Friday, January 17, 2014

Uganda President Blocks Anti-Gay Bill And Asks ‘Do We Kill’ ‘Abnormal’ Homosexuals?

Post image for Uganda President, Blocking Anti-Gay Bill, Asks ‘Do We Kill’ ‘Abnormal’ Homosexuals?

The President of Uganda has temporarily blocked his country’s internationally condemned “Kill the Gays” bill on procedural grounds. But President Yoweri Museveni made his position quite clear, asking what should be done with gay people, whom he labeled “abnormal.”
“The President said a homosexual is somebody who is abnormal because the normal person was created to be attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate and perpetuate the human race. He said, nature goes wrong in a minority of cases,” Uganda’s Daily Monitor reports today.
“The question at the core of the debate of homosexuality is; what do we do with an abnormal person?,” Museveni asked. “Do we kill him/her? Do we imprison him/her? Or we do contain him/her?”
“You cannot call an abnormality an alternative orientation,” Museveni continued. “It could be that the Western societies, on account of random breeding, have generated many abnormal people.”
Clearly, Museveni sees homosexuality as a genetic abnormality, but there is no legislation in Uganda to kill or jail people with other genetic disorders.

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