama announced last month that gay athletes Billie Jean King, Brian Boitano and Caitlin Cahow would be in the official delegation to Sochi and he wouldn't be attending.
King spoke with Stephen Colbert about her role in the delegation, saying she did not plan to protest but would answer questions if asked, and when warned she might go to jail for it, said, "I'll take that chance."
Thursday, January 16, 2014
'View' Co-Host Sherri Shepherd Denies Being Anti-Gay
"The View" co-host Sherri Shepherd used the "love the sinner, hate the sin" rationale to explain why she is not homophobic.
Shepherd sat down with Fusion host Alicia Menendez Tuesday, Jan. 14, for a candid discussion about her six-year stint on the morning talk show. Menendez asked what the biggest misconception about her has been, and Shepherd said it's that she has been mistakenly deemed anti-gay because of her Christian background.
"I think people don't know my heart," she told Menendez. "I think people feel I'm very judgmental. I think people feel I'm very homophobic. If they knew me, and knew my heart ... You grow up being a Christian and you grow up believing homosexuality is a sin; you're going to hell if you're a homosexual. This is something that they teach in churches. So it's something that I grew up believing."
"I might not agree with your lifestyle, but I love you," she continued. "You may not agree with my lifestyle, but you love me ... I don't say it's a choice. If you tell me, 'Sherri, I was born gay.' Okay. I'm not gonna argue with you, because I can't tell you how you feel and what's going on inside. I'm trying to make it into heaven by the skin of my teeth ... I don't know who I'm gonna see. So if you tell me you're born [gay], I'm not gonna argue with you. And I absolutely respect you for that. I just ask that people respect how I feel, [I] respect how you feel and we can have a great dialogue."
Nearly Half Of Americans Grasp The First Amendment About As Well As Sarah Palin Does
More than 4 in 10 Americans think the First Amendment protects them from being fired for what they say, and more than 3 in 10 think it applies to situations like A&E's now-revoked suspension of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll. But they're wrong.
In the new survey, 45 percent of Americans said the First Amendment does not allow people to be fired from a job for expressing their views, while only 36 percent said such firings are allowed under the Constitution. Twenty percent said they weren't sure.
Moreover, 35 percent think the First Amendment does not allow a television network to suspend an on-screen personality for expressing a politically incorrect point of view, while 43 percent said such a suspension is permitted under the Constitution. Another 22 percent said they weren't sure.
In fact, the amendment -- which starts with the phrase "Congress shall make no law" -- protects Americans only against the government's intrusion into free speech and does not apply to the acts of private employers. But that didn't stop politicians and others from weighing in after "Duck Commander" Phil Robertson was suspended by A&E in December for comments he made about homosexuality and pre-civil-rights-era race relations that many people found offensive.
Chris Pine Blasts Russia's Antigay Law, Criticizes U.S. Response

