Monday, January 20, 2014

Vote To Ban Gay Marriage Or I’ll Kick You Off Committee

Post image for Indiana Speaker Threatens Lawmakers: Vote To Ban Gay Marriage Or I’ll Kick You Off Committee

Indiana‘s Republican Speaker of the House is now on a religious crusade to ensure — at any and all costs — that a bill to ban same-sex marriage passes in committee. This week, after hours of testimony from in-state and out-of-state parties on HJR3, legislation that would allow allow voters to decide if they want a ban on same-sex marriage written into their constitution, the committee decided to not actually complete a scheduled vote on the measure.
Now, it appears the delay was due to not having enough “yeas” to pass the bill to the full House for a vote. In other words, the bill — which, given all the recent federal rulings, in Utah, Oklahoma, and other states, is clearly unconstitutional — is about to die, and the Speaker has effectively demanded super-natural life-sustaining measures be taken.
House Speaker Brian Bosma is now threatening Judiciary Committee members that he will kick them off the prestigious and influential committee if they will not vote for the bill.
“The speaker, of course, has the power to move bills and has complete autonomy over committee membership,” Bosma says, according to NWI Politics. “Our rules clearly provide for” removal of an elected representative from the judiciary committee. “Members serve at the pleasure of the speaker.”

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