Monday, April 13, 2009

Rhode Island Govener Joins Antigay Group

The Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Marriage has two new members: the governor of Rhode Island and his wife.

As debate over granting same-sex marriage rights ramps up in Rhode Island -- making it potentially the fourth New England state to recognize marriage equality -- Gov. Donald Carcieri and his wife, Sue, announced on Wednesday that they are joining the antigay organization.

"In Massachusetts it was the court. In Vermont it was the legislature. I believe it should be done with citizens. Let them decide," Carcieri said in a news conference.

Rhode Island lawmakers were eyeing a bill in February that would grant marriages to gay and lesbian couples.

The organization used the governor's announcement as the launching point for a new media campaign. The group angered many with a new ad campaign that launched last week, featuring fake doctors and church attendants discuss how new advances in gay rights will take away their "freedom" and make it impossible for them to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

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