Chris Pine criticized Russia for passing homophobic legislation banning "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" while promoting his latest film,Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, reports the Associated Press.
The 33-year-old actor and LGBT ally called the antigay law "clearly awful, archaic, hostile nonsense," and said he believes the U.S. should have taken a stronger stance against Russia’s antigay policies in the months leading up to the 2014 Winter Games, which are scheduled to begin next month in Sochi.
"I think we should do more than just send gay Olympians there," Pine told the AP. ''What's happening there in terms of gay rights or the lack of it is extraordinary and awful."
GOProud Founder Quits Party, Slams Its Leaders Over 'Bigotry'
One of the founders of GOProud, a group for gay Republicans, quit the party on Tuesday. Jimmy LaSalvia had some parting shots for Speaker John Boehner and party chairman Reince Priebus over their "tolerance of bigotry."
"Reince Priebus, he talks a good game," LaSalvia says, "but he doesn't have the balls to do what it takes to actually change things."
After the election, the Republican National Committee that Priebus leads issued what's often called an "autopsy report" examining why the party lost the White House, didn't reclaim the Senate and bled seats in the House. The RNC seemed to recommend a return to "big tent" party ideals that LaSalvia and others hoped would include gays and lesbians. That hasn't happened, and it's partly Priebus to blame.
LaSalvia says the RNC hired specialists focusing on outreach to numerous demographics but openly admits why it can't do the same for LGBT voters. "In my conversations, they acknowledge they can't do it," LaSalvia said, "and they can't do it because of the backlash from the antigay forces in their party."
"Reince Priebus, he talks a good game," LaSalvia says, "but he doesn't have the balls to do what it takes to actually change things."
After the election, the Republican National Committee that Priebus leads issued what's often called an "autopsy report" examining why the party lost the White House, didn't reclaim the Senate and bled seats in the House. The RNC seemed to recommend a return to "big tent" party ideals that LaSalvia and others hoped would include gays and lesbians. That hasn't happened, and it's partly Priebus to blame.
LaSalvia says the RNC hired specialists focusing on outreach to numerous demographics but openly admits why it can't do the same for LGBT voters. "In my conversations, they acknowledge they can't do it," LaSalvia said, "and they can't do it because of the backlash from the antigay forces in their party."
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Chick-Fil-A In Tennessee Vandalized With Pro-Gay Message
WKRN, Nashville News, Nashville Weather and Sports
Employees at a Tennessee-based Chick-fil-A franchise arrived Jan. 9 to find a pro-gay message spray-painted on the exterior of the restaurant.
As WKRN-TV reports, the spraypainted message at the Chick-fil-A in Cookeville, Tenn. read, "God loves fags and chicken," a pointed reference to the 2012 media firestorm that erupted after CEO Dan Cathy confirmed his company's controversial support of Christian organizations with known opposition to same-sex marriage and other lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.
Oklahoma Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional By Judge
A judge has ruled Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, Tulsa World reports.
U.S. Senior District Judge Terence Kern made the ruling, which is stayed pending appeal, on Tuesday. Marriages will not occur immediately in Oklahoma.
Chad Griffin, president of Human Rights Campaign, released the following statement on the ruling:
Judge Kern has come to the conclusion that so many have before him – that the fundamental equality of lesbian and gay couples is guaranteed by the United States Constitution. With last year’s historic victories at the Supreme Court guiding the way, it is clear that we are on a path to full and equal citizenship for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. Equality is not just for the coasts anymore, and today’s news from Oklahoma shows that time has come for fairness and dignity to reach every American in all 50 states.
Indiana House Erupts In Laughter After Lawmaker Calls LGBT Community 'Intolerant'
As Indiana continues to debate legislation that would ban same-sex marriage in the Hoosier state, one lawmaker made a claim on Monday that caused the House chamber to erupt into laughter.
Jim Bopp, a notoriously conservative Indiana lawmaker, told attendees of the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing that those in favor of marriage equality who find the nature of the debate damaging are "intolerant.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014
Governor McAuliffe Signs Executive for LGBT Non-Discrimination
As one of his first official acts in office, Virginia’s new Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe, signed four executive orders following his inauguration Saturday. Executive Order #1 restores LGBT employment protection for state workers.
Virginia offered LGBT protections for state employees under Democratic Governors Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, but they were eliminated under Republican Governor Bob McDonnell, and his gay-phobic attorney general Ken Cuccinelli, whom McAuliffe defeated to become governor. This is the first time however, such an order includes protections for gender identity and expression.
Executive Order #1 fulfills a promise McAuliffe made on the campaign trail. After signing, Governor McAuliffe remarked:
“My administration is committed to keeping Virginia open and welcoming to all who call our commonwealth home. Executive Order Number 1 sets the tone for an administration that will not accept discrimination in any form, and one that will work tirelessly to ensure all Virginians have equal opportunity in the workplace, no matter their backgrounds, race, religion, or whom they love.”
12-year-old addresses Utah rally on the meaning of marriage and family
Hundreds of marriage equality supporters and recently married same-sex couples gathered inside the state Capitol in Salt Lake City on Friday to deliver a petition with over 58,000 signatures calling on Gov. Gary Herbert to let stand the state’s recognition of more than 1,300 same-sex marriages performed in Utah.
Among them was 12-year-old Riley Hackford-Peer, whose two moms were able to marry in the window before the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay on a lower court ruling striking down the Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
With his younger brother by his side, Riley spoke to the crowd about the meaning of marriage and family, and the two best days of his life.
All Same-Sex Relationships Now Illegal In Nigeria As President Signs Bill Into Law

Sex between two persons of the same gender is already illegal, but the President of that African republic has just signed into law a bill that makes same-sex marriage or any same-sex “amorous relationship” illegal as well.
President Goodluck Jonathan had delayed signing the bill, which passed last May. It provides for penalties of up to 14 years in prison for the “crime” of entering into a loving relationship with a person of the same-sex, or even joining a group that supports LGBT civil rights.
Nigeria is the seventh most-populous country in the world, with an estimated 175 million people within its borders. About half the country observes Christianity, and about half observe Islam.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Federal Government Will Recognize Utah Same-Sex Marriages

The U.S. government will recognize as valid the unions of 1,360 same-sex couples who married in Utah during the 17 days such marriages legal, attorney general Eric Holder announced today. Holder cited the landmark June ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Windsor, which found that legally married same-sex couples are entitled to equal protection and treatment under the law.
Same-sex couples who were married in Utah between December 20, when a federal judge ruled the state's voter-approved ban on marriage equality unconstitutional, and Monday, when theU.S. Supreme Court granted a stay on that ruling, can file joint federal taxes and are entitled to all federal benefits granted to married couples, The New York Times reports.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Number Of Americans Willing To Admit To Being Republican Nosedives To Historic Low

The number of Americans who are willing to admit to being Republicans has just taken a steep nosedive into historic low numbers. Gallup today is reporting that over the course of 2013, the average of all their polling found just 25 percent of Americans now identify as Republican, which is the lowest since Gallup “began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago.” By comparison, 31 percent identify as Democrat, and a startling 42 percent now identify as independent.
But it gets worse for the GOP.
During the last quarter of 2013, Gallup found that a mere 22 percent of those polled were willing to admit to being Republican. That’s little more than one in five Americans. Meanwhile, 29 percent said they were Democrats and 46 percent labeled themselves independent of either party.
German World Cup Player Becomes Biggest Soccer Star To Come Out As Gay

Hitzlsperger became the biggest footballer to announce he is gay.
“I am talking about being gay because I want to move forward the discussion about homosexuality among professional sports stars,” he told German newspaper Die Zeit, adding that coming to accept he is gay was “a long and difficult process,” but that he has “never been ashamed” of it.
“It is only in the last few years I have realized I would rather live with a man.”
“I was never ashamed of being who I am but it was not always easy to sit at a table with 20 young men and listen to jokes about gays. You let them get on with it as long as the jokes are somewhat funny and not too insulting.”
He also said that an openly gay footballer, for “the vast majority” of fans, “probably wouldn’t be a problem.”
Of the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympic games in Sochi, Russia, Hitzlsperger says, “I think multiple voices are required against the campaigns mounted by several governments against homosexuals.”
In February of last year American pro soccer star Robbie Rogers came out. He now plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy.
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