Thursday, April 30, 2009

Iowa gay foes pledge to reverse gay marriage

Iowa opponents of same-sex marriage say they will fight to reverse the court ruling allowing gays to wed, no matter how long it takes.

Same-sex couples began marrying Monday following the state Supreme Court ruling this month striking down a law limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples.

Republicans and social conservatives are now planning on making it an election issue in 2010.

GOP lawmakers blame Democrats for thwarting attempts to advance a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and say they intend to make it a campaign issue.

“Whether it be the pursuit of a constitutional amendment to give Iowans the right to vote on this issue; the establishment of residency requirements to obtain marriage licenses; or the appointment of future judges — none of these options are possible as long as Chet Culver remains governor and Democrats control the Iowa Legislature,” Paulsen, McKinley and Iowa GOP chairman Matt Strawn said in a statement to the media.

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